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Everything posted by TimeMachine

  1. The man has a right to share his opinion that Apple is over priced nonge. Me. I just want a phone with 1 week battery life that streams porn at 720 and takes screen shots and records phone calls.
  2. The world wide rule still stands. If you want it done right, do it yourself. YouTube shows you how to do everything except brain surgery and how to please a women these days. I found that my own paranoia stopped me from doing things. If you have standard reasoning and physical ability learning and doing it yourself is best option. Go through the vids and I can't stress enough, buy the right quality proven tools.
  3. Will it be played at Tasmanian oval?
  4. You don't want it rectified. Harder shock. Haha. Cracks me up.
  5. Isn't there a public liability insurance scheme in Thailand paid within taxes by Thai companies? I know they have the cars on the road one.
  6. Just say it. Maybe on YouTube. They seem to let freedom of speech reign still.
  7. But but but he is not of a wise old age of 93 . How can he possibly be any good at solving the country's problems.
  8. Its quite funny. The man made a market out of explaining the bleeding obvious to nut jobs.
  9. Certainly was a game for Demons to lose. They chopped it. It happens. Pies v Blues final. Yeah baby.
  10. I believe there is an unwritten law if it's about safety or need then gotta do it. Perhaps better run condos have it written in to their constitution.
  11. The nuclear codes are tied in with their pacemakers. They must be kept alive at all costs
  12. I say correct. Public do. Governments stick to their new BMWs.
  13. I'm gonna have to stop now and stick with the agree to disagree. Or disagree with agreeing or agree to agree. I can't follow a conversation that always ends up with Trump. Enjoy your discussions.
  14. Just stating what I see. You show hatred to Trump. No big deal. Hatred is a completely normal human emotion and it certainly can get us worked up to be not thinking straight. Don't be offended. Everything can be broken down to be taken personally. I could say I'm personally offended by your last post. I do try and just stick to facts , science and what I perceive to be right. Let everyone have their say and right of response.
  15. Unfortunately the complacency era is here for most countries. I can only see France as the only ones that will burn the whole place down if any funny business takes place. All others, on with your day.
  16. Dry aging beef?
  17. While I do try and not get into abusive rants with people I do think there should be a thread where people check the tick box for abuse so then as Kramer puts it we can let the expletives fly and enjoy the high! And we can say stuff like Frank Costanza. " I got a lot of problems with you people!"
  18. Cheers. Should be like jury duty. Those of a certain standing in society should raffle for the job. How could it be any worse?
  19. Spot on. Can't argue that.
  20. Keep me informed of any new interviews he does where he shows signs of being able to keep focused for a stretch. I'm happy to change my opinion, but from the footage I've seen over the last while, he is not doing so well. Perhaps , medications will seemingly get him on track. My own mother shows improvements from medicines, but once the mental starts sliding it's pretty much end of the line. I'm sorry to let you know but if you are finding Biden to be in a healthy state of mind at this present time you yourself need evaluation. But, I get it, you are more hatred towards Trump, but that is clouding your reasoning and not necessarily gone of kilter yourself.
  21. If you can't see degradation in Joe's mental capacity , then there is no debate to be had. We'll agree to disagree. You can think he'll be a great president. And I'll continue to think otherwise. Not sure why people keep replying and implying I'm championing Trump. Let me make it clear that there are much better options than both Trump and Biden. Reasoning that because someone is against Biden continuing as President then they love Trump and think he's the bees knees is stretching it. No need for stretching.
  22. Its not about age. It's about knowing what day it is today. Just came back from visiting my mother who has dementia. It's hard and sad. It is very sad that a man is pressured into working when he clearly needs to be resting. It is clear and simple elder abuse. Also the elderly chap who has been having petit mal seizures. There is no debate. Poor unreasonable disgusting human behaviour. I'm sorry that means you get Trump. But if you can't find someone better than Trump, then it's tuff titties. Trump it will have to be. Not sure why people have trouble in selecting a bright energetic capable young person. This wisdom experience nonsense doesn't fly anymore.
  23. Thanks for your question Bob. The answer is humans basically suck all round. There are no good humans. All are faulted. Find the ones with the least faults and be a bit tolerant. Best Regards. TM.
  24. Really? I thought it's still possible but you need to do a bit of beauracracy nonsense like apply for Thai tax number or something like that. I forget exactly but when the messages came to me that things changed I just reverted to Aussie account and couldn't be bothered with what they were asking for.
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