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Everything posted by TimeMachine

  1. A few points I realized lately or just come to mind and can't be fully understood. The most powerful military will end up the victors of any disputes. I compare with when UK went to Australia and took land from natives there. Now Australians live in mostly peace. Nobody kills each other by the dozens over such matters in Australia anymore. So in another 200 years it's looking like Israel will have a stronger more peaceful settlement or state or country. I realize that not much else can happen. Sad as it was for the natives in Australia, it will be sad for Palestinians.
  2. Imagine if Thailand opened up to imports without high taxes or banning certain products. You would have 10 different orange varieties to choose from.
  3. Australian government failing at many things. Hope some positive successful action taken here on an important matter.
  4. So you are saying that a prepared surgery was scheduled during return to fix a pre existing shoulder issue that was just made to look part of the current health scare issue to enable the story to absorb some compassion. That's a possibility I suppose.
  5. Interesting story. I think banks will continue to get worse. Times of governments controlling things well are over. Although bank bosses bath in champagne so surely they will say enough of being greedy <deleted> one day. 100 Porsches will be enough.
  6. While u r at it, Change banks too. BB Asking for insurance payments to open bank accounts is not representative of a bank you can trust.
  7. Sounds about right. I gave up teaching in Thailand. Not much incentive compared to other countries. It's almost like there is negative incentive. But then again I've given up on life so don't listen to me.
  8. Never been a secret. China influence for a long time. And China supports Russia. No surprises here. Just hope everything not heading to an all out show of muscle. Just glad American ties were pretty close in the past with Thailand so that counts for something towards peace. Compromise is our only hope.
  9. If you provide sale contract of condo and let them know you need to transfer large sum of money they will maybe open for you. Walk in like you own a yacht too. Otherwise pretty hard.
  10. The ultra rich males are idiots. Best ladies in Thailand. Come one and all! Enjoy life. Forget about finance.
  11. Not supposed to be taxed twice. But money used amongst citizens probably gets taxed many times over. An item going through its lifetime with an average value of $1 would be tax gouged more than half in most cases under all sorts of guises. Sun tax is even here now. I prefer to call it government mafia protection money. Pay us and nobody gets hurt.
  12. Pattaya Plaza Condotel. Best value I've found. Has decent size, giant pool, two lifts, car space, quiet, access to light and dark sides. Going rate for good room is around 800K. As low as 650 for troubled rooms. Way back bought one for 450. Looks like prices will hover for awhile. Mostly each person has that 6th sense feel for an abode so as they say ,, to one's own choose a mobile phone. And remember love thy neighbour.
  13. When you break it down all ownership is theft. My personal opinion is nobody has the right to say this land or tree or cave is mine. We should be free to travel the globe and use any part of it. Until someone wants to park their car in the same space or sleep under the same tree, do we use the who was here first rule, who is the strongest or toughest rule or the compromise rule and take it in turns. So complex when each of us has a free choice of deciding what is right or wrong. Probably what wins out nowadays in the end is who is the smartest and most cunning and of course you need the fire power to intimidate when exercising your fight to be greedy.
  14. The question is...is that enough for take over the land that they occupied first ?
  15. But I'm referring to nut job angry not just polite person angry. Even in Thailand, when you become unhandleable you are allowed what you want to calm the situation. You need to be able to take polite angry to the next level.
  16. You explained it perfectly as it is. But you still don't see how it's mafia action so I'll leave it as an agree to disagree one with my eyebrows funnelled inwards. If the government gave back to community and used the VAT to help people, that would help your argument.
  17. What are you saying? Have UK ever been to take over any countries? Why I'm shocked.
  18. In a way the VAT the government collects can be likened to a mafia group getting protection money from a small shop. Pay up or you'll be in trouble. Mafia burn down your house shop and government throw you in prison if you don't pay. Having said that hard truth I don't think any savings even super will be taxed any time soon.
  19. It matters at my condo. 38sqm 40 year building 700k-850k seems to be the stable price. Nobody will sell cheaper. Of course unless you want power lines running across your balcony then 600k maybe. I'd say things are stable waiting for an inrush of people. So not many sales I guess. Perhaps over the next few years a lot more settling here from war torn places.
  20. What salary do you think the motorcycle/ car delivery drivers get per month. Seems like a hard job for 12000 a month. All day driving thinking about which parcel goes where and calling each time.
  21. That sux man. I hate it too when others fxxk you over and you get to fix their error. I would insist they refund you and get real angry with them. That seems to work most of the time. The angrier you are the more likely a good outcome.
  22. This is the beginning of the end. Governments are not governing anymore for the people. Either greedy private companies can do what they want in most countries or anything useful is knocked on the head. Anyway maybe it's the movement across the globe. Many online companies don't like that because they assume someone else is using the account and don't trust their own password encryption.
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