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save the frogs

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  1. employees? they give out the stickers to people who have been there? I give up.
  2. according to this guy, condo values in thailand doubled over the past decade. but then makes the argument why it's no longer a good investment option. https://www.investasian.com/property-investment/condo-in-thailand/ Had you invested here a decade ago, you would have done rather well. Broadly speaking, Thai condo values doubled over the past decade.
  3. apart from some decent healthy food, 7-11 has all manner of junk food and everyone is eating junk food. and they also sell cigarettes don't they? never noticed as i don't smoke. these types of places exist all over the world. they're called corner stores.
  4. western countries have a welfare system, unemployment insurance ... thailand doesn't, so that might be one reason.
  5. but your story could get picked up by Hollywood and made into a film. although that's a long shot or not sure how it works, but maybe you can write a screenplay and try to reach out to hollywood if you've got the talent i dont read novels much, only books with information since there are so many movies for fiction some people say "the book is better than the film." could be. but i like visuals and you can watch way more films than read books. also, there's a lot free animations online. i like visuals, which have mostly replaced just printed text. if I do get back into reading, it would be mostly short stories though as I have no patience for 500 page books.
  6. met a thai girl who bought a condo she's a real estate agent and she is a local, so she knows which develepors are reliable might be a good idea to research the developer, do a background check
  7. ok, maybe thailand is more corrupt. what do i know?
  8. no, western countries are not less corrupt. many scientific studies are deliberately flawed and paid by Big Pharma to give people misinformation on diet so people will get sick and need to end up in the hospital system. Corruption is the oldest profession in the world.
  9. so you think western doctors are not trigger happy with prescribing drugs? how many people have been on antibiotics for the sniffles?
  10. every generation has pros and cons 20sthings can work off a laptop and travel the world / make money on youtube ... that wasn't possible in previous generations
  11. this is basically the same thing as an abortion, but a more cruel version
  12. FYI: Guide to Property in Hua Hin https://www.investasian.com/property-investment/property-hua-hin/
  13. there's a lot of crazy people with crazy agendas so blocking free speech isn't always a bad thing
  14. thailand gets 34/100 freedom score, but based on what criteria? seems like a silly baseless score to me.
  15. if you're over 50, you can get a retirement visa and you can open a thai bank account with it.
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