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ignore it

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Everything posted by ignore it

  1. ignore it

    septic tanks.

    Ermm. No Cockney types about I guess.
  2. Somewhere in Pattaya a cop is helping to return a bag of gold to a tourist.
  3. ignore it

    septic tanks.

    As an American, I object to this thread.
  4. Cool rescue. Good thing they didn't stumble and fall on a footpath.
  5. Looser. Should have ditched the stick and gone in with a rock and some paper.
  6. I've a collection of cigarette ends in my ashtray. Can we do some trading?
  7. No illegal Chinese were injured during the raid as they were all in language school on Yaowarat
  8. Got to tell em not to try to breath under the water or drink it. Good thing he paid his 300 bhat and got the insurance.
  9. Bummer. But... No respect for his own life. No pity from me. Good luck dude. Next time be more responsible, wear a helmet, be mindful you got kids and a fam. Don't drink and drive. Don't go Larkin about when you should be home looking for work.
  10. Siam Rath reporter be needing some better weed.
  11. I'm with a Thai woman 2 thirds my age. Mind you, nothing wrong with American women. Everyone enjoys a good argument now and then.
  12. Will this be a recognized excuse like passenger scream, microsleep, brake failure, etc...?
  13. Guess its one thing to be ripped off, but it seems like you've been Uber ripped off.
  14. That's one lucky guy. He ended up with a car to sleep in.
  15. Weluwan police in Khon Kaen reports a fire of unknown origin has consumed some 40 stored boxes. Unfortunately CCTV cameras were not working at the time of the fire.
  16. Monkeys go ape in boycott of HelloFresh products. Big Boss Monkey states "First they start shipping us to China to be dinner, now they stop us from working! When will this monkeys business end?"
  17. Tham Pha Mak Ho Temple, in Ban Thai Charoen village that reported hundreds of missing monkeys in mid February reports that the missing monkeys are still missing.
  18. Some Thai math. Premchai got 16 months for killing a black panther. These guys get 57 months for killing 2 tigers. 57÷2=28.5 28.5÷16=1.78 So one dead tiger equals 1.78 dead panthers. Seems reasonable that the activists are angry.
  19. The bad news: Dead tigers The good news: No Chinese involved. Orig article says they burned the flesh and bones. These bits are big juju in Chinese Traditional Medicine. "Tiger Bone Wine" etc.
  20. As a decendent of an indentured kitchen maid from the 1700's I got mine+1, but I'm waiting my 'white slave' reparations check to buy a ticket. No gofundme for me!
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