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ignore it

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Everything posted by ignore it

  1. What the F? So... no pardons for Hitler, Pol Pot, or Mao?
  2. Well, looking on the bright side, nobody is complaining about deserted streets and idle busses sitting parked everywhere like during the covid lock-up.
  3. Lots of US Navy Seals sitting on stools too. Closest I ever got to a “SpecOps” bar type was in Phnom Penh in the 90’s when I was sitting in Sharkies Bar and asked how the bayonets got stuck in the ceiling.
  4. I guess back in the day I was a leftie. I marched and protested the Vietnam war. When I came back from my walk on part in the war, I was a bit dismayed that the (what had become) “they” had started protesting about ecology. It went on and on from there and eventually got DumbJoe and Ms Cackle elected, DEI, topless guys with boobs whooping it up on the White House lawn and too much more to mention. I’m kinda sorry for my insignificant part in the start of it all. But, I am glad that Ladyboys (not “transsexuals”) are ripping off gold from the Indians on Pattaya Beach. With luck this woke-ism is going the way of all fads
  5. Ummm. Here’s a new walled market out by Soi 4 Chayapuke East of the tracks, next to the open market. Stopped in to check it out and bought some stuff totaling THB 140. Gave the check out girl a 100 and a 50 note. No scanner and “modern” cash register like in your local 7-11, just a totalizer and receipt printer. Girl gave me back a 20 baht note in change. Speaking no Thai, I pulled out the phone and with the calculator showed her the math. This confounded her, but the manager was at hand, so I showed her the math. The manager accepted the 20 back, reached into the cash drawer and pulled out a newer, cleaner one and gave it to me. I smiled and left. I’m not commenting on the newer generations or the Thai educational system, but You can get a heck of a deal at the shop so check it out. It’s like a super 7-11 lots of cans and packages of stuff minus the fresh food and fresh coffee service. My gut tells me they won’t be there for a long time.
  6. I think being the first to comment after story was initially posted 11 hours ago is an indication of the level of interest in Ms Neverwas/Hasbeen and her husband Spare Me.
  7. Note to Posters. I'm thinking that few curmudgeons read posts longer than say 500 words. Here we have 1805 words. In answer to your post, No. What a silly question.
  8. But...Members get a discount.
  9. "Honey, do you think we should take Jumbo to the fireworks tonight?" "Sure Sanga what could go wrong."
  10. You know what the news is—now you’re going to hear... the rest of the story." Five high class Indian tourists were in Pattaya. After a day of walking around in the sun, being hot and thirsty they stopped at Moishe's Take Away to buy a bottle of water to share. Moishe, not happy to be disturbed from his nap, gets them 5 waters. The Indians say "only one bottle but can we have 5 straws?" Moishe, a bit miffed, sells them one bottle and gives them 5 straws. On their way out, the Indians, having noticed there is no where to relieve themselves, ask an irritated Moishe where they can urinate. Moishe says, "Gey pishn in yam!*" And now you know the rest of the story. * Go pee in the ocean
  11. International Roti seller trafficking ring . BUSTED!
  12. Well as they say in France' Frères, aux barricades ! Bloquons la rue, Allah Akbar." Brothers to the barricade let us block the street, God is great!
  13. What? Is the author from another parallel universe. A pathetic rant by a delusional demented old man is more like it. No I am wrong. A pathetic rant read from a script by a delusional demented old man. And poorly read at that.
  14. Look, it's a bright new world now, All of the wokiness crap is totally unnecessary and passé. "Transwoman" is out and ladyboy or Kathoey is in.
  15. This kind of behavior on the streets of Pattaya is spoiling the reputation of the city. Being famous for it's alcohol-fuelled brawls involving unruly tourist, the kind of stuff is unacceptable.
  16. Re Paragraph 4....."He also damaged her cars to fund his addictions..." My Honda is kind of a beater now and I don't gamble or drink, but I can always use a bunch of Bhat So how do I learn more about this
  17. Hmm, Is there another Pattaya somewhere the article is conflating this Pattaya with?
  18. This is an anonymous forum. Don't hold back. Tell us what you really feel
  19. Well, were on the 5th page of replies, but... As a long time bum patter, I'm booking a trip to Warsaw
  20. Got forked in the back. Jeeze its dangerous in the nightclubs.
  21. Hey, Chines Welcome Free sailing catamaran trips
  22. ignore it

    Soil Bukhao

    Are any streets in Thailand effectively one way?
  23. Wow Another thing accomplished during his presidency he had nothing to do with that he can take credit for. "That's my Joe!"
  24. Terrible Hope they locate him. However looking on the bright side at least he wasn't an influencer.
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