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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. Health Canada has confirmed the presence of a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed. > Now stop trolling, if all you can come up with are 2 year old Poltifact and 1 year old UsaToday articles, to 'debunk' what official HealthCanada is now stating.
  2. Health Canada has confirmed the presence of a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed. There is debate among scientists with regards to the significance of the finding, with some saying the DNA sequence has the potential to cause cancer, and others saying it poses little to no threat. “Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission,” the agency said in an email to The Epoch Times. “Although the full DNA sequence of the Pfizer plasmid was provided at the time of initial filing, the sponsor did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence.” The regulator said that after scientists Kevin McKernan and Dr. Phillip J. Buckhaults publicly raised the presence of SV40 enhancers in the vaccines earlier this year, “it was possible for Health Canada to confirm the presence of the enhancer based on the plasmid DNA sequence submitted by Pfizer against the published SV40 enhancer sequence.” Both scientists made waves after discovering plasmid DNA in the mRNA COVID-19 injections, warning it could potentially alter the human genome. However, the two share different degrees of concern about the significance of an SV40 sequence—which is used as an enhancer to drive gene transcription during the vaccine manufacturing process—being present in the shots. You can read full article here > https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/exclusive-health-canada-confirms-undisclosed-presence-of-dna-sequence-in-pfizer-shot-5513277
  3. Possible but that is pure speculation from your part. Note that the USAspending.gov website does not mention any annotations being made, which you would expect for a site dedicated to tracking projects.
  4. > And what about the DATE of that contract - september 2018 for Covid-19 services? Preparing to combat ridiculous posts from conspiracy theorists for an event that would only emerge + 1year later?
  5. @Yagoda @Hamus Yaigh Well, I looked whether I could find that screenshot on the USAspending.gov website. And yes, here is the link > https://www.usaspending.gov/award/CONT_AWD_FA865018C7886_9700_-NONE-_-NONE- So it's not a hoax, and the contract between the DOD and Thomson Reuters Special Services is genuine. With that cleared up now, it sure raises some questions that the US Dept of Defense awarded a 4-year contract to Reuters already in 2018 for Covid-19 services, with the project described as "Active Social Engineering Defense - Large Scale Social Deception". > Both the date of award and the description of the services to be provided, beg for some clarification... Hope some AN-members can shine some light on this.
  6. There wasn't a link to that website screenshot on the site where I came across it, hence I am not sure whether it is a hoax or genuine. Hope that some AN-member can shine some light on this.
  7. Not sure what to think about this > Is it a hoax or incriminating evidence of the Covid-19 pandemic being planned by the DOD? From this USA Spending.gov website screenshot it looks that the US Dept of Defense awarded a 4-year contract to Reuters already in 2018 for Covid-19 services, with the project described as "Active Social Engineering Defense - Large Scale Social Deception". > The date and the contract description surely do raise some questions!
  8. Best News of Today > not having to waste my time anymore responding to a foul-mouthing arrogant close-mind like you.
  9. Hope so, but unfortunately that will most probably not be the case. But eventually McCullough will be reinstated, and those that were behind revoking his license will be unceremoniously dismissed and sued their pants off.
  10. Try reading what I actually wrote. > Show me 1 post where I called you out for recommending people to take the covid-vaccine. Is it a false statement by me writing 'that you support the 'deadly covid-virus' narrative'? Don't think so, as you have repeatedly accused those like myself that state that it are not viruses that transmit diseases as crazy, anti-vax nutters.
  11. Explains a lot about your vehement stance supporting the 'deadly covid-virus' narrative. Whose bread one eats, whose word one speaks...
  12. So those +81.000 physicians, scientists, and concerned citizens, 240 elected officials and 17 professional organizations that are calling for the immediate removal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market to prevent further loss of life, are all 'anti-vax' quacks??? Pathetic nonsense!
  13. Yes, you'll always find Andy in the kitchen at those...
  14. Interesting... And you will undoubtedly also find this table interesting As you go down the list, nearly every senator who gave RFK Jr. a hard time during the hearing was a beneficiary of major pharma bucks. Bernie Sanders and Elisabeth Warren respectively for +23 and +10 million US $
  15. Rather strange reasoning you apply here. How exactly do people that argue AGAINST vaccination, 'make a buck from other people, even as they know what they say is wrong'?
  16. Over 81,000 physicians, scientists, and concerned citizens, 240 elected officials, 17 professional organizations, excess mortality, negative efficacy, and DNA contamination call for urgent action. Source: https://publichealthpolicyjournal.com/review-of-calls-for-market-removal-of-covid-19-vaccines-intensify-risks-far-outweigh-theoretical-benefits/ = = = This peer-reviewed study by The McCullough Foundation, authored by epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, and Dr. Peter McCullough, titled, Review of Calls for Market Removal of COVID-19 Vaccines Intensify: Risks Far Outweigh Theoretical Benefits, was just published in the journal Science, Public Health Policy and the Law: Abstract COVID-19 vaccination campaigns around the globe have failed to meet fundamental standards of safety and efficacy, leading to mounting evidence of significant harm. More than 81,000 physicians, scientists, researchers, and concerned citizens, 240 elected government officials, 17 professional public health and physician organizations, 2 State Republican Parties, 17 Republican Party County Committees, and 6 scientific studies from across the world have called for the market withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines. As of September 6, 2024, the CDC has documented 19,028 deaths in the United States reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) by healthcare professionals or pharmaceutical companies who believe the product is related to the death. The total number of COVID-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS (37,544 among all participating countries) have far exceeded the recall limits of past vaccine withdrawals by up to 375,340%. The criteria for an FDA Class I recall, which applies to products with a reasonable probability of causing serious adverse health consequences or death, have been far exceeded. Excess mortality, negative efficacy, widespread DNA contamination, and a lack of demonstrated reduction in transmission, hospitalization, or mortality have undermined the rationale for continued administration. These unified requests for regulatory action underscore substantial shortcomings in data safety monitoring and risk mitigation. Immediate removal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market is essential to prevent further loss of life and ensure next steps are taken for accountability of the harm incurred. = = = If you don't have the time to read the full study, and article highlighting and summarizing the main findings of this lengthy study, can be read here: > https://vigilantnews.com/post/peer-reviewed-study-finds-irrefutable-evidence-supporting-immediate-market-withdrawal-of-covid-19-vaccines/
  17. And the Award for the most idiotic comment goes to ... PROTON!
  18. OK, anything that rocks your denial boat...
  19. Let me share the Conclusion and Patient Perspective of that pubished study by prof Goldman and his colleagues, as Goldman was NOT an anti-vaxxer (actually to the contrary). > https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/medicine/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.798095/full Conclusion This observation, which has been posted as a pre-print on the SSRN platform (18), suggests that vaccination with the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine might induce rapid progression of AITL. Dedicated studies are needed to determine whether this case can be extrapolated to populations of patients with AITL or other peripheral T cell lymphoma involving TFH cells. Patient Perspective The patient is the corresponding author of this case report. He hopes that this report will incentivize investigations to clarify the possible impact of anti-SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination on the course of AITL. He remains convinced that mRNA vaccines represent very efficient products with a favorable benefit-risk ratio. > And here a link to an article about his demise from lymphoma-cancer: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2022/09/mrna-covid-vaccine-booster-lymphoma-cancer/671308/
  20. Lol, the article by dr Sayed contains indeed a 40" excerpt from a 2022 video by dr John Campbell. And in that fragment Campbell cites the official response from Public Health Scotland about a question related to Covid-vaccine safety: "We do not have any plans to examine maternal vaccination status, as there is no public health reason to do so" > In the clip dr Campbell then pauses to 10 seconds to let the implications of that response sink in...
  21. In my post I provided the link to the case-report that prof Goldman published about his own case (co-authored with 6 of his colleagues). Clicking within the page featured on that link [ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34901098/ ] you can read the full case-report here https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/medicine/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.798095/full Note that prof Goldman and his colleagues do not share your opinion that for this case "a rapid spread is not uncommon at all".
  22. As I mentioned in the opening post of this thread dr Ah Kahn Syed is a pseudonym used by this Australian MD which allows him to speak his mind and provide his deep-dive insights on his ArkMedic substack. Are you not aware that many doctors in Australia had their license revoked when not parroting the official Public Health narrative about Covid and vaccination? And yes, I missed the sarcasm and misinterpreted your 2nd paragraph, but what would you expect from a crazy idiotic crackpot nutter like me?
  23. The article by dr Sayed is not a research study but an essay published on his substack blog in which he shares his insights in the link between Covid and rapidly emerging cancers. Imo "Big Pharma and their pseudoscience cronies" is a very accurate description of all these Big Pharma funded 'independant research studies' and sponsored 'medical publications and websites'. You wrote that you believe you have a serious side effect from the vaccines. So it's somewhat puzzling that you discard this very worthwhile article about the harms of these gen-therapies (they are not vaccines) because the author is calling a spade a spade, and not trying to obfuscate it with flowery language. Especially since the article is a legitimate reaction against the efforts of Big Pharma and its actors, that try to hide or belittle the harmful effects of these shots with all means possible.
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