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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. Instead of doing it in person on the due date when your 90-day report notification is still pending, you could also simply wait till last day of the 6-day grace period after due date to do it in person at your local Imm Office. When you receive notification of approval of your 90-day report that will save you making the trip. And in case your local Imm Office does not send automatic notifications of approval when you did it on-line, you can check the status of your application on the TM47-website (see drJack's post above this one).
  2. The ONLY consequence of not doing your 90-day report before due date, is that you can get fined 2.000,- THB. And it doesn't matter how many days past due date (+6 days grace period) you do it, the fine is same if you are 1 day past or 9 months. When for some reason you cannot do it on-line, and you live very far from the Imm Office or you really hate going to your local Imm Office, you could even consider not doing it all during the whole 1-year of your Permission to stay, and then pay the 2.000,- THB fine with a smile when applying for the 1-year extension of your Permission to stay.
  3. @YaesuBottyLove > I did sent you PM a comprehensive guideline on how to register the address where you are staying on the IO TM-30 website. Your wife (or you on her behalf) can do this as tenant from the premises. The username:password will be sent to the e-mail provided by the person registering, and it then allows you to do a TM-30 on-line of any foreigner (including yourself) staying at the premises, so no need to go to CW for doing it in person. You can also make a print-out of the TM-30 notification, and bring that along - together with the other required documents - when applying for the 1-year extension of your Non Imm O Visa for reason of marriage.
  4. https://fmoviesz.to/
  5. Last week Wednesday, South Korean lawmakers and government officials agreed to increase the amount of condolence money to families of those who died following COVID-19 vaccinations, regardless of whether the vaccination itself was confirmed to be the cause of death. From September, families will be eligible to get up to 30 million won ($22,500) in condolence money if a family member dies within 90 days of having received the COVID-19 vaccine, even if the cause of death can not be identified in an autopsy. = = = Thailand was one of the first countries to provide financial compensation for those who had experienced negative effects after receiving coivd-19 vaccinations. AseanNow reported on January 17 that the the National Security Office (NHSO) provided one billion baht in financial compensation. https://aseannow.com/topic/1246944-one-billion-baht-compensation-allocated-for-victims-who-suffer-side-effects-from-covid-vaccination/ Does anybody know the current status, i.e. the number of people that were provided compensation, as well as the actual financial compensation that they received?
  6. Yes, that NY Times quote (which was of course buried deep into the article) is pretty amazing for 2 reasons: #1 - It actually admits that the bivalent booster roll-out was a 'mistake' because the immune imprinting (original antigenic sin) mechanism was well-known but conveniently forgotten; #2 - The fall covid-boosters are now targetting only one covid-variant: XBB 1.5. And that variant has in mean time already been made obsolete by new variants, and so the lab-boys hope that their XBB 1.5 jab will still provide some protection against the current variants (e.g. Pirola). NOTE: And this now FDA-approved XBB 1.5 booster shot has not gone through any reported trials for safety or efficacy at all...
  7. This excerpt from yesterday's NY Times article “What to Know About the New Covid Booster Shots” says it all:
  8. It took more than a year of legal battles before a judge ordered Pfizer and the South African government to release the content of the covid-vax contract. Some AN-members might not be aware of a somewhat similar case in 2021. More specifically, it did take an epic battle to get a court-order to release the 55.000 internal Pfizer-documents on which the FDA had based its decision to 'approve' the roll-out of the covid-vaccine. While the FDA needed less than 3 months to approve the jabs based on these data, they requested that the release of the data would be postponed for 75 YEARS! Luckily the judge did not agree with that preposterous request and ordered the piece-meal release of these documents. And from the moment these documents became available a group of 3000 highly credentialled doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists, have been turning out report after report, to tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years. You can find all of the Volunteers’ reports on DailyClout.io. Shocking is a grave understatement to describe the gaslighting of the public that these jabs were 'safe and effective' while both Pfizer and the FDA were well aware of the horrible facts from the clinical trials, reason they wanted to bury these data for 75 years...
  9. I never have problems with Firefox, and it is my favorite browser as I like the set-up/lay-out. Also FireFox has the Add-Ons/extensions feature which allows with a simple click to integrate thousands of applications in the browser, without having to install them (e.g. AdBlock, Ghostery, download managers, VPN, etc.).
  10. You are probably referring to dr Mike YEADON, who was Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory, before he left Pfizer to start up Ziarco his own succesful Pharma company. As a retired millionaire he had no financial incentive at all to warn the public about the mRNA vaccine roll-out, but as an integer scientist felt it his moral obligation to do so. And of course he has been relentlessly smeared by the MSM for his courage and standing up for the truth.
  11. > Re getting proof that the TM-30 has been filed when using the on-line TM-30 system. Here an excerpt from the comprehensive guideline I wrote on how to register the address you are staying on the IO TM-30 website, which will allow the registrar to file a TM-30 on-line. To check whether the TM30 data you uploaded have really been filed, simply open the website again, and on the left-hand page click on the 2nd directory and select Search TM30. Enter your username (when it does not appear automatically) and then fill in the search-period for your TM30. The dates need to be max 7 days apart and have to be in Thai date-notation. Your uploaded TM30 will appear and you can take a screenshot.
  12. Obviously you could ask your landlord (title of your thread) and your agent (your post) which one of them did the TM-30 notification of you having having moved in to a new location, and ask for a copy of that notification. But it would be helpful to get some more information on your specific situation, why your agent would 'take care of it > are you by any chance making use of a Fixer agent that got hold of your Non Imm O Visa and subsequent extensions at an Imm Office in a different province than where you are residing? The proof of the pudding that the TM-30 notification was done, is when you go to your local Imm Office. They will NOT provide you with any service (be it a residence certificate, Re-Entry Permit, extension application) when the TM-30 together with the required documents (e.g. rental contract, house-book, ID of owner of premises) was not filed at the office.
  13. Unnecessary, harmful and counter-effective.
  14. If the contract conditions are 'hardly surprising' why then did Pfizer and the South-African authorities that signed it, fight tooth and nail to keep the contents of that contract from being accessible to the public. It took more than 1 YEAR to finally get it released by court order. But in a sense you are right, that the content is 'hardly surprising'. Yes, it is not a surprise that the long-term effects and efficacy of the vaccine were not known. This was one massive experiment called ‘warp speed’, of course they didn’t know what would happen. Furthermore, it is not a surprise that Pfizer wanted purchasers to acknowledge that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. mRNA did not have a good record with side effects and until the pandemic was only being used on the seriously ill. But what is shocking is that this information was hidden from the general public and instead replaced with the brainwashing mantra of ‘Safe and Effective’.
  15. Needless to say, Section 5.5 < see screenshot > is not a standard provision in a government contract for goods, even in an emergency. Normally, purchasing contracts contain guarantees of performance standards. Imagine the South African government were buying generators, or solar power stations, and the seller’s contract said “we don’t know whether these generators will work, and they might even explode and take down the power grid when plugged in.” The pressure on South-Africa to sign such a strangle-hold contract must have been enormous. And it gets even worse. Section 8 of the contract is titled “Indemnification.” It says that if Pfizer is ever sued by anyone — for any reason — because of the shots, then South Africa must pay for Pfizer’s complete defense, and then pay any judgment if Pfizer loses!
  16. When entering Thailand with a new Visa or with a Re-Entry Permit protecting the Permission to stay from such Visa, there is NO need for an onward-flight, Such onward-flight is only required when you enter VisaExempt with a one-way flight or with a return-flight where the return date is later than the 30-day Permission to stay you would be stamped in by border-Immigration. Note that in such case Thai border-immigration can ask you to show such onward-flight reservation. Most often they do not as they know that the airline with which you entered would normally have refused you boarding without such onward-flight reservation, as they could be forced to fly you back when you did not meet that requirement.
  17. PFIZER - Covid-Vax contract with South-Africa finally released by court-order And the conditions that Pfizer imposed on South Africa to provide them with their product are staggering! No wonder that both Pfizer and the SA Public Health authorities have done everything to keep this strangle-contract from becoming public. After a long fight of more than 1 year the contract has now finally been released by court-order. The contract contains a.o. the bombshell admission by Pfizer that they have absolutely no idea of the long-term effects of their product, and that was 3 months AFTER the roll-out of the covid-shots! Dated 30 March 2021, this contract was signed a whole month after the Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Event Reports. And that report had identified a plethora of adverse events over the first few months of vaccine rollout. Here the link to the contract > https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRPfizer-1_Redacted.pdf
  18. That's correct. When having done your 90-day report on-line, it still needs manual approval/confirmation by your local Imm Office. That explains why that confirmation can vary from 1 hour after notification to no confirmation at all and forcing you to do the 90-day report in person (for which there is a grace period, which allows to do it without being fined, till 6 days after report due date).
  19. The trans madness puts perverted men first, women and children last https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-trans-madness-puts-perverted-men-first-women-and-children-last/ A good opinion article calling a spade a spade, and addressing both this Woke trans-perversion and the cowardess of the spineless for calling it out for fear of being deemed 'intolerant'.
  20. Are you using CW to apply for ANY service you need from Immigration (e.g. a residence certificate, Re-Entry Permit, ...)? Or do you apply for all services at Jomtien, including annual extension and 90-day report?
  21. That means that your official address for immigration purposes is situated in the area serviced by the Jomtien office and that for any Immigration services you need to go to Jomtien. That you stay most or even all of the time at an address in Bangkok is not relevant, as it is the Imm Office that has your TM-30 on file with your official address, where you need to apply for any service.
  22. The database of Immigration contains the full history of all TM-30s that were issued, and so your local Imm Office can see at what places you stayed when those places did notify their local Imm Office (as Thai law requires them) that a foreigner was staying at their premises. But that history of stays at hotels/guesthouses/friends places should not affect your 'official address for immigration purposes' which was submitted to your local Imm Office, and hence there is no reason to re-submit at TM-30 after returning from your domestic (or international) trip. Note: As TiT there are of course some rogue Imm Offices that do require that you re-submit a TM-30 after you return to your home, but the large majority of Imm Offices stick to the official regulations and don't want you to re-submit a TM-30 as long as you don't relocate to a different address and stay on an unbroken chain of Permissions to Stay from your Non Imm O Visa.
  23. Posting a SAD icon on a post with fully correct information is really sad...
  24. To save you the hassle of going in person to your local Imm Office for the 90-day report, it is recommended to do that 90-day report on-line. This can be done from 14 days prior to actual due date. In case your report confirmation is still 'pending' at due date, you can then still do it in person at the local Imm Office during the 6-day grace period after due date. You could wait till day 5 of that grace period and if it is still not confirmed then go in person on final day of the grace period.
  25. You can only do your 90-day report at the Imm Office of the province where you are residing. That Imm Office will have the TM-30 on file with your official address in their province.
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