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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. Your News-clock is a 'bit late' Brian - the article is from early December 2021. We are 20 months later and Biden recently announced his plans to re-introduce vaccine mandates. "President Joe Biden has revealed that he’s asked Congress for funding to develop a new Covid vaccine, asserting that “everybody” will take the shot. Speaking to reporters, Biden said his administration will require all U.S. citizens to take the new shot, “no matter whether they’ve [been vaccinated] before or not.”
  2. Yep, 0 covid-related deaths from people in UK that were vaccinated less than 21 days prior THAN May 2023. And 1 non-covid-related death in that category. I find it pretty amazing that at this point in time, there are still people that go for their FIRST Covid-shot... The main point of the table is that for total deaths in UK in May 2023 (covid and non-covid related) that 1165 were unvacinnated vs 34.199 vaccinated. That's 3.4 %, while 9.3 % of the UK population is unvaccinated. Either the unvaccinated have a considerably healthier life-style than the jabbed, or something else is at play here. I let you figure out...
  3. Here is the link to the site that provides the full detail of the above. > https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland And here the breakdown of the May 2023 figures for covid-deaths and non-covid deaths. The official figures estimate that 9.3% of people in England have not received any vaccination. But when looking at the unvaccinated in the May 2023 figures they only account for 5% of the covid-related deaths and 3% of the non-covid related deaths.
  4. A 90-day report is nothing more than a confirmation from your part that you are still staying at the same official address for which local Immigration has a TM-30 on file.
  5. Hi @Eleftheros> Although I am in agreement with most of your posts, this one I cannot agree with. The Polio vax success is as good as always mentioned as 'proven fact'. Until you actually research the subject and then a whole different story emerges...
  6. When you and your wife having bought the condo in Bangkok, you can register the address on-line on the IO TM-30 website. Once approved (can take 5 minutes to 5 working days), you are then able to issue a TM-30 of any foreigner (including yourself) staying at the premises. But you would still have to do the 90-day report in person, as the first one from a new address needs to be done in person at the local Imm Office. > I did PM you a comprehensive Guideline document on how to register your condo on the IO TM-30 website, allowing you then to do the TM-30 notification on-line.
  7. Fully agree with @DrJack54 that in your case the O-X Visa is absolute overkill, and there is a reason that that Visa is hardly applied for, as there are many far better options available. Applying for that Visa solely for its '10 year' validity is a non-reason, as you can be 100% sure that Thailand will not kill most of the other Visa options it provides (the impact of virtually closing the country at the start of the covid-craze in 2020, was an uppercut for the economy that relies heavily on tourism, and only now are they slowly creeping out of that self-inflicted madness).
  8. When the landlord (or yourself) has registered the address where you are staying on the IO TM-30 website, and him or you filed a TM-30 notification of you staying at the premises, you can check whether the uploaded data have been inserted into the database. This by opening the website again, selecting 'search TM30' and entering your username (if it is your landlord who did it, obviously he has to do it or he needs to provide you with his username:password). The search period needs to be max 7 days apart and has to be in Thai date-notation. Your uploaded TM30 will appear and you can take a screenshot. In other words a screenshot of your TM30 notification can ONLY be done when the data have been accepted and are available in the IO TM30 database, and indeed Immigration can check that database and will find your uploaded TM30 notification there.
  9. I always tick 'Funds for long term stay' and the funds are on my Thai Kasikorn bank-account in seconds, when doing it during Thai banking-hours.
  10. You are talking about registering the address where you are staying. That can be done on the official IO TM-30 website. When you are staying in the house which is on the name of your wife, she (or you, on her behalf) can register the premises. In that case it's a matter of uploading a signed copy of the house-book and a signed front/back copy of the Thai ID-card of your wife. Once that has been done and after approval by local Immigration, she (or you) will receive a username:password that will allow her (or you) to notify local Immigration of any foreigner staying at the premises by issuing an on-line TM-30 notification. Note: Obviously the Imm Officer was refering to the official IO TM-30 website when telling your wife she could register on-line. >> I did sent you a PM with a comprehensive Guideline on how to register the address where you are staying on that official IO TM-30 website, which will then allow you to issue a TM-30 of any foreigner (including yourself) staying at the premises.
  11. That TM30.io website clarely states at the bottom that it is not the official website of the Immigration Bureau or the Royal Police. We provide a commercial service which submits TM30 forms automatically on your behalf, making the process much easier. It is clearly not a 'kosher' operation. #1 - If you are a tourist and simply need a TM-30 notification to apply for a short-term extension of stay, you can just ask the Hotel/guesthouse where you are staying to provide you with a copy of the TM-30 notification that the Hotel needs need to make in order to comply with Thai legislation. Or alternatively, e.g. if you are staying with friends, you simply book a cheap hotel-room for the night preceding your application, and ask for that notification. > So, the TM30 notification that website will provide you, is not from a Hotel/Guesthouse where you are staying, and might be turned down by Immigration when showing it. #2 - And for sure that website will not be able to provide you with a genuine TM-30 notification when you want to stay long-term in Thailand and need proof of your address to apply for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa. The website ONLY asks you to upload your Passport details, while for such Non Imm O Visa application, you would need - depending on the case - also a copy of the rental/lease contract, copy of the house-book and signed front/back copy of the owner of the premises, > As the website does not requires you to upload those documents, they will not be able to provide a genuine TM-30 notification, and it will spell trouble when you go to Immigration.
  12. In my new passport the issuing authorities did shorten my 2nd middle-name from Lodewijk to L. Surname, given name and first middle-name are still same. Have not encountered any problems with that, except when I needed to change my mobile phone number for the 2-step verification for my WISE account and had to provide a selfie of me holding my new passport. It was rejected first time, probably because they use automated comparison of names, but when contacting the Help-desk the issue was quickly solved.
  13. Re the 5-hour wait for the Re-Entry Permit. I agree that it is convenient to buy the Re-Entry Permit at same time when you are at Immigration and did receive your 1-year extension. But unless you foresee the possibility to exit Thailand by a land-border (the majority of which do not have a Re-Entry Permit desk), you can easily buy the Re-Entry Permit at Immigration stamp-out in the main Thai international airports.
  14. When you are staying in Thailand on a 1-year MultipleEntry Non Imm O Visa (acquired in your homecountry or at the Thai consulate in Savannakhet, Laos) you receive a 90-day Permission to stay on entry during the Visa's validity. If you then never stay longer than 90 days in Thailand, you will indeed never be confronted with the need for a TM-30. But if you need a service from Immigration (e.g. for a 60 day extension for reason of visiting your wife or you need a residence certificate) they will require a TM-30 as proof of the place where you are staying in their province. Note that the owner/landlord of the place where you are staying in Thailand would still need to do the TM-30 to be compliant with Thai law. But if he/she does not do it, and you never need a service from the local Imm Office, Immigration has no way of finding out.
  15. Imagine sitting on the long-haul flight to Thailand next to this tattoo-faced guy... I sometimes wonder where the airline staff places such guys as nobody would feel comfortable in their presence.
  16. TM-30 is the name of the form used to notify local Immigration that a foreigner is staying at an address in their province. According to Thai law this has to be done within 24 hours of the foreigner arriving at the premises. That TM-30 notification is a pain in the a$$, as the Immigration Office will not provide you with any service when it was not done. Contrary to what you might think it is not the 'responsibility' of the owner of the house/landlord to notify Immigration (although they can be fined when not having done it). Immigration also considers it the responsibility of the foreigner to ensure that the place where he is staying, has been notified to Immigration. So if you are in need of an Immigration service (e.g. applying for a 30-day extension of stay or applying for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa or any other service for that matter) and the owner of the place where you are staying has not done it, you are in a conundrum. For tourists the solution to that problem is simple > they can simply check into a cheap Hotel and ask the reception to provide them with a copy of the TM-30 that the Hotel is required to make. But for those that intend to stay long term in Thailand and want to apply for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa or the 1-year extension of such when they got such Non Imm O Visa abroad, the Hotel/Guesthouse solution will not cut it. Because in that case Immigration wants that they are provided with additional documentation (e.g. housebook, signed copy of Thai ID-card of owner, copy of rental or lease agreement - it will depend upon the specific situation what Immigration requires) that the address will be where you will be staying long-term (and you might get a house visit by Immigration to check whether you are really staying there). NOTE: Some posters will respond to the above that they never issued a TM-30 form to Immigration and were not asked for it, and still were provided with the service they required. That's due to the misunderstanding that the FORM needs to be provided, while it are in fact the 'underlying documents' that need to be provided to Immigration. E.g. if you provide Immigration with a copy of the rental/lease agreement, they will often do the TM-30 process for you as you provided them with the required evidence of the address where you are staying.
  17. The reason behind DrJack54's question, is that when you cannot get the name corrected by the Brussels Thai Embassy that issued the Visa, that you might be forced to enter Thailand VisaExempt (providing you with a 30-day Permission to stay). From such a Visa Exempt entry you can then apply for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa at the local Imm Office in the province where you plan to reside long-term. However, such application requires you to show sufficient funds on a personal Thai bank-account. And with a VisaExempt entry it would be very difficult to open such a personal Thai bank-account. When you entered Thailand on a Non Imm O Visa, it is also difficult to open a personal Thai bank-account , but your chances are much better. Obviously, if you have already a personal Thai bank-account, having to enter Thailand VisaExempt (without a Visa) due to that screw-up would be annoying but at least you would not run into unsurmountable difficulties. Note: As @circa02 mentioned, you would need to get hold of an outward-bound flight-reservation to an international destination from Thailand on a date prior to the expiry of the 30-day Permission to stay that the VisaExempt entry will provide you. Without such a flight-reservation chances are that the airline company will not allow you to board (and showing them your wrongly spelled Non Imm O Visa is surely not recommended as that might trigger more trouble).
  18. Here the link to a similar thread posted last week > https://aseannow.com/topic/1303910-non-o-multi-london-wrong-name/#comment-18283233
  19. When you use WISE to transfer the funds every month at approx same date (as required by some Imm Offices), you do not have the benefit of choosing the 'right time' to do so when THB exchange rate is favorable for you. But you could open a WISE Multi-Currency Account in THB, and transfer funds to that account when the exchange rate is favorable, and then use that MC account at a fixed monthly date (the funds will be tansferred in seconds when doing so). The one thing I don't know is when using that method whether it allows you to get access to evidence proving the foreign origins of those funds transfers. Can somebody enlighten me on that possible issue?
  20. Clear and fully correct response by dr Jack54. One sidenote to OP > Do provide the Imm Office where your father will apply for the 90-day Non Imm O (retirement) Visa, to avoid any 'surprises' . #1 - If that is is Chonburi (Pattaya) province, the rogue corrupt Imm Office there requires even for the initial 90-day Non Imm O Visa that the funds have been seasoned for 2 months on the applicants personal Thai bank account. #2 - And at Chiang-Rai Imm Office it's even worse, as they simply refuse there to do the 'change of Visa process' and tell applicants to go to the thai Embassy in Vientiane, Laos (an 800 km trip) and apply there for that 90-day Non Imm O Visa.
  21. Not a peer reviewed scientific study, but attached a link to the 2015 Annual Lecture for the GWPF, delivered by dr Patrick MOORE. > https://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2016/10/Moore-2.pdf or here the web-version > https://www.netzerowatch.com/28155/ The lecture has the title Should we Celebrate CO2? and dr Moore makes the convincing case that instead of demonizing 'big bad' CO2 that we should celebrate it, as it is fundamental for all life on earth. It's a fascinating 13 page read filled to the brim with data backing up his claims, and he ends his lecture by stating: I hope you have seen CO2 from a new perspective and will join with me to Celebrate CO2!
  22. @Sunmaster wrote: Just a quick hello to all atheists, materialists, believers and knowers. > After 7 weeks without any posts on the thread, Sunmaster - who is the Godfather of this thread - got it moving again. And he greeted the 4 categories of posters that have made this thread an interesting and lively discussion Forum.
  23. Yes, you didn't miss anything, especially the 'contributions' by Froggie Ferrari are a total waste of time...
  24. Two quotes by Michael CRICHTON on the notion of 'scientific consensus', which is often mistaken for scientific evidence. #1 “I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2. Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way.” https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/michael-crichton-explains-why-there-is-no-such-thing-as-consensus-science/
  25. When you used a Fixer Agent to circumvent the financial requirements when applying for your Non Imm O (retirement) Visa or 1-year extensions, you are indeed effectively 'hooked' by the Agent. And you would have to make use of his service again for any future 1-year extensions, as you would not be able to provide evidence that you met the financial conditions under which your Permission to Stay was provided. The quickest way to break free from the Agent is to exit Thailand without a Re-Entry Permit as that will invalidate your Permission to stay, and it will allow you to apply again with a blank slate.
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