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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. Good advice from drJack, as that should normally solve the matter. But in case you do not have another Bank-Account, I would advise when going for your 1-year extension to immediately ask speaking to the Officer in charge and explaining what happened to him/her. Chances are that the Officer in charge will be lenient - after all it was only a 20 minute breach, which was immediately corrected once you noticed it. The desk officers will most probably not have the authority to accept your application when they notice that 'gap', and would have to ask the Officer in charge for approval anyway, hence better to plead your case straight away to the Officer in charge.
  2. I will not do so as I have bad experience with the 'nitpickers' on this Forum, who will surely look for the odd exception in the 6-page document. But I am glad to PM it to anybody interested (and it will allow me to keep the document up-to-date based on inputs from users).
  3. 1 - When you are renting, ask the landlord to make a new TM-30 notification of you staying at their premises, and bring a copy of that with you when going to Immigration. Also bring a copy of the rental contract and a signed front/back copy of the ID-card of the landlord. 2 - When you are not renting, register your house or condo on the IO TM-30 website, this will allow you to issue a TM-30 yourself for any foreigner (including yourself) staying at your place. Note: Do PM me if you'd like to receive a comprehensive Guideline on how to do the above. It's not rocket-science, but without clear explanation and instructions on how to do it, it would be once again a very Thai confusing experience.
  4. If you have a PC, the IO TM-30 website works just fine.
  5. There is the possibility that the Hotel/Guesthouse erroneously entered an incorrect type Visa on the TM-30 notification they made. When they wrote TouristVisa or VisaExempt their TM-30 would become your 'last known address' in Thailand. When they write that you are on a Non Imm O Visa, the system should not change your official address for Immigration purposes. Next time a Hotel/Guesthouse where you are staying makes the TM-30 notification, ask for a copy so that you can check whether they did it correctly.
  6. Yes, when your Imm Office is not following the 2020 change re TM-30, it would be worthwhile trying to avoid when travelling domestically that the Hotel/Guesthouse uses the data in your Passport to notify local Immigration of you staying there. Since Hotels/Guesthouses are required by Thai law to do that, the recommended option would be that when you booked the Hotel in advance that you do it on your wife's name. And on arrival tell that you left your Passport at home, but that they can register your wife for the Hotel-stay - and you being a 'surprise' guest - or you can provide them with some other ID (e.g. a Thai driver's license). In most cases they will not refuse your business.
  7. That's fully correct. But it seems that recently some offices (CM, and according to this thread also CW) now want you to submit a new TM-30 notifying them that you are 'home again' after having stayed in a Hotel/Guesthouse that issued a TM-30 of your visit, thereby 'overwriting' your earlier TM-30 containing your offical address for Immigration purposes. Offices (or officers) that require you to do a new TM-30 after having returned home are not following the sensible official June 2020 change re TM-30 notification, making it no longer necessary to do that. But as everyone knows, local Imm offices have the authority to impose additional requirements and interpret the rules as they see fit. The rejection rates for those applying for a 1-year extension of their current Non Imm O Visa that stayed in a Hotel/Guesthouse during the preceding period, will be gigantic if those offices insist on continuing doing that so I presume it will be a short-lived 'new' rule. But in order to avoid any trouble when applying for your 1-year extension (or wanting to do your 90-day report) because of your official address for immigration purposes having been overwritten by the TM-30 notification of the Hotel/Guesthouse you stayed, is relatively simple. 1 - When you are renting, ask the landlord to make a new TM-30 notification of you staying at their premises, and bring a copy of that with you when going to Immigration. Also bring a copy of the rental contract and a signed front/back copy of the ID-card of the landlord. 2 - When you are not renting, register your house or condo on the IO TM-30 website, this will allow you to issue a TM-30 yourself for any foreigner (including yourself) staying at your place. Note: Do PM me if you'd like to receive a comprehensive Guideline on how to do the above. It's not rocket-science, but without clear explanation and instructions on how to do it, it would be once again a very Thai confusing experience.
  8. Reminds me of this Sufi tale: > There was once a farmer who owned a horse and had a son. One day, his horse ran away. The neighbors came to express their concern: "Oh, that's too bad. How are you going to work the fields now?" The farmer replied: "Good thing, Bad thing, Who knows?" In a few days, his horse came back and brought another horse with her. Now, the neighbors were glad: "Oh, how lucky! Now you can do twice as much work as before! "The farmer replied: "Good thing, Bad thing, Who knows?" The next day, the farmer's son fell off the new horse and broke his leg. The neighbors were concerned again: "Now that he is incapacitated, he can't help you around, that's too bad". The farmer replied: "Good thing, Bad thing, Who knows?" Soon, the news came that a war broke out, and all the young men were required to join the army. The villagers were sad because they knew that many of the young men will not come back. The farmer's son could not be drafted because of his broken leg. His neighbors were envious: "How lucky! You get to keep you only son". The farmer replied: Good thing, Bad thing, Who knows?".
  9. Your post is on a totally different subject than the thread, which explains why you didn't get any responses yet. May I suggest you repost it as a new topic with a fitting title, e.g. 'House is on wife's name, what if she were to die?'
  10. In summary > You entered Thailand Visa exempt and want to apply at CW (Bangkok) for the 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of retirement. In order to do this you would need at least 15 days left on the remaining days of the Permit to stay you received on your VisaExempt entry. In case you do not have sufficient time you can apply for a one-time 30-day extension of stay (1.900 THB), and the 30 days will be added to the expiry date of your current Permit to stay. Your state that you will be able to meet all requirements but that the main issue is that you cannot provide evidence that the 800.000K originated from abroad. Note that when you can show that the 800K has already long time been seasoned on your personal Thai bank-account, there will be no need anymore to prove that it originated from abroad (years ago). When you do not have the Thai bank-book(s) showing that you kept the required funds already for a long time, you could ask your Thai Bank to provide you with a 12-month Bank Transactions statement, which might also be acceptable for Immigration. You would need to go to your Thai Bank anyway, as you would need a Bank-Account statement issued on the day of your application that shows that you are the owner of the Bank-account as well as the balance that it shows (which needs to be +800K).
  11. I would recommend that you or a moderator would change the TITLE of your Post, as it does not mention the Imm Office where you would apply, nor the reason for the Non Imm O Visa application. A suggested title could read: Applying at CW for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of ... [retirement / marriage / dependant children / other] Also mentioning your age and nationality would be helpful.
  12. @Toolong @andersonat Hi, Andersonat's post is correct and it provides the explanation why he was not able to do his 90-day report on-line after his trip. The problem is as good as certain due to the fact that the Hotel/Guesthouse were you stayed, registered you as a Guest on their TM-30 notification to local Immigration using incorrect data, thereby prompting the IO TM-30 system to change your 'official address for Immigration purposes'. I presume that the Hotel made that mistake. They need to notify the local Imm Office that you are staying there, by providing your name, Passport-number, etc as well as the TYPE VISA on which you are staying in Thailand. When you are on a VisaExempt or Tourist Visa, the Hotel will then become your last known address in Thailand. But when you are on a Non Imm O Visa or extension issued by your provincial Imm office where you have your official address, the system should not 'update' your address. I presume the Hotel incorrectly wrote Tourist Visa or Visa Exempt on the TM-30 by which they notified the local Imm Office, and so your official address was overwritten with the Hotel address. To avoid the problem in the future, you could try to have your Thai wife as main Hotel-guest (and you just visiting her, without the Hotel registering you - this should work if you stay less than 24 hours), or ask them to not notify Immigration of you staying there. If not possible explain the Hotel that you are on a Non Imm O Visa. And ask for a copy of the TM-30 the Hotel made to check whether they did it correctly (but I am not sure whether it can be corrected by the Hotel once their TM-30 was issued and processed).
  13. I opened a bank-account at N26 - a German-based Internet bank - from Thailand. Only needed my Belgian passport to do so. Don't recall whether they wanted me to provide my address when doing the application on-line, but if so I would have given my official home address in Belgium (while I only visit my home-country for annual holidays, and am in Thailand rest of the time).
  14. The full article on https://thainewsroom.com/2023/04/17/myanmar-man-found-dead-likely-infected-with-new-omicron-strain/ contains this gem: Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong, permanent secretary of the Public Health Ministry, said this year’s Songkran celebration which took place after a three-year pause has seen people having close contact with others without wearing a face mask and it is expected that there will now be a spike in Covid cases.
  15. Hi, from what you wrote I understand that you re-entered Thailand VisaExempt and were thus stamped in for a 30-day Permit to stay. And that you are going to apply for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of marriage at the Chiang Mai Imm Office. Be aware that such Visa application needs to be done when you still have at least 15 days left on that Permit to stay, and some offices even require 21 or 23 days left on your Permit to stay (so better check what CM requires). In case you do not have sufficient time to prepare all the documents for your application, you can apply for a one-time 30-day extension of stay (costs 1.900,- THB just like any other extension). I have attached the relevant documents for your application, but the CM Imm Office may well have additional requirements or specifics that need to be met. Doing a search on 'Chiang Mai Marriage Visa application' and clicking the AND option to limit the search to only those threads/posts containing all 5 words, will provide you with Chiang Mai specific information. Hope this helps. NOTE: I would recommend that you or a moderator would change the title of your Post, as it incorrectly mentions extension, while you would be applying for a Non Imm O Visa and it does not mention the Imm Office or that it is for reason of marriage that you want to apply. A suggested title could read: Applying at Chiang Mai Imm office for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of marriage 6.FOR-PROVIDING-SUPPORT-TO-OR-BEING-A-DEPENDANT-OF-A-THAI-CITIZEN-SPOUSE-VISA-NON-O.pdf TM-87 - Application for Visa from Visa Exempt.pdf
  16. You could consider registering your address on the IO TM-30 website, as that would allow you to issue your own TM 30 notification when returning home. I did PM you a comprehensive guideline on how to do that. It is not rocket-science, but without clear instructions it would be once again a very thai confusing experience.
  17. Hi, in case Ayuthaya Immigration is not willing to provide you with the Re-Entry Permit (as your retirement Visa was issued in Chonburi) getting the Re-Entry Permit in the Airport is quite easy and takes less than 10 minutes if you are the sole customer. Two important aspects when considering this #1 - At Suvarnabhumi there are 2 entrances for International Departures. You should take entrance 2, as it is there that the Re-Entry Permit service is located. After you passed the 'screening' of your hand-luggage, and go to the Immigration Stamp-Out hall, the Re-Entry Permit service is indicated and it is at the left-side of the various counters where you are being stamped out. So you should go for the Re-Entry Permit first, and once you have it then go back, and queue at one of the counters to get stamped out. #2 - You need to bring 1.200,- THB in cash, as they do not accept debit- or creditcards to pay for the service (1.000 THB being the standard price for the One Time Re-Entry Permit, and 200 THB for the administrative service provided by the small service desk) When making use of the desk-service you don't need to fill out the Re-Entry Permit form beforehand, nor provide a photograph. The Airport Immigration service fills out the form for you based on your Passport details and takes a picture of you, but the service costs 200 THB. When you bring your already filled-in application form with you (including pass-photo), you can skip the small Re-Entry Permit service desk and head straight to Immigration (at the end of the corridor 10 meter from the small Re-Entry Permit service desk).
  18. Thanks @Lemsta69 In that case registering your address on the IO TM-30 website would be an option, as that would allow you to issue your own TM 30 notification when returning home. When your address is registered on the IO TM-30 website and you notify IO of having returned there by issuing the TM-30 notification, it would be strange and totally out of bounds if Chiang Mai IO would insist on visiting their office in person for the TM 30 notification.
  19. WOW, if staying in a Hotel that issues a TM-30 (as they are supposed to) invalidates your official address for Immigration purposes that would be extremely inconvenient for anybody doing a trip and staying in a Hotel/guesthouse. As it would mean that you have to notify local Immigration again that you have returned to your previous address by providing them with a TM-30, before they will provide you with any service. I do hope that this is a mistake by Chiang Mai IO, because it is contrary to the June 2020 regulation on TM-30 which stipulated that a TM 30 notification needs to be done only ONCE for the main place where you as foreigner are staying, and the filed TM30 will stay valid as long as your permission to stay is kept alive (including its extension or when using a Re-Entry Permit).
  20. It does not address your specific question, but the link to this recent thread addresses several options for staying in Thailand and doing on-line work for non-thai customers. https://aseannow.com/topic/1291197-possibility-for-legally-doing-remote-work/#elControls_17997648_menu
  21. No, as I am living in South Isaan. But when you do a search on the Forum (it's in the black ribbon top-right) on "AGENT CHIANG MAI BANK" and choose the option 'all search terms', you will undoubtedly find advice on Visa agents in Chiang Mai that are providing that service.
  22. Not related to your Thai Bank Account query, but if you stay in Thailand for less than 30 days per time there is no reason to apply for a 60-day Tourist Visa to come over. You can simply enter Thailand Visa Exempt (without a Visa), which will provide you with a 30 day Permit to stay stamped by Border-Immigration in your passport on entry.
  23. I should have been more clear. If OP intends to use WISE to transfer funds from UK to Thailand, it would be advantageous if his Thai bank-account is with Kasikorn or Bangkok Bank, as those are WISE partner-banks. When using WISE with other Thai banks the amount to transfer is limited to 50.000 THB per transaction, and there is a delay as the funds need to be funneled through one of the Wise partner-banks first. In majority of cases WISE is the better option to transfer funds, as they are as good as always the cheapest, fastest and most transparent. When I transfer funds from my Belgian bank-account to my Kasikorn account using WISE I know exactly how much I will receive, and the funds arrive in seconds on my account the moment I click GO.
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