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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. I don't understand how it is possible having done an EXTENSION in another Province, that you can do your 90-day report in Phuket. Can you please elaborate. = = = When you are on a VisaExempt or TouristVisa you can apply for a 30-day extension in any Imm Office, but in large majority of cases they would want you to provide them with a copy of the TM-30 notification of the place where you are staying in that Province. When you are on a Non Imm O Visa you can apply for a 1-year extension at the provincial Imm Office that issued the original Visa or previous extension (unless you offically relocated to another province). But afaik you only need to do a 90-day report when you are on a Non Imm O Visa or extension, and that 90-day report is a confirmation that you are still staying at the official address for Immigration purposes, for which you have notified Immigration by the TM-30 with the address in their province. From what you wrote I deduct that your official address is in Phuket, and that on the walk-in for doing your 90-day report, they saw that your TM-30 referred to another province (probably due to a Hotel stay in that other province) and they restored it to the original one.
  2. When your address is not already registered on the on-line IO TM-30 website (e.g. your landlord having done so already), you should be able to register that address, which will then allow you to notify your local Imm Office of any foreigner (including yourself) staying at the premises by issuing a TM-30. Once it has been set-up dong so only takes 2 minutes, and it avoids having to go to your local Imm Office in person for doing the notification.
  3. If the What Cannot Be Discussed on this Forum is the main reason for you taking a step back, do send me a PM and I will provide you with the link to the Thai sub-Forum (not AN) dedicated to such discussions (but also providing much needed humor and occasionally addressing spiritual issues). At the moment that sub-Forum has only 11 Members, but all with similar background and frustrated with the lack of free speech on That Which Cannot Be Discussed on regular Forums.
  4. Yes, when you register as tenant > in that case a copy of the rental contract, a copy of your passport ID-page and (if possible) a copy of the house-book, can be used.
  5. That's correct, the HOTEL/GUESTHOUSE is required by Thai law to notify local Immigration of any foreigner staying at their premises by issuing a TM-30. That's why they ask for your passport because otherwise they would not be able to fill in all the required info on the TM-30. But as a Tourist you do not need to do anything (except providing your passport) and it is only when the Tourist wants to extend his stay in Thailand and visits the local Immigration Office that they will ask for a copy of the TM-30 of the place where he is staying.
  6. Guideline sent PM, and you are welcome.
  7. Next time you make a trip have your Thai wife make the booking and let her register in the Hotel, and you being a 'visitor'. In case the Hotel insists on identification, you can try showing your Thai drivers-permit if you have that. If they insist on seeing your passport, ask them to not file a TM-30 because of the inconvenience it might cause you on return. And if they do notify local Immigration of you staying there by issuing a TM-30 ask for a copy of that TM-30. If the Hotel incorrectly filled in your Visa status by entering VisaExempt or TouristVisa, then the IO TM-30 system will overwrite your current official address for Immigration purposes and the Hotel-address will become your last known address in Thailand. The system should not do this when the Hotel correctly filled it in as Non Imm O Visa. NOTE: I did sent you a PM with a comprehensive guideline on TM-30 to register the place where you are staying on the IO TM-30 website (even if you are renting) and which will allow you to notify your local Imm Office of any foreigner (including yourself) staying at the premises. Doing so will at least avoid having to go to Immigration on your return to do the TM-30 notification in person, when the Hotel used an incorrect Visa status or when CM IO insists on you notifying them of your return from a domestic trip. Issuing the TM-30 takes only 2 minutes when having registered on the IO TM-30 website.
  8. As a tourist the only time you will be confronted with the TM-30 address notification is when you need a service from an Immigration Office, e.g. applying for a 30-day extension of stay.
  9. Nice mandala-like drawing. My impression is that that it each circle with a person in it represents a looking-glass, showing that everybody looks at the world from his/her perspective. But also, whether the person realizes it or not (some look only in their direction), that all of these looking-glass perspectives are interconnected and thus that reality is multi-faceted and as good as imperceptible in its totality.
  10. So Many Open Signs of Financial Disaster Ahead Matthew Piepenburg connecting the dots... https://goldswitzerland.com/so-many-open-signs-of-financial-disaster-ahead-and-gold-working/
  11. The potential buyer market of this Life-Long Elite Visa is of course very limited. In fact it are only those that are currently already considering signing up for the 20-year 1M THB Elite Visa. The extra 700K for this Life-Long Elite Visa is then motivated by the extra perks that this Life-Long Visa provides, as well as the Bonus that it can be re-sold when the owner wants to permanently leave Thailand or prefers other Visa options.
  12. Your post reminded me of an interesting Substack article I recently came across, titled Breaking the Habits of Western Thinking: Cause and Effect Is Not a Thing The author makes the correct observation that the pre-dominant view in our Western materialistic culture is that 'cause leads to effect'. And while this is true on the pure physical plane, the opposite is also true in the spiritual realm where - strange as it may sound - the effect will determine the cause. Although the author is a Christian and uses biblical quotations to make his point, it is by no means a purely christian thesis, and is more a 'universal law' that has become almost alien to our Western 'scientific' logical way of thinking. Attached below an excerpt of the article: ~ Much of the power of science and scientific thinking is based upon this idea of cause and effect. It is simple really. If all there is in the world is matter, then everything we see today can be explained as an unbroken chain of cause and effect back to the very beginning of all things. Every action has a reaction. You do something and it has an effect. If I drop something, it falls to the ground. If I punch you in the nose, your nose will get broken and start to bleed. It is this idea of cause and effect that is foundational to the idea of human progress. By making small incremental changes to ourselves and the world around us, we can have progressively greater positive effects on the world, step by step. It’s foundational to the idea of evolution. But it is a profoundly western idea. It is an idea that runs counter to and undermines Biblical ways of thinking. Understanding this also, in my mind, helps us as Christians to draw ourselves apart from the broader culture, to understand the ways in which we are, or should be, thinking among our own ghetto nation. This, then, has real political implications, as I discussed in my most recent piece before this one. Because of this idea of cause and effect, we tend to look at our moral and spiritual life this way as well, through this lens of progressive improvement. In life we face countless choices every day. All we need to do to become better people and more Christ like is to make those choices in a way that is God honoring and in harmony with his commands. Each choice we face gives us an opportunity to put in motion a good action, “a cause,” that will lead to a positive “effect” in our lives. As the positive effects accumulate in our lives, we will become ever more Christ like. This is a deeply western and materialist way to think about “spiritual” growth. In fact, it isn’t really spiritual growth at all. It is materialist self-improvement jargon smuggled into the church. It is a form of self-salvation. Why is this idea of cause and effect so problematic? Because it places a burden upon us to always be making the right choices. But we tell ourselves that this is what the spiritual journey is. It is about making good life choices that have positive upbuilding effect in our lives. It sounds great. And this is familiar territory for all of us. There is a whole industry of Christian self-help advice offering their two-cents worth, helping us make good choices. But, unfortunately, its pretty much all wrong. We do make choices and we should make good choices, but the direction is all wrong. Because of this, we end up with a doctrine of self-salvation prettied up in fine sounding Christian God language. God helps me make good choices and because of the choices I make I become a better person. But in biblical ways of thinking, the effect determines the cause. The end of the journey you are on determines the choices you make today. For most of us, that just sounds bizarre. Effect determines cause. That is totally backwards and counter intuitive. And that is because spiritual realities are not the same as scientific realities. This is the danger of rationalism that ends in practical materialism. We have become so dominated by scientific materialism that it is almost impossible for us to actually read many biblical passages and really hear what they are saying to us and the implications for our lives. At the same time, many of us carry around a tremendous burden that we never measure up, we are never good enough. We carry this burden around with us in large part because we are trapped in a modern scientific worldview. We always feel like we never measure up, that we cannot make enough good choices. We beat up on ourselves for making bad choices. The full article can be accessed here: https://apokekrummenain.substack.com/p/breaking-the-habits-of-western-thinking?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=email&nthPub=73
  13. 1.7 M for a life-time Elite Visa, is a very reasonable offer. It is especially interesting for those that - have the funds and - are not married to a Thai national, and - would still have to wait several years before becoming 50 years of age, making them eligible for a Non Imm O Visa for reason of retirement. I would be surprised if the OP would not get PMs from interested candidates.
  14. This thread is meant for civil dialogue between spiritually inclined members with an open mind. And while you are welcome to post your world view and philosophy here which can trigger meaningful dialogue, your passive aggressive responses are not appreciated.
  15. There should have been no questioning when you re-entered on your METV. That 6-month Multiple Entry Tourist Visa is actually MEANT to exit and re-enter Thailand as it only provides a 2-month permission to stay after which you either need to apply for a 30-day extension or leave the country. The METV is meant for tourists wanting to explore South-East Asia, and when timed right you can get 9 months of stay out of it (which requires at least 2 exits and re-entries).
  16. Guideline sent PM and hope it helps you figuring out the issue you experience.
  17. The Guideline addresses on how to register on the IO TM-30 website, which allows you to then issue TM-30s yourself for any foreigners (including yourself) that are staying at the premises. Doing it on-line avoids having to make a trip to your local Imm Office. When you live close to your Imm Office (or when you are a masochist enjoying going there), you can of course do it in person. But some members live far away from their Imm Office and try to avoid Imm Office visits as much as possible.
  18. Yes, it's a very nice and thought-provoking Thai movie. Recommended.
  19. Hi Jo, sent you the requested document PM. Cheers - Red Phoenix
  20. This just for your info as you wrote that you did not understand the why > The permission to stay from your 1-year extension for reason of retirement has been provided ON THE CONDITION that during that 1 year you would keep +800K on your personal Thai bank-account during the first 3 months, you are then allowed to lower to +400K in the next 7 months, and need to top up again to +800K during the last 2 months. Failure to meet that condition, means your Permit to stay became invalid from the moment of the breach. And you would not be able to extend such invalid Permit. Note 1: In your case, the IO can be lenient as the breach happened during the last 2 months and when you state that you intend to switch to a Marriage extension (which only needs +400K during the 2 months preceding its application - which you meet), this might be accepted. And considering that a Marriage extension is much more work for them, they would probably be inclined to overlook the minor 20 minute breach that was immediately corrected. Note 2: If you have not used yet your one-time 60-day extension of stay for reason of visiting your wife during your unbroken chain of Permits to stay, applying for such extension would provide you with sufficient time to meet the '2 months 800K' prior to application for your 1-year 'retirement' extension. But hopefully it will not be necessary for you to use that ultimate escape.
  21. Apology accepted, and no hard feelings from my part. Note: The 'copy and paste' did came from my comprehensive Guideline document on how to register your address on the IO TM-30 website allowing your to issue your own TM-30 (as well as for any foreigner staying at your premises).
  22. Yes, if his IO allows switching to a Marriage extension without having to meet the +800K requirement during last 2 months of this Retirement extension, that would indeed be an option. And I agree with you that any reasonable Imm Office would not make an issue of that 20 minute - and immediately corrected - slip under the required 800K. Hence my suggestion for first 'testing the waters' by requesting to talk with the Officer in charge to address the issue and discuss the options prior to him doing the actual application.
  23. Maybe he should 'test the waters first' and go to Immigration and request talking to the Officer in charge about his options due to this case. And hopefully the Officer in charge will say that such a small - and immediately corrected - mistake, will not be a hurdle for his application. As a retirement extension does not need divisional approval, the Officer in charge has the authority to make such decisions. However, when Immigration is reluctant, OP would then know that his application would be refused. And he might hint to the option of whether engaging an Agent willing to do the extension application for him, would be an option. If also that option is ruled out, OP should do a border-run - without a Re-Entry Permit - ultimately on the last day of his permission to stay. And then return VisaExempt, and apply for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa (for reason of marriage or for reason of retirement), followed by a subsequent 1-year extension application at the end of those 90 days.
  24. Unfortunately switching to an extension for reason of marriage is not an option. Because when changing your extension from retirement to marriage, it is a 2-step process: First IO will check whether you have met the requirements for the 'retirement' extensions Permit to stay, and only when those requirements have been met, will they then check whether you also meet the requirements for the new 'marriage' extension application. But in your case you have not fulfilled the requirement for the retirement extension, as you did not meet the 'never slip under 800K' requirement during the last 2 months of your permission to stay.
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