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Red Phoenix

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Everything posted by Red Phoenix

  1. I have read this interview with N.S. Lyons three times and like yourself I agree with every word he said. And his analysis is spot on that what we are experiencing in these crazy times is a spiritual crisis. https://whatweneednow.substack.com/p/thoughts-on-todays-upheaval-and-its
  2. Hi Sunmaster, Great post, thank you! Personally, if there were only 2 choices, I would opt for the 'religion' option like Jordan Peterson advocates, exactly because of the 'power vacuum' that would attract people to the ersatz of a materialistic ideology and its devastating effects on the human spirit (like we have seen in communist China, and other regimes that deny the spiritual cravings of people). I actually just read a substack article by N.S. Lyons, which addresses the same issue and wanted to post it here later, but might as well do it now in the wake of your post. The interesting thing being that till recently Lyons was an intellectual agnostic with little interest in spiritual matters but the events of the last years did drag him 'kicking and screaming' to fundamentally reassess his beliefs and the need for a spiritual revival. Like Jordan Peterson he sees a role for the Church in that journey, and although I am definitely not a fan of organized religion I can see its usefulness as a stepping-stone to the Third Way you wrote about in your post. Attached the link to N.S. Lyons' article https://whatweneednow.substack.com/p/thoughts-on-todays-upheaval-and-its and would be interested to hear your - and other Forum members - comments on it.
  3. Imo knowledge/consciousness grows through experience in the material world. So you are correct that it are not the people that put the information in the morphic field, but the morphic field represents the collective experience of every living being. Does the morphic field already contain the experience of what is still to come? That's an interesting question, but I tend to think that it does not and that that is the 'meaning of life' providing experience that expands the universal consciousness.
  4. As a tourist you do not need to worry about TM-30. The only time you will be confronted with it, is if you apply for an extension of stay at the Imm Office. Then Immigration will need proof of the address you are staying. So before going to Immigration ask the Hotel/Guesthouse where you are staying for a copy of the TM-30 notification they are required to make of you staying there.
  5. It is only when you re-enter Thailand on a new Visa or Visa-Exempt, that Immigration requires a new TM-30 for the address where you are staying. When you travel domestically or re-enter Thailand with a Re-Entry Permit that protects the permission to stay from your Visa/extension, there should be no need to provide Immigration with a new TM-30. However, there have been several posts now that CM is not abiding by the June 30, 2020 changes in the TM-30 regulations that make it clear that it is not required to issue a new TM-30 when you return to your official address for Immigration purposes.
  6. Rupert Sheldrake - one of my heroes - was also intrigued by that often reported phenomenon of inventions/breakthroughs being done simultaneously by persons not in contact with each other. And it led him to formulate his theory of 'morphic resonance' in the 1980s. In his own words: Morphic resonance is a process whereby self-organising systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems. In its most general formulation, morphic resonance means that the so-called laws of nature are more like habits. The hypothesis of morphic resonance also leads to a radically new interpretation of memory storage in the brain and of biological inheritance. Memory need not be stored in material traces inside brains, which are more like TV receivers than video recorders, tuning into influences from the past. And biological inheritance need not all be coded in the genes, or in epigenetic modifications of the genes; much of it depends on morphic resonance from previous members of the species. Thus each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and also contributes to the collective memory, affecting other members of the species in the future. That may sound very hypothetical and somewhat farfetched, but Sheldrake has done many experiments to test his hypothesis. One of the nicest ones based on his musing that if his theory was correct that it implied that whenever a person did find a solution to a problem that hadn't been solved before that it would be easier for other persons to also solve that problem. This because the solution would now be available in the morphic fields and could be tapped into. And so one of his experiments was by making use of the Times crosswords-puzzle, and he tested the hypothesis that it would be easier to solve that puzzle not on the day that it was published, but one or two days later when millions of people would have solved the puzzle already. Using statistical analysis on the results of his experiment it turned out that indeed it was significantly easier to solve the puzzle when other people had solved it earlier.
  7. There are many companies providing such legit 'ticket reservation' service. I used https://onwardticket.com/ You can buy the onward-flight reservation booking in advance and have it scheduled to be delivered immediately or on the day of your choice. And that reservation will only be cancelled 2 or 3 days before that onward-flight 'departure' date. Note: I seem to recall that there are some onward-flight service companies that cancel it automatically 2 or 3 days after they sent the reservation to you, and in that case you should of course order it close to your departure date.
  8. Yes you were lucky, but in case the airline would not let you board due to that one-way ticket without a Visa, you could have bought an online onward-flight ticket on the spot for as little as 12 to 15 US $.
  9. When applying for a Visa at the Thai Embassy/Consulate in your home-country, one of the requirements can be to show a return-ticket as part of your application. But if you already have a Visa or a Re-Entry Permit protected Permit to stay, there is no need for a return-ticket and you can enter Thailand on a one-way flight.
  10. I recently came across this interesting article by John CARTER, which might lead to some discussion on this thread as it addresses a very unconventional way of looking at the world. After reading the first paragraphs, you might be tempted to tell me to 'stay on topic' as this thread is about Do You Believe in God and Why. But if it triggers your interest (it certainly did with me) I would recommend you to make the effort to read the lengthy article. Although the word God is never used, the author refers to the age-old idea of a conscious Universe which imo is a very accurate way of talking about God. Below I copy/pasted the introductory paragraphs and the full article can be accessed here: https://barsoom.substack.com/p/electric-yggdrasil Electric Yggdrasil The metaphors for the shape of the world that shape the way we see the world ~ A while ago, a good friend of mine related to me a strange conversation he’d had at the bar. His companion had insisted that the Earth is not a sphere. At first my friend assumed the guy was another tiresome flatlander, which was also my first assumption. Instead, the acid-head insisted that our planet possesses some sort of hyper-dimensional geometry. This assertion left my friend baffled, which was why he brought it up to me. What could this guy have possibly meant? Now, I have no idea what he meant. I heard of this exchange second hand, and wasn’t there to interrogate the guy further in order to probe out his meaning. It did, however, get me thinking. So often in these sorts of debates, we find ourselves on one side or another of a sharply divided ontological belief-set. One side stakes out a position, we claim the other, and the interaction then becomes a shoving match between two sides that are convinced that they are in possession of the truth. This is frequently unhelpful from an alethiological perspective, because when you’re quite convinced that you know what the truth is, you immediately close yourself off to the possibility that you really don’t. Sometimes the truth is somewhere in the middle, being a compromise between the contested positions, or a synthesis of them. That isn’t so interesting, though. In other cases, both things are true. Consider the statements ‘there is nothing new under the Sun’ and ‘all there is, is change’. Both of them point to important aspects of reality. The first relates to basic dynamics, the laws of nature being invariant over time. The second indicates that everything is flow and process – in our material universe, nothing lasts forever, nothing is ever fixed, everything is always becoming something else, and indeed there are no things as such. As the weeping philosopher said, ‘No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river, and he’s not the same man’ ... and yet, during his life as now, there are rivers, and there are men who step in them. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. The most interesting cases are the ones in which both positions are actually wrong, or at any rate incomplete, and the tenacity of the fight between them prevents either from seeing something else that might be even more interesting. So, take the debate over the geometry of the Earth. And yes, I’m almost as annoyed as you that this is even a debate, but bear with me. < article continued here: https://barsoom.substack.com/p/electric-yggdrasil >
  11. In case you are not able to get the 60-day Tourist eVisa in time for your departure, there is no need for stress. You can simply enter Thailand VisaExempt (without a Visa) and will be provided by Thai border-immigration with a 30-day Permission to stay stamp in your passport. Be aware that when your return-flight is after that 30-day Permit to stay, that the airline will ask for an onward-flight reservation for a flight out of Thailand on a date prior to the 30-day Permit to stay expiry. You can buy such an onward-flight reservation on-line for as little as 12 to 15 US $, it is a fully legit reservation but it will automatically be cancelled by the company providing that service before departure date. When wanting to stay longer than the 30-day Permit to stay you received on entry, you can visit ANY immigration office in Thailand to receive an on-the-spot provided 30-day extension of stay. That service costs 1.900,- THB and you would need - besides your passport - also a copy of the TM-30 notification that the Hotel/Guesthouse where you are staying is required to make to meet Thai regulations. Cheers and success!
  12. That's correct, but OP wrote that he was stamped in on a visa-exempt entry, so his local Imm Office needs to be notified of the address where he is staying using a TM-30.
  13. When you did not receive a TM-6 (not handed out anymore when arriving by air since July last year) you can simply leave the field blank. Be aware that when your landlady does the TM-30 notification, that she provides you with a copy of that notification as it may be asked for by Immigration when you go there for a service. Also, if you have doubts that your landlady will do it correctly, there is also the option that you register the address where you are staying on the IO TM-30 website. You can do this as TENANT and it will allow you to issue TM-30s if any foreigner (including yourself) staying at your address. I did PM you a copy of a comprehensive Guideline document on how to do that.
  14. Yes, that's correct. You would need to apply each time again for a new 1-year Non Imm O-A Visa (which can only be done when the validity of the old one has expired, and the last Permit to stay you received with that Visa is not protected with a Re-Entry Permit). I will PM you later (the file is on my other PC) with a comprehensive Guideline on how to apply for a Non Imm O-A Visa and navigating the Health Insurance issue.
  15. Normally the Username and password are sent to the e-mail address you provided when registering. It is possible that the confirmation did land in the JUNK file of your e-mail account. Or it is possible that it is still pending at Chonburi IO. Also, if your application was incomplete/incorrect, IO does not contact you about this. A phone call to Chonburi IO should provide clarity on what is the issue. NOTE: I did PM you a comprehensive Guideline on how to register your address on the IO TM-30 website, and subsequently issue a TM-30 of any foreigner (including yourself) staying at the premises.
  16. When applying for the Non Imm O-A Visa, which can only be done in your home-country or country of permanent residence, and you already have Health Insurance from a Non-Thai insurer that meets the requirements you can make use of that option. The snag is that once you are in Thailand and after the 2 year that you can squeeze out of that Visa, want to apply for the 1-year extension of that Non Imm O-A Visa that Immigration ONLY accepts O-A compliant Health Insurance policies issued by THAI insurers. When you visit your Home-country once every 1-2 year, you can of course opt to apply for a new Non Imm O Visa while over there.
  17. This is an interesting option! Would it be possible to apply for and get an O-A eVisa without being in your home-country? If you meet all the requirements, and in case there would be no need to physcally provide your passport to the Thai embassy in your home-country, that would avoid having to make the trip abroad to apply for a new 1-year Non Imm O-A Visa. And it would provide you with a Multiple-Entry Visa valid for almost 2 years (when re-entering Thailand just before Visa expiry) without the need to semi-permanently park +800K on a personal Thai bank-account.
  18. Hi wwest, When you were already on a 1-year extension based on your Non Imm O-A Visa, and are married to a Thai national, there was no reason for you to switch to a Non Imm O Visa. You could have simply applied for another 1-year extension based on that Non Imm O-A Visa, but this time for reason of marriage, and by doing so there would be NO Thai health-insurance policy requirement and the requirements/conditions are exactly same as for a 1-year extension based on a Non Imm O Visa. Note: Obviously having already switched from O-A to O this info is of no use for you anymore, but for other members in same situation as you were at the time, it would be beneficial to be aware of that little known fact.
  19. Hi, let my summarize your options. You will NOT be able to extend your current 1-year extension based on your Non Imm O Visa, as you did not meet the conditions under which that extension was provided to you. A 'fixer' Visa Agent may be able to fix another retirement extension for you, but as you are married to a Thai national and have Thai dependant children you have far better options than doing that. You wrote that your current permit to stay from your 1-year retirement extension is still valid for a couple of months, so there is no hurry. But you would need to leave Thailand during the final days of your current permission to stay. Note that if you have a Re-Entry Permit you would have to wait till last day to do that as that Re-Entry Permit would 'protect' your current permit to stay, and you need to get rid of it. It now depends on where you are residing in Thailand what would be your best option: #1 - If you live close to a landborder-crossing and travel often abroad or don't mind having to make 3-monthly borderruns, you could consider applying for the 1-year MultipleEntry Non Imm O Visa for reason of marriage at the Savannakhet consulate. Applying for that Visa does not require any financials, but of course the required border-runs might be inconvenient depending on where you live. #2 - Exiting Thailand at a close-by border-crossing, and returning VisaExempt (without a Visa). This can be done on same day (or you could make it a small holiday), and it will provide you with a 30-day Permission to stay when re-entering Thailand. When there are at least 15 days left on that Permission to stay (some Imm Offices require 21 or even 23 days), you can then apply at the local Imm Office of the province where you are staying for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of marriage or for reason of dependant Thai children. To meet the financial requirement you need to show that you have +400K on personal Thai bank-account at the date of application for that 90-day Non Imm O Visa. And then in the last month of those 90-days, you can apply for a 1-year extension of that Non Imm O Visa. When you applied for reason of marriage, your 1-year extension needs to be for same reason and requires that you show that you have kept the +400K on your personal Thai bank-account for 2 months prior to date of application for that 1-year extension, and you need to keep it there during the 'under consideration' period till the application has been approved (some Imm Offices do require this). When you applied for reason of dependant Thai children, there is no requirement for seasoning the funds for 2 months, but just like for the Visa application you have to show that it is on your personal Thai bank-account at the date of application for the 1-year extension, and have to keep it there during the 'under consideration' period till the application has been approved (if your Imm Office requires that). > In your case that option #2 is imo your best option. Cheers, success and no worries!
  20. If you met the financial conditions under which your 1-year extension of stay for reason of retirement was issued, you would be able to apply for your next extension for reason of dependant Thai children (which only requires 400K on a personal Thai bank-account at moment of application, after which you are free to use the funds as you please). However, as you will not be able to prove that you met the financial condition under which your current 1-year extension for reason of retirement was issued (i.e. providing evidence that you kept +800K on your personal Thai bank-account during the first 3 months of that 1-year permission, then kept at least +400K during the next 7 months and finally topped up to +800K again 2 months before the date of application for your next 1-year extension), you will unfortunately not be able to do so. So you have 2 options: #1 - Engaging a 'fixer' agent, that will help you dodging the financial requirements again for a 1-year extension of stay for reason of retirement, OR #2 - Exiting Thailand in the final days of your current permission to stay, and re-entering VisaExempt, which will provide you with a 30 days permission to stay, and then when you have at least 15 days left on that Permit to stay, apply for a 90-day Non Imm O Visa for reason of dependant Thai children, and at the end of those 90-days then apply for the 1-year extension for same reason. > What you should NOT do is trying to apply for the 1-year extension for reason of dependant Thai children with your current status, as Immigration will check whether you met the financial conditions for your current 1-year extension based on retirement, and you will be in deep trouble when they see that you breached the conditions.
  21. Re your question about being married to a Thai national. When you are already on a 1-year extension of stay and want to apply for another 1-year extension for your Non Imm O-A or your Non Imm O Visa, you have several options: 1 - applying for reason of retirement 2 - applying for reason of marriage or 3 - applying for reason of having Thai dependant children. Obviously each of these options has different requirements to be met when applying for it, and the financial requirements when applying for reason of Marriage or Thai dependant children are way lower than when applying for reason of retirement. An interesting point is that the mandatory Thai Health-Insurance when extending the permission to stay from your Non Imm O-A extension is ONLY applicable when applying for reason of retirement.
  22. On top of the relevant reasons given by posters in previous responses, there is of course also the aspect of distance to Airport and distance to landborder-crossing from the place where you are residing. Bangkok, Chiang-Mai and Phuket have international Airports with flights out of Thailand, but when living elsewhere a trip to a land-border is often much closer. E.g. in my case, I live 70 km from the Chong Sa Ngam Thai-Cambodian border-crossing and nearest airport with NO international flights is in Ubon at 95km (and would have to take a flight to Bangkok from there, to then take an International flight).
  23. You confirmed that your mother actually received a 1-year extension of her Non Imm O Visa for reason of retirement at her local Imm Office, and bought a Multiple Entry Re-Entry Permit [3.800,- THB] at that same office to protect the permission to stay when exciting and re-entering Thailand during the extension's validity period. She needs to: - Ensure that the funds on her personal Thai bank-account never slip under the 800K tresshold during the first 3 months of her 1-year extension, then she is allowed to lower it to +400K but never going under that amount, and she has to top up again to +800K in the last 2 months before she applies for her next 1-year extension; - Do 90-day reports whenever she stays 90 consecutive days in Thailand; when she exits Thailand the 90-day clock starts from moment of re-entry.
  24. BritTim is spot on. I doubt that your mother actually got a Multiple Entry Non Imm O Visa for reason of retirement, as there are only a couple of consulates/embassies where you can get such Visa. Your mother might have applied in her home-country for a Non Imm O-A Visa (sometimes also referred to as a 'retirement' Visa), which is Multiple Entry and allows unlimited entry to Thailand during the Visa validity period (each time being stamped in for 12 months or the expiry date of the Health Insurance policy that such Visa requires); But I actually presume that your mother applied for a 1-year extension of her Non Imm O Visa for reason of retirement at her local Imm Office, and bought a 1 Year Re-Entry Permit at that same office to protect the permission to stay when exciting and re-entering Thailand during the extension's validity period.
  25. That explains it, as your first 90-day report on a new TM-30 requires to do it in person.
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