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Everything posted by IndomitableSpirit

  1. Next time, they will see who can take the most harpoons in the head! A school of fish would be nearby to watch who is the biggest dumb @$$!
  2. Next thing you know, foreigners are required to show police clearance and mental health certificate or documents proving they are of sound mind before entering or being given a visa. Then updated docs for every extension. Good guys in and freakin' sickos out! Also, I don't see or read much about Western/European women being in crazy situations in Thailand, makes me wonder 🤔🧐🧐🧐
  3. If stroking an ego is a person, you'd represent well!
  4. Why don't you just set yourself free! We don't know when our time is up and wouldn't you like to at least live a happy life before that? Sorry for asking, I'm a curious female millenial. I just don't believe in being stuck in a marriage where every day seems like your last. If I was married, I would not want a husband who's unhappy with me or his life. It's best to move on and both find happiness.
  5. Why would you do that? Do you miss your youth? Not happy with your marriage?
  6. Hahaha true that! As a female millenial who have gone through dating apps, those old men making their age around 20-25 kills me.😂😂 What's even worse is if you ask them, they will stick to that age they posted when they clearly look nothing close to it, you know what I mean! Add the ones who post photos of celebrities in their country and think no one would know hahha. 😁
  7. I love reading GG's post! It never fails to entertain me.😂😂
  8. A tally board is probably out there, for which nationality would take home the Darwin Award for 2024. Most Temperamental & Violent is there too. 🏆🤪🤬
  9. Not brainwashed but smart enough to know what I should touch and not. I am also smart enough not to get scammed. You oth, your @$$ is firing up because you don't use your 🧠. You're here all boiled up with your hate toward Thais and Thailand, that's the very reason why you are in that mental and emotional state over them.
  10. Put those two Swiss men among the Filipino ladyboys and they can duke it out, winners keep their weiners.🙀😜
  11. May I ask what is the model of your laptop and the software you are using? Sometimes it could be the driver acting up or you need to update your SS.
  12. "A wireless mouse comes in two varieties" Bluetooth mouse is still wireless just another kind/type. Don't argue with me...I'm a millennial gamer.🤣
  13. You should have said, "I won't be if I keep talking to you." 😆
  14. True that. It's beyond childish and pathetic! Many are forgetting they are not in their country and you do not bite the host country that signs your pay check or your visa. I don't think people in their right mind would want anyone to disrespect them in their own home.
  15. I grew up and have lived in Thailand for almost 28 years, no they are not mostly scammers. It's funny how how you say that most especially if you are living in Thailand. Also, what a mentality! Wanting a DB who hit other people just because of your hate over Thais...that spells a big P!
  16. This. All it takes is an "excuse me" or "kindly move your cart pls." I don't like people leaving their carts in the aisle too, but I don't move it without acknowledging them first in a respectful manner. Most of the time they smile and apologize, then we move along. There are few who can be really rude and not move as if they own that aisle(noticed it with mostly older Thais), but are they worth my time and energy? Is it worth seeing myself in a police station afterwards? Heck NO! Some people just don't know how to choose their battles or rather choose suffering!
  17. With a belly like that, it affects the blood flow to the brain. 🙄
  18. Ladyboys in the Philippines will go in jail straight if that happened here and would be asked to repent their sins and shake their gayness away!
  19. It is not taking away when it is being given to them. Thais are the ones hiring them too.
  20. I've been reading in Thai forums, the Thais aren't mincing their words for this man and his wife. They are calling the wife an idiot and other names too graphic to type here haha. Many are also blaming their government and police for being corrupt, that's why many of his likes are thriving in Phuket. They made a hashtag #Getoutfarang(in Thai), which you can see under YT comments in Thai news as well. But I agree with others that deporting him quick gives no or less justice. If not jail, some form of community service that he can't imagine he'll do in his life ever, something like that.
  21. I don't think it's the Thai immigration's fault alone as they weren't like that just few years back. I feel like the immigration here tipped them off for the same human trafficking issue. I actually believe that the Philippine-immigration is the one that tips other ASEAN countries to make the screening harder for Filipinas, most especially the younger ones who fly solo or to meet their partners in Thailand. It has something to do with the government not wanting to shell out money or save their fellow citizens when things go bad abroad. Then on the Thai side, they also don't want to take the burden of such issues which will give them "headaches." Like I have mentioned earlier, I'm all for rescuing women from human-trafficking, but it's not fair to give hell to those who just want to go on a trip, regardless if they will meet a bf or not.
  22. True that. Filipinas with foreign boyfriends need to attend a certain seminar and get a certificate before leaving the country. The immigration also checks the phone for photos if you have been together already or you are meeting somewhere for the first time. I get that they are being cautious for human-trafficking, but they go over the line as to even tell these women they might be prostitutes! However, I am not aware it's also hard for them to enter Thailand. What's the deal with that?
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