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Everything posted by IndomitableSpirit

  1. Why are you being a Karen?🧐🧐
  2. I don't think Russians in Thailand would appreciate the visit of the person they are running away from. Putin will have an easier access to those people if he becomes pretty chummy with the Thai PM.🤷🏻‍♀️
  3. Maybe it's a holy water driving evil spirits away! ????????????‍♀️
  4. You don't go out that much, do you? I grew up in Thailand, and for those 27 years I have met many rich Thais and also the poor ones. My brother and Thai SIL has a business frequented by the hi-so. You are like my cousins who live in the US, who thought Thailand is a third world country with no tall buildings, high technology and poor people everywhere. When they came for a visit was so shocked and started visiting more.????????????‍♀️ It's okay though, I am leaning more towards you being an introvert.
  5. If you have a German friend, take him/her with you! My German friends taught me how to power walk and I'm addicted to walking now.????????
  6. I've noticed that too haha. But yes I give it an A for effort!
  7. Come on you guys, let's just give this to them. Their magic ball made from China gives them hope!???? As I have mentioned before TAT should try focusing on other countries. There are many Chinese(not in China) who they can pull in as well.
  8. Years ago, this happened to me with half a cookie.???? I ended up in the hospital for a night stay because I thought my heart was out of my chest and I kept wondering why I floated up the stairs. ????????????????‍♀️
  9. "Filipina girls" you should have gone with Filipina women instead. Iykyk!
  10. It doesn't work that way all the time. "No good deed goes unpunished." has happened to me many times. I've learned that you can be kind but also be vigilant of the leeches, crocodiles and sharks that surround you. ????????????‍♀️
  11. Maybe they flipped through more pages than expected/required, so that's "thorough" for them. ????????????‍♀️
  12. "No serious harm was done?" If this is how you think, I'm scared of the things you do or can do.
  13. Have you tried ashwaghanda? I've been using it for 3 weeks and it has been giving me good 7-8 hours sleep. Prior to that I was becoming a zombie.????‍♂️ I'm using the Himalaya brand which I got from Lazada. I've been advised not to use it longer than 2 months though, like you need to take a break for a month.
  14. For those lazy to read the whole article. The Norwegian guy at first said there was an intruder then he changed it to suicide. But later on confessed that he killed the Thai bf but not giving any motive. Norwegian guy is also HIV positive with many illnesses and often argues with his bf. They have been together for just over a year.
  15. Men of ASEAN you made me laugh and feel sad with your comments. I'm a woman who's a silent fan of all your bantering as I also learn a lot from your experiences and perspectives. Most of you are brave enough to risk it all, but some are also stupid for risking it all iykyk! Maybe I should just open a retirement home in BKK for foreigners who have nowhere else to go to or don't want to go back to their native home. ????????????‍♀️
  16. I hope you can clear your post a bit. The immigration does not give work permit. You were talking about overstaying, you meant your visa which is on your passport? What is the 11,000 exactly for? That's about 11 days overstay and over a month is already 20k afaik. ????????‍♀️
  17. My eyes...my eyesssssss ???????? It actually surprised me when he got back to a top position given the people in his circle who hate him. He has frenemies too! This raid however isn't surprising, he stepped on so many toes that they want his...cut off. ????????????‍♀️
  18. Chinese kidnapping other Chinese nationals in different countries is old news. It has been going on for decades in Malaysia and Philippines. Even in Thailand, it started way back but it's not as big as in those two countries mentioned. I think Thailand should be more welcoming to other Westerners/Europeans/Asians who are also spending a lot of money in the kingdom. Maybe if they stop focusing on Chinese and Indians, they can encourage more tourists from many parts of the world. ????????‍♀️
  19. His budget is 1000 baht for 10 more days. ????????????‍♀️
  20. The bartering version perhaps. ????????????????‍♀️
  21. The Sun UK has been posting a sort of BI about a known personality who's under investigation for $exual abuse. It's been going on for couple of months I think. They kept saying that in time they will expose the person. So it's Brand after all! ????????‍♀️
  22. In my POV, there's nothing wrong with being "woke" but being too woke is dangerous. There's a big difference in calling out the legit bad things you see and just calling everything bad regardless. The latter are the ones who raise the "card" in every chance they get without critical thinking. ????????‍♀️
  23. I do wonder about that at times. Send a sniper or someone who can take them both down, but that's just me and my gamer-self thinking. ????????????????‍♀️ On a serious note, the US can eliminate Russia and N.Korea if they'd like to but that's a bad business move. Iykyk????
  24. It's usually 246 calories per 350ml and 48g carbs. That's cha yen in general. The one in 711 perhaps more. It gave me a buzz enough to run around our mooban 3x ????????????????‍♀️
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