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Everything posted by spongeworthy

  1. That is an interesting subject. If somebody is pre-op (still has a penis) perhaps it is appropriate to use the "Men's Room" (Male's Room?). If somebody is post-op, what is the fear? That a rapist or pedophile had their penis surgically removed in order to gain access to female restrooms with the intention of committing sexual assaults? I guess the same questions are applicable for the women-to-male side of the equation.
  2. How is it off topic? It's the same people who want to ban books for being "gay" or "pornographic" (with racism being the obvious true motive in some cases) who are the very same intolerant people this thread is about.
  3. The thread is about intolerance in Thailand and apparently Cambodia, by foreigners, of certain groups of locals which the natives appear to be tolerant of. That is the discussion. The fact that many of the intolerant people have shown up in this thread is only fitting. ????
  4. That somebody was me, you replied to me, and I replied to you.
  5. https://www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/transgender.htm https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/transgender-facts/art-20266812 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender
  6. All I asked for was even a single link. Why even bring it up if you're not prepared to back it up? Seems to be a trend in this thread. ????
  7. I don't believe that's correct.
  8. Do you have a source for this claim? It is my understanding that the books are either under review or "banned" for what is assumed to be a violation of Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law, which is what I assume you mean when you say pornographic. I haven't read the 4 books I listed earlier, though I am curious as to what parts of those books were at least initially interpreted as being gay or pornographic. I don't need any such "full sentence" as my reply was not only in response to, but also included, the following quote
  9. That's because Ohio has a secret anti-LGBT formula added into the public the water supply. Or.... https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/19/us/politics/wes-goodman-ohio-republican.html
  10. Are you asking me to spoon feed you? First you couldn't read the one paragraph on the site explaining the list, now you're stating you can't read the list of books yourself to determine which aren't LGBT related? Sigh Perhaps you can explain how these fit into the "LGBT propaganda" category in case I've missed it. The Life of Rosa Parks Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates Indian No More Hiawatha and the Peacemaker
  11. Can you name a book universally considered free of propoganda? Initially. Per the link: After 10 months, 47 titles were rejected and returned to the distributor and 26 still hold “pending” status. ... This shop contains the rejected and pending titles.
  12. https://bookshop.org/lists/duval-county-banned-books
  13. I get that on TF when I ask "come to dark side?" they respond "no ass". ????????
  14. The terms on the unlimited plans, I think it was for AIS, had some language about torrents/abuse. If you download through a VPN they obviously wouldn't detect that it's torrent traffic, but the terms leave it up to them to decide if they want to throttle you or cut you off.
  15. We can only hope he's trolling, but there are plenty of people out there who think like this. In this case he went a bit overboard with the sociopathic incel vibes, and much of what he writes contradicts the image he's aiming to achieve.
  16. Personally I did read, but forgot that detail about the building being new after getting through the replies. @cola1800 if you're running your AC most of the day the meter usage is probably accurate. If you were paying gov rate you'd be under 2.5k which sounds about right for one room. I had 1 AC running all day every day and was looking at 4.5k at the best of times.
  17. While Lazada may have some system where they arrange shipping and the COD cash goes into their account, when the seller is running a scam, there's nothing stopping them from shipping out any small item directly to me using their own account and claiming they had nothing to do with the package that was delivered when Lazada asks them about it. In this case the order page still shows "packed" instead of "shipped" and there's no tracking number. If Lazada was handling the shipping through their account this info would probably be updated.
  18. Another thing to consider is cleaning. I was paying gov rate at a condo with a few ACs (plus washer and dryer), only 1 AC running at a time, and it was generally around 4.5k/month. This was on a very high floor so the rooms became hot quite quickly without an AC running. After 3 or 4 months the bill started creeping up, and after 3 months of trending upwards it hit 8k. I had the AC's cleaned and the next month the bill was back down to 4.5k. As you're paying double 8 baht/unit it's certainly possible you're not paying too much, but without a baseline it's hard to tell. Does your lease mention anything about the AC being cleaned? As it's an apartment, it's possible it hasn't been cleaned in ages. It's also possible the owners are on top of things and clean the units every year or after every move out. Check your rental agreement and inquire with management (who obviously may lie). If they tell you it hasn't been cleaned in ages it may be worth paying for a cleaning, even if just for peace of mind.
  19. It's nice to see Amazon makes Customs clearance so easy. I'll probably start using them for some purchases. What worries me a bit with purchasing computer parts from the US is the exchange and warranty process and eligibility. I've purchased enough computers and parts that I've had almost every type of part be DOA or fail under warranty. When I purchased from Fortune Town or Pantip, that meant bringing the part or computer back to them, they do some quick tests, swap, and I'm good to go. Doing that via Amazon in the US seems like a huge time suck. Then the warranty question... will you be covered if you try to make a warranty claim in 6 months or 2 years while living in Thailand for a part purchased in the US? The likely answer is no, and you're stuck shipping the part back to the US for a friend or family member to make the claim for you. That's a headache for you and them. Then shipping the warranty replacement back and you could be looking at paying import duties again. The savings would have to be sufficient enough that I'd be comfortable tossing any parts that go bad while under warranty. Good luck with the new computer. I saw the specs on reddit and it looks like a beast!
  20. I made a small order on Lazada a few days ago from a new seller with no feedback. Paid with a credit card so not worried about scams either way. Received a call this morning from the courier about a Lazada delivery and he showed up with a box much too small for what I ordered, and it was shipped COD, so I took a picture of the package and refused delivery. I called Lazada and got right through to customer service who understood the issue and said their investigation team will look into the seller. While it's possible the seller could still come through and deliver the order (no tracking number on Lazada and the order still shows as packed since shortly after placing it) I guess this is another type scam to be aware of. The seller gets your address details and sends a random package COD thinking you'll sign and pay for it without looking. I was a bit tired having just woke up, so if I had ordered COD and the box was of sufficient size, this part of the scam would have likely worked. The seller gets his money directly from the courier and Lazada really has no way to be certain that the seller is involved. I guess the lesson learned here is that even if you order COD, open the package before paying and take pictures of the shipping label and contents. This way even if you refuse the package you have something to show Lazada/Shopee/whoever that the seller is playing games when making the inevitable refund request. Lazada customer service was understanding and appeared to be taking the matter seriously, even being a small order of a few hundred baht. I haven't requested refund yet so I can't speak to how smooth or not that process will be. If another package shows up before cancelling this order, I'll be recording a video of me greeting the courier and opening the package. Honestly it's too much grief for me and as much as I hate shopping I'd rather just go to a store if purchasing something that's locally available than roll the dice with Lazada/Shopee orders. I'll probably start using Amazon for online orders until Customs turns me off that option.
  21. I've had 2 and 3 monitor setups at home and in the office using Dells and you'll be fine with that setup. I have found the main issues that can distract with multi monitors are size differences, different heights, and combining matte and glossy. The Dells you mentioned are the same size, same resolution, both matte finish, and both have adjustable stands. The only differences I you're likely to notice are that the newer one may be a bit brighter even though they are rated the same, due to be newer and different backlighting parts and you'll probably notice color differences due to the 2722 supporting a wider color gamut. One thing to keep in mind with using 2 monitors is that you'll likely prefer having 1 monitor centered with the second off to the side so you're not forced to always be looking either left or right which becomes tiring quickly. Just something to keep in mind with regards to the size and layout of your desk.
  22. I'm sure you can find some sr network engineers in the usual places. If you're don't work for an ISP or other org with a large network and are unsure where to look, PM me and I'll point you in the right direction. Just keep in mind these aren't places to air your grievances with an ISP, these are where ISPs and the like communicate to resolve and discuss issues and other matters.
  23. 30k isn't going to get you into the "best" developments, but you should be able to find something a bit older around that budget. There's a lot of ground to cover, so driving around all of them is going to take ages, and in my experience, property management won't be aware of all of the houses available for rent as owners tend to list with the agencies. You also might run into issues gaining access to some developments. Reach out to an agent and ask what they have available and coordinate with them on appointments for the places you're interested in as they have to speak to the owners first in most cases. If you want I can send you the details of a nice agent who assisted me. She'll arrange viewing times for the houses you're interested in and drive you to them. As with all agents in Thailand, when it comes to questions about internet options they are pretty much useless. You'll really want to check with the provider(s) yourself to ensure they can offer the service you're looking for (e.g. fiber) at that house before signing a lease.
  24. If all of the winners are cruising Thaifriendly looking for non-pros in order to get in their pants and toss them aside for the next one, I'm more than happy to be one of the losers.
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