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Everything posted by Brickleberry

  1. LIES LIES LIES. Nowhere have they denied the existence of tunnels. They have denied KNOWING WHERE the tunnels were being built.
  2. You must realize that you are the only one trolling, right? Your original claim is this: Where did the guy deny they existed? He said they didn't know about the tunnels being built, not their existence.
  3. Again, I don't think you understand the context. They are not denying the existence of the tunnels - that would be preposterous! They are denying knowing the tunnels were being constructed underneath them. Completely different to what you said.
  4. Again, you need to send the correct link. Last time, you did not provide a link to a video where the UN claimed this.
  5. The video evidence of them dancing around claiming 'there are no innocents in Gaza' and making so many TikTok videos of them doing disgusting, racist war crimes are evidence of their hatred, and are in the ICJ court case.
  6. Are you being intentionally obtuse, or are you twisting the facts to suit your narrative? We all know there are tunnels in Gaza. Israel has told us so, and so have Palestinians. He clearly says many people told him there were tunnels everywhere, its a safe assumption. He even notes that Israel knows exactly where they are! I see no denials, I see nothing they are trying to cover up. What are you smoking? I'd love some.
  7. Yes, of course I am. Fake news is everywhere, you have to carefully check each source for accuracy. Are you advocating believing anything you see as true?
  8. No, I was talking about the defense minister and his comments. You replied with a post about Bibi's disgusting rhetoric which has been described internationally as genocidal.
  9. What are you talking about. Does this look anything like the first thing you posted? NO. IT. DOES. NOT.
  10. I'm still waiting for you to post an even remotely credible link to the BS you just tried to pull. Links to what claims? That the IDF recruits and trains from 17 years old? Can you not google it yourself? It is quite easy to verify.
  11. At what point will you realize what Bibi's government really wants? They have told the world explicitly what they want. They have been taken to the ICJ because there so much evidence of what they really want to achieve. Most of the world is in agreement that Israel is out of order, and is disproportionately responding. 796 Israeli civilian deaths should not equate to over 25,000 Palestinian deaths - 12,000 of which are children. If we take the IDF at its word, around 8,000 of those 25,000 are terrorists. Will it take 50,000 dead for you to admit that something is not quite right here? 100,000 dead? 500,000 dead? Do the Palestinians not have a right to resist their occupiers? According to international law, they do. According to international law, Israel has no right to self defense in the occupied territories. According to the law, Gaza is an occupied territory.
  12. Can you post credible links first please. The source you posted from is a right wing conspiracy media outlet: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/christian-broadcasting-network-cbn/
  13. Are you sure it was' those kids' in the video? Note those kids were high school kids - the same age as IDF teens recruited at 17. There are kids dying on both sides of this conflict, but Israel is the clear winner here: over 12,000 kids killed by Israel. How many Israeli kids were killed? Less than 100.
  14. Nice, ignore all of the comments and redirect to something entirely different. Note that the man was not speaking about Hamas. He was talking about everyone in the Gaza strip, which is why he shut off the water, power, food and medical supplies. A war crime. Do you condone this?
  15. Ah, so now we have professionally trained soldiers against kids... come on man, you actually sound ridiculous. Is Israel afraid of a few teens with guns? Or are the Gaza teens afraid of Israels mighty army, sophisticated American weapons, bombs, fighter jets, etc. and need to defend themselves against the aggression of Israel?
  16. No, it isn't. They are the same age as the IDF teens. The report notes that it is people who finish high school. That would be anywhere between 16-18. The IDF does it at 17.
  17. Nope, an American source. It has been very well documented by several media outlets, and it is a central part of the ICJ court case that SA put to the court. I also pointed out what Israel teaches its kids in schools, there is a guardian link and Human rights watch link on page 2 of this thread that proves Israel does exactly the same thing. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/israel-defense-minister-human-animals-gaza-palestine_n_6524220ae4b09f4b8d412e0a
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