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Everything posted by BKKKevin

  1. So someday when you go to sell will your basis for tax purposes will be the lower deflated price?…
  2. No one here seems to complain about all the breast enhancements they chipped in to pay for..
  3. I would think every Trump supporter would support a trial as soon as possible so Trump can prove himself innocent and remove the dark cloud of this witch hunt... 🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️
  4. February is the beginning of the burning season in that region so you might encounter high air pollution and haze filled days...
  5. Carry a Ukulele with you and practice chords when you get bothered...
  6. Yes it is approved as safe by the FDA for human use but one can't mix that with a Kool-aid of conspiracy theories to make an effective Covid cure... https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19
  7. These same 24% thought a horse medicine promoted by a con man would cure them of covid...
  8. Just make sure you have 365 days of validity before leaving Thailand... This guy has a pretty good explanation... https://stefaninthailand.de/en/keep-your-thai-number-sim-card/?cookie-state-change=1698717407144
  9. I have it done without anesthesia no problem... Takes about 20-30 minutes...
  10. To be fair and balanced one need only watch Fox news... https://youtu.be/Yq1Nb0L9gyg?si=3-uJStb4RjZEuafW
  11. BKKKevin

    Back Problems

    I'm sure there is a similar soi near to where you are ????
  12. But there seems to be a rather complicated 2% fee to fund transactions?...
  13. BKKKevin

    Back Problems

    If the OP wants to get into deadlifting I would highly recommend he go down to Soi Cowboy and hire a spotter!...
  14. BKKKevin

    Back Problems

    You might consider a visit to a general practicing doctor to have a basic exam and specifically make sure your not having kidney function problems which manifest symptoms similar to lower back pain...
  15. You would think they had learned thier lesson about electing a wrestling coach as speaker...
  16. For those contemplating direct deposit of their SS check have your Thai bank open two accounts… One account use as your deposit account and the second account for your debit card, online banking and QR payments… This creates a firewall so if the second account is compromised and needs to be closed your SS deposit account is left intact… Money can be easily moved from on one account via app or online and you can control the balance of the debit card account… It also keeps the SS deposit account clean of transactions to make the bank book/statement easier to read for immigration extension purposes…
  17. If your riding your own motorcycle can you not buy Type/Class 1 insurance that includes medical?...
  18. Can give us the cost including installation? Thanks
  19. You have been gaming the system for 14 months so it's basically a crap shoot whatever you do...
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