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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Translation: I cant argue with your premise Being proud to be a part of something (we got Coach Bryant!) or having a great time because your Boss is doing a great job (my old employees loved me) for the team is the American way! "Murica" Vis a vis the slobbering adoration shown to the Dear Leaders in your petty-soon-to-be-bankrupt-unless-you-reform-continent. You Socialists put the bodies of your Gods on display. Oh. What "truth" did you see? Hollywood videos? The Fox is in the henhouse now. Loads of folks are lawyering up. Tell us what the "truth" is. Now you are getting incoherent. You are the one that brought up National Socialism in the context of Jan 6. Heres your badge now
  2. Biden and Co gaslighted us about his abilities and age (although most of us didnt fall for it) https://archive.is/ZtcKo Wonder how many folks here defended him. I wish I had time to search. Anyone here want to apologize?
  3. The theory of National Interest predates the National Socialist philosophy of racial collectivism. A nation is permitted to act in the interests of its people and National Socialist abuse of that concept has no relevance to the moral and/or philopsophical/ geopolitical needs of the USA (and by extension, the Free World) There isnt much "democracy" in the world outside the USA. I defy you to show me anyhting that proves that. You wont find it, therefore you are a liar. Im waiting for the truth to come out. History tells me this one doesnt require a answer now. Do you think that Jan 6 was an effort to overthrow the government of the USA. Your knowledge of National Socialist is a bit garbled. The Beer Hall Putsch was put down by the Bavarian military in 1922. Hitler assumed power after the National Socialists won an election in 1933. There was no riot at the Reichstag.
  4. Oh fabulous imagery! May I borrow the banging my head into mush line? Ive been liking the Struwwelpeter hair too. So viz: As a Trump topic appeared on the screen, he began to shake and quiver like he just got hit with Bangkok belly on a night bus, his eyes bugged out and his hair rose like an insane Struwwelpeter and the spittle bubblefrothed from his distorted lips as a wail...nay...not a wail, that is too human..... a vicious animal screeching of TrumpTrumpTrump bellowed from his gaping, rage twisted mouth, and as the horrible symphony rose into a crescendo of madness, he began to bang his head into mush on the table, finally, eyes rolling, he collapsed on his keyboard in a pile of blood and brains . Another Trump victim.
  5. Im not even going to do a poll, sing out. Yes? No? No but?
  6. Folks here is your Kubota data. https://www.volza.com/p/kubota-tractor/import/import-in-united-states/ Here is more. https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/united-states-agricultural-tractor-machinery-market Kubota just sank $85 mill into a new R&D facility in Georgia. They build tractors in the USA since 2000? Tell the members O Spinmeister, what the value of Kubota imports were. Tell us how much of that figure was parts or modules for assemblies in the USA? I bet you dont know what Kubotas sales are in the USA and what products are made where. FTC action? Good for them. I want to know what stuff is made by good US workers. You need to get a life. I know you are elderly with health problems and need something to do, so this was my contribution. Move on to someone else. Im proud of my country and my President. We rule.
  7. The Lefty posters or the subject?
  8. Liar! Lies! How dare you spread such misinformation! Im reporting this post! Joe would have given Ukraine another 100 $Billion and then smiled and waved to to a blank wall.
  9. Is Trump a Russian asset? I bet you will NEVER answer that question
  10. Germany is pathetic. The entire continent is an economic and political basket case.
  11. Exactly. Wealthy graduates of elite schools, experienced in business and politics, elected by the American people on a platform of America first vs anonymous foreigners on a message Board. Ho hum. Hes a smarmy little manipulator who used his agents and influencers (ie, Nuland, Hunter, Burisma, Traitor Vindemann) to hustle/extort/bribe Biden and his greedy, thieving cohorts. Hes the Dictator of a fake country that steps all over human rights embroiled in a dik measuring contest with his equally disgusting Russian cousin. Watching him cower was wonderful.
  12. A nation of wokesters who dont pay for our air cover.
  13. Yep, so all you guys can do from here on in is mentally masturbate over stuff that doesnt exist.
  14. Ill guarantee you the Trump is not on the client list. Bet ya tons of NY Dems though.
  15. Yap yap yap. You said that already. I bet you think Trump mis a Russian asset too.
  16. Scotties back. Yap yap yap. Crushed? Socialism is dead? hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  17. Spin all you want, Mr. Follow Me Around. Bet you would ban the Afd
  18. Trump is our duly elected President. Screech and babble all you want in your dinky Euro apt in the cold.
  19. Kubota makes most of its consumer products in the USA. Uniformed as usual. Its hard to be competitive in building railways when you cant use slave labour and rape the environment. Built in advantage of the Socialists, life means nothing in comparison to the achievement of the socialist future. The Death Cult of Socialism. Its great to see who the members are here.
  20. You dont consider the German nation to be notorious killers? You enamored of Russians too?
  21. I know you arent an American, you have too much hate for us.
  22. Oh my we all will just collapse in shame! An adherent of Socialism calling us...Socialists!
  23. Calling a broken cart in the dirt outside the Mosque isnt a restaurant, but you get the picture. Go to Polo Fried Chicken on Wireless Road near the us embassy. No life is complete without Polo. They will come out looking like the picture. I usually unwrap at the counter to make sure.
  24. Ive got Trump and the USA. I have freedom, decency, the worlds premier military and economy and a dream for the future. You have a deteriorating economy in some irrelevant little country cowering in fear from Putin and horrified by the fact that your free ride is over, so you start innumerable anti american posts where all you do is ignorantly screech spittlefrothed lies. You really have nothing.
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