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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Look at all the conspiratorial anti semites here. Thats the definition of loser.
  2. You are a blatantly spreading a lie without any basis in fact except for the fevered dreams of theives, haters and Socialists.
  3. You do know that the Mods hate childish nicknames. But hey, tell us why you gave him that one other than kindergarden ego needs.
  4. Please dont make any allusions comparing your history to ours. Just be thankful we didnt run the Morganthau plan on you. Far as I am concerned, if y'all arent saying Yes Sir to us, you shouldnt talk at all. PS, you should be worrying more about the state of your failing economy and your inability to defend yourselves. And the inflation? The FKKs are getting too expensive! And the graffiti, burkhas, turbans and garbage? Yikes. So much for lederhosen
  5. I wont comment 'cuz its not my country, I just boggle my brain over the fact that he was one of the greatest men in history. When I think of Churchill, I think of the Cavalry charge at Omdurman. C96 and sword, plunging his horse through spear chucking ululating fanatic Islamofacist Mahdiist barbarians. I loved the C96 (mauser Broomhandle). in all its variations. Did you know it has only one screw? You put it together like a jigsaw puzzle. You loaded it with stripper clips. I am amazed that Churchill could reload that thing while on horseback. Its only 10 shots. Maybe he had two of them. Fuzzy-Wuzzy!
  6. In all fairness, all polls should be posted. The trend is as you say https://www.realclearpolling.com/latest-polls
  7. Its the biggest and most dangerous slum in Thailand and even with that, its less dangerous than London
  8. We were on the same side as the Russians in WW1 and WW2. Sometimes you have to deal with scumbags. Its easy to monday morning quarterback history
  9. They put a picture of a dude up and call him she. I love the way the Dems support an organization that deliberately lies.
  10. You mean the racist depiction of an American Indian? The one where a white man pretends to be an indian and denigrates all of them with a simplistic, cruel, caricature of their lives, dress and customs? He probably signed a petition against the Washington Redskins. Thats like the typical post: "Trump is destroying the lives of gays and you are supporting it, you must be taking it up the *** from him"
  11. You can see them over in the Soapbox screaming their fevered Trump nightmares and looking for Russians under the bed,
  12. Got it. Once a year. Clearly qualified to address the " Jewish question".
  13. Why would they not have extensive security when there are blatant Jew haters around that would kill them just for being Jewish?
  14. The philosophy of socialism cannot exist without hate, murder and violence. Lies are part of their game plan. As is the unmitigated theft we see being committed against the United States
  15. 1. Didn't ask for per capita, how much do you guys spend each year? 2. Seems like a fair price for nuclear submarines, and you want new ones? Can you afford them? 3. Please set forth the facts that you have showing that multinationals use fake loans. 4. You are opposing our attempts to get paid by a ukraine? Does that mean you support stealing from us. 5. You are a American base. Not much else.
  16. Its not your money and so your opinion means nothing. Bet a whole bunch of US Aid money is lining pockets in Brussels. And you lie about the status of health aid. Wonder how much your country contributes. btw. No matter, you support stealing from Americas cookie jar. Thieves.
  17. Which fraud allegations are imaginary?
  18. No. Just another Trump derangement topic.
  19. Hey Jew hater, why dont you walk up to one of those male Israeli tourists and go talk about your jew complaints right to them, since you live in Pai. Bet you are too frightened.
  20. Nice ride mate, see you in Cambodia in a few months.
  21. 1, Who is Bob 2. If thats the best you can do, clearly we have another one who wants to keep being made a fool of
  22. As well they should have, they have sucked off of us enough.
  23. There werent a lot of National Socialists in 1922 when the Deutschlandlied was written, in Democratic Weimer. The National Socialists had the Horst Wessel song.
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