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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Well if you dont understand geopolitics, you shouldnt be posting
  2. Based on his posts, he's either an Ozzy or some type of European. He's major into the America hating wing of this board, and took a beating during the Trump election
  3. * insert image of a toddler screaming*
  4. You guys made us, now you will obey us. It could be a worse Master to have we speak English and own a lot of your football clubs
  5. How do you know what most Americans do or don't do, you're not one. Most Americans don't share hostility to Canada.? Maybe nobody has hostility to Canada maybe we're just smart enough to realize that it's a undefendable piece of land as it stands right now so we have to come defend it. Maybe we should send them a bill for jet fuel ffs. The depths of your hatred for America is as deep as your lack of knowledge about things that go on there.
  6. A threat? Telling the notorious Killers to behave otherwise we'll have to take them out? Where do you live Mr comment on everybody else's country?
  7. When Trump started yelling at zelinsky all I could think about was this https://clip.cafe/full-metal-jacket-1987/you-piece-of-<deleted>-you-look-like-a-<deleted>-worm-ill-bet-it-you/
  8. Pull the Ford plant out of Oakville Ontario and watch them all flop around like a pike on a Johnson's silver minnow. Yo Dougie your bro was a Druggie and you guys will do what we want when we want like you always have. You scream and cry like little toddlers but at the end of the day, we say jump and you say how high.
  9. Well you got your country back, so we'll be happy to leave. Just remember, you better behave in Europe so we don't have to come take care of you again. We should send you an invoice for 80 years of air cover and jet fuel.
  10. They can't even get along with the people next door.
  11. KFC is gross. I've been doing five star here in Cambodia. Far better and more Outlets. $1 each piece There's this Muslim cart on funky Lane near the mosque in Siem who does his chicken with hot sauce in the batter it's fabulous
  12. You will do what we say. We are your Master. Or Learn Mandarin but until then we will use you or abandon you for our needs, not yours.
  13. Decisions are tough and Monday morning quarterbacking is usually replete with socialist propaganda.
  14. No, Putin is a revanchist murderous scumbag bully that would run right up to 1945 borders if he could. He can't tho
  15. I have a house shoes car booze ladies weed democracy flushtoilet how bout them? Winner
  16. Dont argue with Daddy.
  17. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6de423
  18. The CCP Han Chinese nomenklatura and people are the most ferocious racists ever.
  19. We will carve it up for us, we got suckered for 350 billion dollars. Putin cant beat a real army and he better not screw around with our bulldozers. Meanwhile, You folks better get a real army fast. Or some energy development FAFO. The stealing is over!!!!!!!
  20. What planet are you on?
  21. Arent we all supposed to be dead or iced up or flooded or boiled by now?
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