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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. So many conspiracies come true, in whole or in part. How about this one, LBJ and the elites tried to cover up the fact that Oswald was a commie scumbag owned by the Cubans and Russians and that the government screwd up in their security procedures, in order to prevent the US public from clamoring for war.
  2. Says the white supremecist with the HH in his user name
  3. Hmm interesting. Here are some: 1. The Feds knew about Joes involvement in Hunters Chinese business and the extent of corruption and influence peddling and hid it. 2. Joe Biden got the US Attorneys office to try and sneak a plea bargain for Hunter past the Courts. 3. Barak Obama and Hillary Clinto and the heirarchy of the Dems phonied up a Russian scandal agaist Donald Trump. 4. The White House met with Fulton County prosecutors to plan the prosecustion of Danald Trump. 5. The White house met with Braggs office to plan the prosecution of Trump and even gave them a specialized prosecutor from the DOJ. 6. The Feds had copies of all the documents that Trump allegedly stole. 7. The Feds manipulated the Mar a Largo documents to allege retention of classified documents and then lied about it in Court. 8. COVID came from a Chinese Lab and was funded in part by the US government.
  4. Even more reason to live in Cambodia
  5. Dont know about you, but there is only one Dude and his family above me in the hierarchy here.
  6. Nobody like Jews outside of Israel and the USA. They dont care. They got plenty of firepower. And Mossad.
  7. I hate it when the lower races come in to a pristine tropical vacation getaway like Nana and destroy it for all the upper class westerners that used to sit in the fancy cafes sipping Dom Perignon with their pinkies raised. They dirtied it up so much you can't even eat off the street anymore. I'm going to start going to the Maldives
  8. Ron now as opposed to a few years ago. Not just the hair everywhere and the enormous protuberance of Manliness standing proudly under the draping belly, but now they hair must be white and there must be the vacant drooling look of the empty brain caused by dementia and prison. I'm sure you can tell by my posts that I still retain a few brain cells unlike ronnie, but the demented drooling look is easy to fabricate. I've been doing it since high school.
  9. And that's just the girls, you should see the ratio for everybody else
  10. Dude I'm beyond repulsive. I barely qualify as human. To be honest, since I've been in Cambodia I've been working very hard to not only be a sloth but resemble a slot.Trannies don't even look at me they want to catch a young hot one like your friend right? You're the one with the friend who is always getting molested by trannies?
  11. They danced in the streets after 9/11. Their entire culture is medieval, barbaric, misogynistic, psychopathic, homicidal and a threat to every decent human being on the face of the planet that doesn't share their sick and twisted ideology. They're holding Americans hostage, and there's so lucky they have Joe Biden as president. Trump wouldn't allow American hostages to be held as long.
  12. Back then the girls had beehive hairdos and called guys "hansum man" "Up to you"was big back then, especially in Thermae. "Up to you" started disappearing when the Asians hit. "Up to you" it was the best. Unlike these days, when you hung out with a dude back then and he was telling you war stories, they were probably true.
  13. The rooms are upstairs. 800 baht
  14. So what, I dont pay them to play, Im generous with cab fare. I go to Thermae and if I want, I get. Score. The details dont matter. Some folks like to wine and dine and woo and pretend that some 21 year old Isaan hardbody is in love with (using moi as an example) their 70 year old grey bearded belly jiggling needledicked stoned drooling selves, Im realistic. Everyone pays. Ive had wives and girlfriends. Cab fare is cheaper. As one of my divorce lawyers said "If it flies, f***s or floats, its cheaper to lease it than to own it."
  15. Id be depressed if I had to work at anything other than rolling one up
  16. Its a place that sells street food without exhast fumes or visible rats for 50% more. If designed for tourists, it will be airconditioned.
  17. I wouldnt care much. Life is too short. Go find a table or stand in front of random folks and eat Pad Krapow off the tray. Once I get a good krapow sprinkling on my beard, folks tend to leave. Or make incoherent noises...or gagging, yeah thats it. That frees up table space. Or just sit on the floor. Or sit with a stranger who doesnt speak English and have a conversation. Your annoyance level is way too low. Mine would be if I rhodesian drilled some skell and my lawyer wouldnt answer the phone. Or my plug takes off for a month and forgets to give me a bag to tide me over. Or if my hemmies act up when Im ready to go to an FKK. People taking tables? Rude taxi drivers? Overcharging by .25 cents? A cockroach in the hotel? Toe fungus? Stupid farangs? America Bashers? Meh. Life is too short. I save annoyance for serious issues.
  18. Wish we were as barbaric as Russians, they would have rolled Gaza up in a week and damn the civilian casualties
  19. If it comes from the UN, Hamas, Iran, or their supporters on this forum, its in all probablity a lie. But I dont care myself. Americans are being held hostages and we should turn the place into a parking lot if they are not released. We. Uncle Sam. B52s and all that. The Israelis are being too nice.
  20. I dont think the opinion of the mood of the country invented by some deranged Trumpophobe is worthy of 6 pages
  21. Your opinions and thoughts are useless since you are an anti-semite, plus a mysoginistic terrorist and rape supporter. There are Americans being held hostages. Far as I am concerned, its surrender or die in Gaza. When the white flag is raised, then the dying will stop, except for the heirarchy of Hamas and Iran who can happily live the rest of their lives watching out for Mossad hit squads.
  22. Just when I thought this forum could go no lower, you hit the bottom. Your philosophy: Yeah, Ted Bundy was a confused guy, but the cops broke the speed limit catching him. Hamas arent soldiers they are terrosists. They are rapists. They have no rights under the laws of war, not do any of their supporters who provide material aid to them. And you support them.
  23. I dont think they allow the type of photos I take. If you would like to suscribe tho? I do try to accomodate sensitve viewers by pixilating my face and scrawny old man butt.
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