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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Well anti semtic too but thats just as obvious
  2. Wow. You have got it bad too, huh.
  3. Oh? An LBMF cook then. Ive considered it, but the Eggs Benedict at Cafe Soriya are possibly the best in the world for $4 and I wouldnt want to double my breakfast cost
  4. Yeah the chaos was sure Trump lol. You must be a Euro. That explains the hate mand the lack of knowledge about how things work in the USA. I feel bad for you. You really need to get some counseling about it.
  5. People who dont live in SE Asia dont know the angst involved in menu planning, especially when you dont have a 7-11 for when the total frustration leads one to the toasties and frozen rice.
  6. Vacant stares are hard. I usually only get that from Budder or some other concentrate. He talks while vacantly staring too, thats pretty cool. I hope they dont drug him too much. I want to see him try to sniff the Most Magnificent Orange Hair Transplant ever...transplanted.
  7. THe only thing demonstated in this thread is how easy it is to wind you crazies up.
  8. Well I am in a bit of pyschological distress because I cant decide if I feel like making a cheese omelet or just ordering some eggs benedict off food panda.
  9. This topic is about Trumps joke about a drug test and the insane/inane reactions of the congenital Trumpophobics as they froth and babble in their echo chamber. Its not about your life.
  10. Thanks for the profound stupidity, I wont heed your advice.
  11. There is no cure for the disease of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  12. Echocholic is mispelled not made up. Better hit Google, not that congenital Trumpophobics care about reality.
  13. Oh dude thats fabulous, you should apply for work at CNN. If you could spell, you might become somebody
  14. Armed? Armed is a 1911 carried IWB. A pocket knife is to clean the bong and cut durina and trim toenails. Not like the dude was carrying a Fairbairn-Sykes was he
  15. Yeah. Whether go the white man, the darkies should bow down. That was sarcastic (for the Trumpohobics here, got to make that clear).
  16. Im gonna say, in defense of my Brit friends, that even though they are total loons, the world does owe them a favour for beeing looney enough to leave their silly liitle nasty weather island and build todays modern world to keep drinking in.
  17. Yeah unlike the yobs in Leeds who gang stab others. They usually just wait around for the Peelers do they?
  18. The rules are the same. Absent employment, the folks on the streets at 4am are either drunks or up to no good. I had a cop friend in a major US city who used to look at his watch and say, Oh look, its 4, scumbag time is starting.
  19. Whats to debate LOL? .Aussies overseas are drunken troublemakers. So what.? You guys are OK despite the fact noone understands what you are saying. You are good fighters too, you can take a beating and you dont whine about it, unlike other troublemaking folks that start <deleted>, get beat and whine about it. Yanks are the worst, they get beat and cry like girls. Waaaah, I was outside 7-11 and three ladyboys slapped me around for no reason waaaaaah, where is the ambulance and police and the hospital was terrible they wouldnt take my creidt card and had no gluten free snacks. I wasnt trying to insult your sparecly populated nation mate, I admire an Australians toughness and combat abilities. The men too. Thats why us and the Poms use you as cannon fodder. Ive never had a problem with a denizen of the Land of Oz, although the Balinese do, dont they.
  20. Everyone is. Go cause trouble in Philly or Moscow. Here in Cambodia, its not very unusual to have Barangs beat to death.
  21. They should both do some bong rips first. See who wins then.
  22. As illustrated above, Congential Trumphobics share many of the same characteristics, among others: lack of humour, lack of sense of proportion, inability to process sarcasm and irony, ignorance and ecocholic parroting. Just wanted to toss that in, you can go back to the frothing hysteria now. Make sure you leave plenty of nasty smilies so you can reinforece your personal sense of outraged righteousness that anyone would dare to contradict your narrative in any fashion.
  23. You guys start fights just because your bored.
  24. Its devolved now into Bobs schlong. No one cares about the victim, Bobs endowment is now viral.
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