Whats to debate LOL? .Aussies overseas are drunken troublemakers. So what.? You guys are OK despite the fact noone understands what you are saying. You are good fighters too, you can take a beating and you dont whine about it, unlike other troublemaking folks that start <deleted>, get beat and whine about it. Yanks are the worst, they get beat and cry like girls. Waaaah, I was outside 7-11 and three ladyboys slapped me around for no reason waaaaaah, where is the ambulance and police and the hospital was terrible they wouldnt take my creidt card and had no gluten free snacks.
I wasnt trying to insult your sparecly populated nation mate, I admire an Australians toughness and combat abilities. The men too. Thats why us and the Poms use you as cannon fodder.
Ive never had a problem with a denizen of the Land of Oz, although the Balinese do, dont they.