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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Becasue lying is only good if you are a Dem Politician with his cum on her dress, a senile President with an Uncle who was made into Biden-a-roni by ferocious black cannibals (might as well add rascism to lying, your lot loves that) or a disbarred lawyer who spews out the fantasies of his Trumpophobic audience. Serious thinkers want to know whether Bragg will ever be sanctioned for this legal farce. Keep hoping and praying (well your lot doesnt pray except to Satan or if it makes a political statement) that Trump is going to go poof and disapear. Nope. Convict him=elected Jail him=elected bankrupt him=elected. Hes coming back no matter what you do. I cant wait.
  2. Ignorance spurts out again. The stat of lims has run on misdemeanors. Name the campaign violation? What law? I do forget things but those are things that you never knew in the first place.
  3. Really? So your allegation is that Trump personaly arranged for the whore to be paid off, then personaly arranged the payment knowing that you cant claim a hush money payment as a "legal serices".? Well thats a misdeameanor at the worst. So what makes it a felony? What law was broken to bring it into a felony? You cant answer, its way to complicated for folks whose brain only has room for the Trumpophobic fantasies and are unable to see anyhting in reality anymore. If the bulk of legal scholars, such as Dershowitz and I think even the Chicken choker on CNN agrees.
  4. Half right. Factual and accurate? Ya mean like YOUR HERO, Mike Cohen. Next thing you know that anything he says is worthy of belief. Hey, new name for the Democrats: The Party of Perjurers LOL. Tell me what other statute Trump violated? Crickets. That is a real challenge for the Trumpaphobics, maybe you will do better than the trial.
  5. Thats the issue you have ignored since I first raised it pages ago. Lets try again, for the umpteenth time so that the world knows what a fake you are. Name the statute that brings this case out of being time barred and the facts to support it. Like UI said over again, you cant because it doesnt exist, and you arent mentally capable of critical thinking.
  6. I dont think the prosecution has alleged any facts, thats the problem.
  7. If you leave your bubble and read somehting other than the garbage tossed about in your echo chamber, you will see that real legal experts saw quite a show in the interests of justice as Cohen was destroyed on the witness stand
  8. There is no obligation nto disprove anyhting. I see you are still babbling on with your cronies. You still cant point to what crime has been comitted, not any facts to support any real or imaginary crimes. Carry on. I bet you think Trump is guilty dont you.
  9. Draining from the pan sucks the large hairy ladyboy when you have to take off 8 bolts and a cover to get at the drain plug. Do that on your back.
  10. I know but I like to pretend its me. I just am generous with cab fare.
  11. Works for me in the places I frequent
  12. OOOOrah he has a bigger gut than me, amd more dangly MOOBs! Im sexy eeeyah!
  13. When changing the oil in high end older sports cars (Porsche, Benz) I use a pump because Im changing oil every 4,ooo miles, then once a year I lube up my butt and take it to the dealership. Otherwise I use Jiffy lube. I dont go under cars, thats not in my job description.
  14. I thought the headline was about action at the Coconut Bar
  15. He would win the presidency while in prison
  16. Not to the millions in its audience. I know, I know, brainwashed rascist deplorables clinging to god and guns. What would Lenin do?
  17. All right, res ipsa loquitor so to speak, enjoy your last word LOL. Its boring trying to extract teeth from the toothless.
  18. So did you read those, or did you just skim the headlines LOL. Got a NY Times subscription so you could read that one? Got any facts from those three opinion pieces?
  19. You can point to kany facts to support that allegation. You cant even identify the underlying crime (the statute) that is involved. You are just yammering the same thing over and over like a child chanting to his security blanket. Keep making a fool of yourslef. Not one witness has put a glove on Trump. The best evidence of that is the silence of the Trumpophobics on TV, and the lack of headlines.
  20. No Im in the pool on my phone. Done scanning Trump threads to put your 2 pence in to support your obsession. Triggered. Cant wait till November hahahahah
  21. In the past 4 years, Democrats have given us Inflation, Open Borders, Weaponization of the Govt, Breakdown of Law and Order, Riots, Wars, Racism, Violence, AntiSemitism, War, International Humiliation, Corruption and Fascsim. Wake up democrats.
  22. They havent introduced any evidence at all. None. Except Trump signed the checks. Thats evidence of nothing as it applies to Trump.
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