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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Proper Fish and Chips is made with COLD WATER fish from the Atlantic or in the case of the USA, the Great Lakes. There is NO PROPER FRIED FISH outside the Northern Hemisphere, except maybe down in OZ. I dont eat fish from the Sap because I have seen people having a large satisfying dump in the water.
  2. You mean innocent freedom fighters fighting the righteous war against the jackbooted capitalist colonilaist rascist zionist thugs. Death to Amerikka. Death to Israel
  3. Here is how these student revolutionaries break down. Professional agitators Metantally ill trustfundians Pink hair wierdos Ungrateful muslim residents Really ungrateful muslim student visaers Loud and noisy chicks who because of their hi\ome life hate everything about America, and themselves, and their Daddies but are to ugly for prostitution Guiys looking to bang some revolutionary chicks. Real revolutionarys dont ask for vegan food, they shoot a government official and go proudly to the gallows. There are no Sophia Perovskayas in their movement. No guts, no glory, and at 70, I have more chops than any of them.
  4. One of my wives got into a bad mood when she sobered up and saw the marraige license
  5. The bamboo adds some vintage old Asia charm.
  6. If Randi Weingartens lips are moving. moronic nonesense and lies are spewing out
  7. I only smoke weed, what drug is that?
  8. I dont do layovers of less than 2 hours if I can avoud it. Remember you have to travel to new gate and clear security. Based on experience, I try to avoid transfers in Taipei, Manila and Istanbul. The route I chose depends on my ultimate destination and my needs at the time. I therefore go BKK-Seoul or Japan-Lax, layover LAX then ultimate destination (after weed shopping, fab concentrates right near the airport) or BKK-Frankfurt-NY. This route is nice because its only 11 hours to Frankfurt, then you can layover and go to an FKK (I do Sharks in Darmstadt) and then get a cheap flight to NYC (about 8 hours.) Of course the problem here is that there are three airports in NYC, so depending on where you are going after entering the states you may be airport switching, plus the airports are horribles. Whats the ultimate destination? That affects which way you come in. You gonna meet her at a hub like LA of NYC. Ive come in through Dallas, Atlanta and Minneapolis too, but flight times are brutal. I try to spend the least amount of time in the air. Use Skyscanner
  9. Bring her in via the Northern Border. She can clain asylum at a port of entry. Or even better, claim some dude was trying to traffic her into the USA. Then meet her in her apartment paid for by us.
  10. show us a verified instance of that happening in the 40 million entries a year
  11. No swensons in siem reap, guess its DQ, or Gelato runs
  12. It happens to me, but then again, I look like a freak out of one of S. Clay Wilsons cartoons
  13. Enjoy your Walls then lol
  14. Yes, I stuffed down the entuire package, but its pretty gross.
  15. The aftereffects are real
  16. No such thing as Liverpool legends. There are only Scousers, and better paid Scousers
  17. 38 cm? Hell that beats Melania. Corset much? Your liver says its crowded
  18. Wow. Thank god the world has someone like you. I bow before your wisdom
  19. Maybe when I was 17, but its just baccy to me now
  20. Got it. Well since you are the xpert on everything, solve the USA border problem for us. And how will you takle inflation?
  21. Of course, continuosly since 1968. The better question is are you not smoking today?
  22. true, but did they pay the Sandman kid and the kid that took out the rioters? and have they ever corrected their Russia/Trump coverage? I also object to giving even more money to Bezos so his 55 year old girlfriend can parade her plastic self in Prada. I bet she has more cottage cheese on her butt than in a vegans fridge. id give him the extra $1 a week for his rag if he was parading around some 25 year old plastic russian bimbos in thongs, not some zoftig GILF
  23. So just so Im clear: You are saying that the Washington Post is a trusted news source in the US. ?
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