Yep. We are all drooling idiots, blah blah blah. Meanwhile, you from Oz then? Thats cool, your country does whats its told by a country soon to be run by drooling idiots. Have a great life, I sure am.
Its all about the ratings baby.
Those show that more folks trust Fox news than their competition. More Foxers in the USA than not. Eurotrash opinions dont count
If you walk around Thailand and Cambodia smiling and saying hi, how are you to passers by, and being happy and saying please and thank you, and you tip on top of that?
Winner. I live like a King.
I forgot to mention that in tipping bar staff:
Its 200B for unasked for throat
Its 200 B for a fake O
its 300B for a real O
I dont tip for Japanese style squealing.
Tjere are several guys here who tip on the same schedule, but deduct 25% for ladyboys.
All Euro Jews should pack up their businesses, their money, their skills and their education. leave the horror that is murderously antisemtic Europe and move to the Southern USA where they will be welcomed by their Chrisitan Evangelical neighbors and can stock up on M4s just in case.
Well we can start talking about their success so far against the two-bit country they're fighting. You don't think the the Poles wouldn't kick their ass like they did back in the '20s?