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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. My perfectly formed and shaped enormous rock hard phallus requires no chemical assistance, although the playing of Handels Messiah upon it's unveiling is appropriate. So the lizards are safe in my neck of the woods
  2. What kind of idiot travels or even lives in Thaialnd without insurance.
  3. Google her, she's there. The Khlong Toey market is kickass too. Real Thailand, not your falang ghetto. Port Football team is down there
  4. I like self made rich people that dont think and act like <deleted>
  5. My kid did Cooking with Poo down in the Khlong Toey market and loved the entire experience. It was cheap too. Shes not a tourist either, she has a ton of Asia time
  6. Anything anybody says here about what this is all about is useless, because no one knows. Its the Politburo.
  7. You haven't been to the states in a while
  8. Texas pronounciation.
  9. Commenting without ever having tried one, then giving us the cheap Charlie Burger in a place that nobody's going to go to.
  10. Ah Galveston, Galveston my old stomping grounds. Guidos still there, pronounced GuyDohs
  11. Hi school? Ive never stopped. When Im in the states Ill buy the frozen ones if I have too...by the case.
  12. Eggs and Burger are Manna. Ever have Loco Moco?
  13. That pic is of salad with a touch of meat. And not even a location. But then again, your gratuitious jab at Americans, coupled with your post history and the tenor of your post shows you to be a troll. Ill stick with Nana Burger on that side of town, thanks.
  14. I think I have had one there, good burgers albiet a bit small. Can you imagine if there was an In and Out in Bangkok?
  15. Mine doesnt, last time I tried. Im going to open a USD account in Thaialnd though this winter. Plus its an excuse.
  16. Oh God I want one. They remind me of White Castle
  17. Im from the USA and am therefore an expert on burgers of all variations. The best burger in Bangkok is at Nana Burger across from Nana Plaza. Seriously. They come off the grill so hot and juicy they will burn your hand. The secret is that they are cooked in conjuction with sweet grilled onions. Its insanely tasty with egg, cheese, bacon. $6 ish with a coke. The atmosphere is "interesting". If you are down there anyway, try one. If you arent, go down there and try one, no one will hurt you.
  18. Yeah. It used to be a good clubbing street with decent food and nice hotels. Now its crawling with Ladyboys, Poosy Past its Prime, Arabs, Indians, street peddlers, crappy clubs, loud and noisy. Its like a two way giant Soi 7/1. I alwys stay on the other side of Sukhumvit, less vermin. Please note that I include myself in the term "vermin".
  19. Cause Brit guys love ladyboys, especially the guys from Liverpool.
  20. Barfines are uniformly 300 baht more than before COVID, thats a charge thats soaring and actually means something. Oh, you want an extra 75 cents at the airport? Is this before or after you overweighted my bags and sold me a burger at LAX prices and extracted every last dime from me.? Actually the one who suffers is the poor cleaner who usually gets my bag of baht change when I leave. 30 baht less now.
  21. Please dont question me or I will turn you into a ladyboy
  22. Thats what I was looking for. $10 each way to Poipet makes it worth the risk, especially because I could do it just to go to the ATM right outside the crossing, which is why I would want to do multiple crossings anyway. Plus a bit of shopping. Im not going to do it when I am on a schedule but I might just run to the ATM next week and I will ask the immigration supervisor on duty. Im the type of tourist the Thais want. Come in, spend money, leave.
  23. Yeah there were posts like his 25 years ago
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