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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Nothing worth a faeces down either
  2. Why not. I have two last year and one into THailand this year, as well as two outs from Thailand into Cambodia this year, zip zip through
  3. US citizen, Cambo long term visa, very convenient for me to zip righ to BKK via Poipet. But its only two a year exempts, no exceptions, right?
  4. Streamers do dangerous things for attention. In this case, he risked a beating, possibly to death. Luck was with him. I wonder if he will try it again.
  5. Just another opportunity for Jew Haters to vent.
  6. Some foreign dude stopped it. Soi 11 is the pits. I saw a dude slap a bar girl and start pushing her the other day. Folks need to sdmoke more weed and chill.
  7. The best will be watching the hysterical, lying, fascust trolls squirm when he is reelected.
  8. The best will be watching hysterical, lying, fascust trolls squirm when he is reelected.
  9. Why would you be surprised? It's the border closest to me and I didmt want to fly. Are you implying that you are so high up as to beyond borders? Or is it the classic hey look this dude went to poipet which is a scumbag place so he must be a scumbag too?
  10. It took me 15 minutes to cross the border at Aranyaprathet this afternoon.
  11. In other words, non existent. Me, on the other hand, Im perfectly willing to reveal that I spoke to Somchai Wohappenstancemeetingya, a tuk tukl driver originally from Mooban 14 in Sa Keo, who once picked up Uncle Tus driver, who told him he heard.....
  12. And if he really is anti corruption, there are forces out there with the intention of protecting him too. Thai politics is like the Politburo with added prohibtions on speculation. Any farang who thinks he has the answer is just demonstrating his own ignorance.
  13. "A little acerbic". I prefer the term stupid
  14. I havent stepped foot in Pattaya since the 90s
  15. Well there is a picture of him volunteering his time right here. And how did he become PM, just *poof* appeared? Who is deluded now? By they way, volunteered your time lately?
  16. Hes been a sucessful businessman, has been elected to the highest office in his country and is now volunteering nhis time to help the community. Tell us about your highly sucessful life, anonymous man with a cartoon avatar on a Thai centric forum peopled by supercilious Thai haters and experts in everything . Oh never mind, just make snide comments. Im sure Mr Sretta gives as little thought to your opinions as do your friends (if any) and family.
  17. You mean you will research Nakhon Ratchasima on Google and then make up a story about how bad it was for you up there
  18. Im so glad I went to live in Siem Reap. I can time my trips in to Bangkok when the air is best, and as usual, it isnt in March
  19. An excellent idea to promote tourist safety for nervous first time tourists and travelers.
  20. Oh. I see. Thank god you can read the minds of the US electorate, I hate pollsters. You should be on CNN or something
  21. LOL. Thats what I thought. More bold anonymous anti Thai govt screeches.
  22. Gee thats simplistic. Since you are such an expert though, tell the PM how to solve the problem. Fans over the Gulf of Thailand? Invade Laos and Cambodia to stop the burning?
  23. Cool. An expert. Tell us why o learned one
  24. It doesnt matter if you do.
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