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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. So weird to see that assertion, and then I remember the world isn't america. I don't think I know anybody at all back in theUSA that doesn't know how to handle a weapon.
  2. Im retired in Cambodia because I only need once a month in Thailand
  3. Thats the best, innit? Cant wait for him to be elected just to watch the howls and breakdowns.
  4. Ill see your Rudy Guliani and my Pillow dude and raise you Hunter Biden, Merrick Garland, Alexander Mayorkas, the Squad, Fanni Willis and two Ladyboys
  5. Spoken like a guy with 88 in its signature. Rather telling, yes?
  6. I wouldnt trust one word out of the mouth of Politico. I thought only real sources were used here, not blatant propaganda websites.
  7. Australian cheese is yuck. Thats all they really have here in Siem Reap that is affordable. Id lick a picture of Prince Harry for a hunk of real Stilton
  8. Need two more eggs. And where is the toast.
  9. No difference other than a few vowels
  10. Not porn hopefully like your crew wants.
  11. The Hidden Hitler, by Lothar Machtan The Pink Swatstika, by Douglas Scott Loads of leather in those bars.
  12. They dont seem to bother the locals much, only the Western terrorist sympathisers behind their keyboards. That being siad, folks who break the rules should be deported
  13. And you would shoot "insurrectionists".
  14. Naw, historians already know what was burned, I was checking to see if anyone here can point to something. Seems not. Personally I dont care, Men are Men and Womann are woman and folks are entitled to play whatever games they want, doesnt affect reality.
  15. I feel the same about commies
  16. Can someone give me the titles of the trans books that were burned? *crickets*
  17. I dont think they ever said "concentration camps". Of course thats a loaded term now for the history skimmers who forget how HH Kitchener invented them to cage the pesky Boer so its great to use in any comment about those of us, like Donald Trump, who think all illegals who did not claim asylum at a Port of Entry should be tossed. Nazis! Camps! That being said, I find that folks who stand up and screech to the world that they are leaving a place "if" something happens are generally narcissistic members of the clueless classes who live for social media and think the world (other than their fans) gives a cowflop about them. We dont. If I dont know you I dont care where you live mate or why. Lookatmeeeeee and all the little drones turn to their phones and engage in a mass validation orgy while trolls say lookloookloooklook everywhere. Whoopthefukee and looky, even now Im responding. Dont ever let a door hit you in the ass. Sorry you are unhappy, Im not.
  18. It wasn't a woman. Have you seen your wallet lately?
  19. Guess you despise the bulk of your fellow Countryman then. By the way, and agnostic and an atheist are two separate things. So from your analysis, I guess you believe in abortion on demand, for any reason at any time, support us throwing money at ukraine, you believe in open borders, the theory of all cultures being equal, structural racism, d e i, etc I wonder who is the mainstream one. There's been some strange silence over many of my points LOL.
  20. Which one? Another pavement gluer it seems.
  21. Notice how he doesnt repsond to the issues I raised, just another rant about the evilness of Trump etc. Never a fact mind you, just ad hominems and rants So sad, soup throwers and chanters.
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