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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Yo Heinrich, regular old American dude here. Far as I am concerned (a thought which is shared by most Americans), the Izzies should level the entire S**hole that is Gaza, then we can make the Saudis rebuild it right. Note to scumbag Terrorists: Don't kill Americans or hold them hostage. War is hell, dont start one, and Im glad to see our Navy anti missle defenses are working.
  2. He was already outed so as a matter of course everything he says will be smeared with the lies embedded in his personal philososphy
  3. Beaches, fishing, watersports and casinos. You could build 4 casinos, infrastructure and even 400,000 apartments for less than 75 Billion dollars. Pocket change to the saudis. Place could be the Macau of the Middle East
  4. Wow. One of the best outings I have seen yet.
  5. You have no freedom of speech in Europe. You can spew your venom in the USA though.
  6. Thats what all the folks outed here or arguing the Hamas position believe. There is no solution to the "Jewish question " other than Endlosung, diacriticals omitted. * I meant umlaut LOL Go Israel go. Rescue our citizens while you are at it.
  7. Dead man walking. Its so satisfying to think these murderers have to walk around looking over their shoulder 24/7/365 until wham, splat.
  8. "There is virtually no difference between anti Israelism, Anti Semitism and anti Americanism." Pretty self explanatory innit? Not talking about critisism are we? There is a difference between pointing out flaws or objecting to a policy and being a hater, yes? I don't think this Forum is a place to give lessons on concepts like nuance.
  9. I didnt say that.
  10. Officers? How bout that big machine with blinking lights in a cooled basement hurling petaflops around. When I came in to the US last month, the Customs guy welcomed me back by name before he looked at my passport. Took about 3 seconds from the time I stood in front of the camera to the greeting. I would daresay that every Hamas Babykiller (terrorists is too manly a term) is known, IDed and on a list.
  11. Two points. 1. You are exactly right. We hold the Veto right over your lot too. 2. There is virtually no difference between anti Israelism, Anti Semitism and anti Americanism. Thats why patriotic and informed Americans say Oooohrah Izzies, light those terrorists up.
  12. Well Hamas would do it for jew killing fun as the Israelis dont put military assets in residential towers, unlike the cowardly Hamas terrorists that make war on women and children and use their own as shields.
  13. Depends. How old? Armed or not? Kids can kill quite well, so ID the target and evaluate the threat. Bet there are a ton of "kids" getting shot lawfully and morally under the Laws of War. Rules of Life 33.5 (a). Carrying weapons in war zones can get ya shot.
  14. LOL....look who is taking the moral high ground. Im just an everyday Yank, kill one of us and as far as I am concerned, turn the perps base of operations into a glass parking lot. Bomb them back into the stone age. Peace through Superior Firepower. You think I give a hoot about being called names by you lot?
  15. As if the Israelis care. Haters will hate, we in the USA will cheer israel on
  16. Sorry. Technicly it is English, albiet legal English. Here is a summary, its a bit more complex but for a definition... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque_defense#:~:text=The tu quoque defense (Latin,an eye for an eye".
  17. Tu quoque has been a specialty of certain political stripe since the IMT.
  18. Tough to make profound and thought provoking contributions to folk whose raison d'etre is generally a hate ridden stew of Islamofascism, The Protocols, Ostara and fashionable so called anti rascist and anticolonial theories seasoned with a soupcon of US hating (thats very fashionable) and Marxism. Its like a Flat Earth folks party. Dont even think about discussing astronomy with them. Or even better, it would be like talking to Greta Thunberg about climate
  19. How about this evaluation. Puts it all in perspective. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12629243/raised-curse-israel-pray-destruction-jews-AYAAN-HIRSI-ALI-Hamas-ISIS.html
  20. Outed.
  21. The stated goal of Hamas is the extermination of the jews. What say you to that? Have any Palestinian leaders a disavowed that goal? What say you to that? Outing in progress.
  22. Im not debating anything with Jew Haters and could care less what he says. And you too for that matter. You were outed pages ago. Better the Israelis take the casualties than us. Go boys go!
  23. There are American dead and American hostages. The USA gets its money worth out of Israel. Ask any Fighter pilot.
  24. PS: Hamas killed your fellow Americans and are holding a Utahan hostage. Care about that? Naw, lets speculate on dual loyalty. Outed, outed, outed. Ill take this one step further: If you are an American and you arent applauding the Izzies, you are a Jew hater. Real Americans stand with their own. Dont kill our citizens. Lets thank the IDF for doing our light work.
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