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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Yap yap yap, didnt even take you 10 minutes to continue your stalking
  2. Lookie, the widdle puppy cant help himself. Isnt he cute. At least he waited a few minutes. Dude how about a bit of ladvice for you. You are never going to have a happy life stalking and waiting with bated breath and eager anticipation for some anonymous dude to post something on a Forum so you can fire off a silly response. Its sort of childish, but hey, your life. Back to your regularly scheduled stalking. Ill go find something to post about, bet you are on it like a puppy on a dead possum.
  3. We know now that Russia is not capable of that. Fighting a war in that fashion requires flexibility and freedom of thought.
  4. Hi Scotty, yap yap yap. Why would I call the Modes to spank you with a newspaper? You are so cute the way you bark and yap and jump around all excited.
  5. Yap yap yap the stalking little flamer is back. NATO will do whats its told. So will your country. Trump is YOUR boss.
  6. More Trump obsession babble. We arent pulling out of Nato as long as they do what they are told, and they will. Its a new day. The free ride is over.
  7. More sick anti Americanisms from the one of leading failed Trump haters here
  8. From yapping puppy to violent Trump hater advertising his hope for the murder of our President in an open Internet forum. All of them are dangerous.
  9. Oh I cant wait to watch the heads explode when he gets it hahahahahahahahaha. Winning!
  10. Oh sorry guys who are engaged in this discussion, I just rolled by to offer my opinion, unfortunately, I have a deranged stalker from the Trump obsessive haters that follows me around and trolls, I wont respond to him and wont comment further on your topic so that he wont glob it up with inanity.
  11. Got to wait until the payoff isnt paid. If.
  12. Make some bucks on Only Fans with that. She kind of looks like a dude too, so the market in blue citties would be huge.
  13. Especially when that world order supports and ideology who calls for the destruction of the American way of life, the murder of all who oppose it and the theft from American taxpayers to line their greedy pockets. Your peeps. Thank god you arent an American
  14. AS long as they dont bring their Socialism with them.
  15. The thing about her is she has some balls besides everything else.
  16. Rascist. Mysoginist. Screaming and spittlefrothing Russia russia russia doesnt impress anyone (that thinks) anymore.
  17. The amount of winning only makes them more hysterical. Some of the idiocy being posted in not even worth repsonding to. Its like telling the dude in Broadmoor with his hand stuffed inside his coat that he really isnt Napolean
  18. The OP doesnt need Trump to be a hated American, He is best illustrated by the hateful lies he spreads here
  19. Lyndon and the Beagle? JFK, jr crawling around the oval office? Fettermans Sweatshirts? I wonder how many single and working mothers were relating to Musk.
  20. Shoving a cigar up some fat chicks cooch is not gravitas.
  21. If a Trans eats another trans's boogers, they celebrate it. Diversity. LGBTQALHYT+BE (booger eaters). Drag Queen Booger Eating Story Hour.
  22. Deny what? His unsupportable assumptions? You his mouthpiece now? Guess you are aligned with the Socialist loving, America hating, Trump hating and Jew hating Forum faction? "Red Forever" LOL
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