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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Bet they didnt know you dance on the graves of their murdered folk. Hi Avram, Im Jeff the Chef, nice to meet you, Hitler was right.....
  2. Yeah I can just see you at an Orthodox party LOL
  3. 80% of the Jews are Zionists or support the state of Israel, who are you trying to fool? Not even proud enough of your ideology to admit it.
  4. Sucks being a Jew Hater in the modern world huh?
  5. Well since Im not a self admitted necrophile as you, I wouldnt have murdered women and babies. Thats the cowards way. White enough? What kind of lefty loon college garbage is that?
  6. Maybe dont start wars at all? Or are you into killing?
  7. Dont start an asymetric war whilst hiding among civilians.
  8. Nice. Kill babies for attention. Im not outraged by thr plight of the Gazans. Im outraged about the number of folks who support rape and murder.
  9. Speaking for myself, and probably 99% of my fellow Americans, and probably 100% on the Israel side of this debate, none of us would start our asymetric war by shooting old ladies, raping women and shooting them in the head while doing it, tossing babies in ovens and generally acting like the SS in a shtetl. At least Himmler had the decency to prohbit and punish rape. Now your lot on the other hand?
  10. Its something you clearly want based on your posts and ideology
  11. Tjhey leave me alone, Im too fat, they will lose on the materials.
  12. Folks like a car crash. Your post is like a chicken truck colliding with a pole. Folks gonna have to watch. Everyone knows that a taxi driver in front of hotel asks more money. Thats the way it is and alwys will be. Walk around the coner. You should have been here before meters and the BTS/MRT
  13. No not really, its just about 8am here in beautiful non touristy Northern BKK and Im watching the boats on the river, trying to decide on breakfast, smoking a bowl of high grade Nepalese hash and amusing myself by watching some dude on the internet make a total idiot of himself.
  14. The Tuk Tuk dudes in Siem Reap are just brutal, although I wouldnt call them aggressive or intimidating. My method is when they say "Hellooooo Papa", I merely respond: "No need Weed, no Ketamine, no morphine, no lady boom boom, no ladyboy" and they usually laugh and hunt someone else down. I don't get that in Bangkok at all, in any tourist area. Africans yes, Indian watch sellers yes, Taxi guys, no. Not in front of any hotel, not in front of Thermae, no where. They may quote a stupid price but a smile and no thanks and they go away. Maybe the OP brings it on himself by going full yob on some poor Thai guy who asks if he wants a ride. We will probably see a post from him entitled "Gang of Taxi dudes beats me up". Can probably understand why.
  15. Because its the substance that comes out of a bulls rectum?
  16. Based on what Im reading, most of us dont like it. But, I shouldnt feed the troll.
  17. You should give up before you demonstrate even more stupidity
  18. Well I was in one Friday night and what you allege is utter tripe.
  19. While I recognize that folks experiences are different, I can honestly say that since my first visit to Thailand in the 1980s, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of problems I have had with Thai folks. Ive never been harassed, intimated or treated with any lack of respect. Allegations made by the OP are IMHO, simply not true.
  20. If you dont mind, which Superrich are you referring to..a speific location?
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