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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. There is a relationship between Trump actions and the deranged gibbering spitfrothing screeching, and its easy to follow the news therefore. Consider this topic: Trumps Doge Retards Defund Diapers! Tons of babblescreeching ensue. Reality: They just found 25 million dollars being sent to buy diapers for adults who identify as LGBTQPLIUUEE babies in Novi Pazar. The head of the "charity" is Mumgube Kwaane-Mibongo (born Jimmy Wilson), former Baltimore Democrat party chairman, who describes himself as a Blackity black black pansexual with the pronoun El, who pays himself $500,000 a year......
  2. Hear hear. Europe is bankrupt politically, militarily and soon economically.
  3. Yap yap. Its OK widdle Scotty I function fine. I have a life without a large Orange boogyman haunting my every though, unlike others. Yap yap yap, OK good morning Scotty looks like you were waiting for me. Heres a cookie little guy. Now stop yapping.
  4. It was the the last time you were there. Tomahawk Prime , medium rare, garlic mushrooms and a baked tater.
  5. I would agree to the fact that you clearly have obsessive mental issues about Donald Trump and should get help so that you are functional
  6. Deutsche Bank Loans is enough to show your ignorance.
  7. Global warming or climate change is an excuse for the Democrats and Socialists to steal.
  8. What US made items have you purchased that werent quality?
  9. well I didnt need to count how many angels could dance on the head of a pin to realize that though.....
  10. I make it a rule to stay far away from stuff that bites
  11. Better a "cult" than listening to warbling from towers and sharia. Have fun euros, your government sold you out
  12. Is the word whore something that's unacceptable? Doesnt appear blanked out. Speech policing much? You don't think US lawyers are whores? What about Shakespeare?
  13. That's characteristic of them. I can give them enough reality to make their heads explode.
  14. Bet you don't have the balls to explain that comment lol
  15. Nice. Gives them some cred. This is New York right? Check judicial appointments in 6 months. Adds more cred. Angling for federal judge ships in the next admin too if it's Democratic. At any rate, New York State supreme Court or any New York State judge ship is a great gig. License to steal.
  16. Don't fight over what I said. Lawyers are all whores. Just more expensive ones. Clear?
  17. Which ones. As many attorneys do It's all value added after that, and the value is the politics
  18. You a lawyer LOL? Ill be the first one to defend the need for such sharks but am mature to recognize they are all whores. Take your teddy bear and sensitivity home snowflake.
  19. All lawyers are whores. Dont play defender of women, you support the trans agenda right?
  20. How many Law Firm hiring decisions have you participated in? How long have you participated in the local political process in a major US city as it intertwines with national politics and major law firm partnerships? You never have. Accordingly, your comment is, as usual, ignorant babbling fueled by your extreme anti-Americanism, irrational deranged Trump hate and ego needs requiring flames.
  21. Hi what side are you on in this topic? Oh, got it, you would rather talk about me, not anything on topic. Thats called stalking and trolling. But good for your post count and admiration among your blathering sycophants.
  22. A career is important to a lawyer. They all just whored themselves into partnerships with some white shoe law firm attached to the Democrat crime organization.
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