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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Translation: I can't argue with your facts so I just flame with the same childish talking point the spittlespewers have been screeching for ages
  2. Translation: I can't argue the facts so I just flame
  3. The Peoples Commissar of the Socialist Cheka was Feliks Dzerzinski
  4. Well if I'm reincarnated, then I surely know more of the history of the area and times than you.
  5. What about non kosher Jews.? Thanks in advance for outing.
  6. All of those countries were "conquered" countries. Ukraine never existed, except as a linguistic variation.
  7. It was called the Kievan Rus. Was that the Ukraine?
  8. Who is not educated? Would you not agree with the premise that there never was a Ukraine until Bolshevik time?
  9. Blind devotion is a REQUIREMENT for Socialism, from the worship of the Lenin mummy to the code words and numbers paying homage to Adolf Hitler.
  10. Thats coming soon. Have you guys noticed the lack of a certain word on most of those maps? Ukraine? Huh.
  11. Proud to be an American, having a great happy life how about you? Want to debate me on a subject instead of just hurling your childish invective? Or are you a Socialist worshipping spittlefrother too?
  12. If you are going to take or oppose that position, you need to have some knowledge of the area and its history. Here you go, learn something, the maps are excellent https://unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com/p/the-ghost-of-polands-past
  13. Collapse? Its a laughingstock. Socialism being flushed down the toilet of history as folks point and giggle. The new response to the things they did and do: "You cant make this up". Then hysterical laughter.
  14. That number is terrible. Should be 100,000 and climbing until my fellow American is released.
  15. Funded by USAID no doubt. I saw the news about that its in my list to read.
  16. Perfect example of the constant lefty babble. Keep going, better than millions in advertising.
  17. No. The technique is to raise a half or quarter truth into a berserk spittlefrothing stream of lying hate invective.
  18. Transgenderism is a mental illness, and once the Socialist group think is eradicated in medicine, Im sure it will be restored to the DSM as a dangerous mental illness. Homosexuality too, although I cant understand why the LGBTFREWQSATYHV++++/--- movement is not celebrating the powerful Homosexuals in our leadership, like that truly swishy Sec of the Treasury. First "Gay" person ever named to that post!
  19. Why even contest facts when you can just flame. Typical.
  20. I love winning. Winning. Winning. Winning.
  21. She couldnt even holster her gun. She acted like she had never held one before.
  22. No, its just fear mongering from the person who holds the records for the most lies, hate and invective on this Forum.
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