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Felton Jarvis

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  1. I've had to face the fact that I am too old to deal with Thai cannabis. If's far too potent. Three tokes will insure that I am unable to walk. Not interested in something that strong.
  2. You cannot "over-protect" your children. If someone assaults your child, you are justified in using lethal force.
  3. Ten against one. It's the Thai way. The best reason I can think of why foreigners should be allowed to carry guns. Ten men mowed down with an AR-15 would give them pause for thought.
  4. Elon is a criminal. He must go to prison with Trump. Preferably next week.
  5. No American expat should have any criticism of the leadership of developing countries when the Trump administration is busy dismantling what's left of Democracy. America has stepped in it bigtime. The United States will never have the respect it once had on the international stage.
  6. I'm just grateful that he has the presence of mind to backpeddle. I admire the ability to recognize when you have made a mistake and try to correct it. Trump could have avoided this by listening to his advisors, but he has always appeared to think that he knows better than the experts.
  7. I worry about it every day. Trump and Musk cannot be trusted. They are billionaires who are completely removed from the reality of the average American. Trump has antagonized all of our allies and insulted every ethnicity he can think of. I can't imagine any black or Jewish person supporting him, but many do.
  8. That's why I live in Pattaya. Some of the same problems here but less polluted and easier to navigate. None of the Thais listen to or CARE about our complaints. That's why I don't bother.
  9. RESULTS are my "criteria". If it WORKS, I don't complain.
  10. Low testosterone was definitely the problem. My American doctor and Dr. Olivier agree that testosterone replacement therapy poses no risk of cancer. It's a myth debunked by Doctor Abraham Morgantaler.
  11. Top bloke should have a stroke. That would solve a lot of problems.
  12. I am 75 years old. I think I qualify as elderly as well. I don't even know what a "Zimmer Frame" is. Care to enlighten us?
  13. You read my post wrong. I only paid 100 baht for the INJECTION. I pay 250 baht for the vials of Testosterone. I buy them at Ocean Pharmacy.
  14. I was never diagnosed with hypogonadism. I had radiation treatment for prostate cancer and needed TRT to regain my sex drive. Welcome to my ignore list for your sarcasm.
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