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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Agreed. I'm biased, lol, have a look in the mirror.
  2. U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles American forces did most of the heavy lifting responding to Iran’s retaliation for the attack on its embassy in Damascus. Asked to comment on the United States shooting down half of Iran’s drones and missiles, the Israel Defense Forces and the White House National Security Council did not respond at the time of publication. The Pentagon referred The Intercept to U.S. Central Command, which pointed to a press release saying CENTCOM forces supported by U.S. European Command destroyers “successfully engaged and destroyed more than 80 one-way attack uncrewed aerial vehicles (OWA UAV) and at least six ballistic missiles intended to strike Israel from Iran and Yemen.” https://theintercept.com/2024/04/15/iran-attack-israel-drones-missiles/
  3. Never going to happen, Israel brought this all on by being what they are, colonists, terrorists and dishonest liars.
  4. Totally disagree, Israel has been the problem since they were the terrorists in the beginning.
  5. Right now, Palestine is a “Permanent Observer State” at the UN, enjoying the status that allows it to participate in all of the Organization’s proceedings, except for voting on draft resolutions and decisions in its main organs and bodies, from the Security Council to the General Assembly and its six main committees. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148351
  6. You need to get off your hobbyhorse, yes this might not have happened if Hamas hadn't done the atrocities of 7/10, but what did happen in Gaza prior to 7/10 has got to be taken into consideration no matter what you say.
  7. How long till the Israel Navy start shelling the beaches because they thought they spotted a Hamas operative?
  8. In a vote of 12 in favour to one against, with two abstentions, the Council did not adopt a draft resolution that would have recommended the General Assembly to hold a vote with the broader UN membership to allow Palestine to join as a full UN Member State. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148731
  9. An excellent article showing both sides of the argument, hopefully sensible heads on both sides will work together for peace, it will be difficult but not impossible given some give and take by both parties.
  10. Inside Palestinian and Israeli Schools: A Roundtable Discussion of K-12 Curricula in the U.S., Palestinian, and Israeli Classrooms A recent 2020 study at Tel Aviv University found that Palestine and Palestinians are not mentioned in Israeli school textbooks, rendering Palestinians invisible to them. Consequently, many Israeli children do not learn the history of Palestine, and they learn to view Palestinians as threats rather than neighbors. Israeli-American author and activist Miko Peled hosted a round table discussion to understand and compare K-12 curriculums in Israel, Palestine, and the United States. Peled and panelists Dr. Cassandra Newby-Alexander, Norfolk University; Dr. Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; and Dr. Ilham Nasser, Former Senior Advisor to the Ministry of Education in Palestine, sought to understand how Israel and Palestine are described in the different curricula and how those narratives affect society. Peled and the panelists show us how American, Israeli, and Palestinian curricula are far from neutral when teaching about Palestine and Palestinians. This lack of neutrality creates divisions between Palestinians and Israeli settlers and validates ethnic cleansing. https://promisedlandmuseum.org/teaching-palestine-in-israeli-schools/#:~:text=A recent 2020 study at,as threats rather than neighbors.
  11. Smotrich says bringing hostages home ‘not the most important thing,’ sparking outcry Far-right minister says Israel needs to focus on destroying Hamas, slams those who call for a deal ‘at any price’; Gantz and Lapid condemn his comments Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich sparked fury and protests on Tuesday after saying that securing the return of the hostages was “not the most important thing” for Israel to worry about at the moment and the government’s primary focus should be destroying Hamas. https://www.timesofisrael.com/smotrich-says-bringing-hostages-home-not-the-most-important-thing-sparking-outcry/
  12. Israel's army chief Herzi Halevi has pledged Israel will respond after Iran launched an attack against Israel at the weekend. The government's war cabinet met again Monday to weigh its response. There has been no announcement of any definite action. But Herzi Halevi said Iran will face consequences. For more on this, we talk to Yossi Mekelberg, Professor of International Relations and Associate Fellow of the MENA Programme at Chatham House. And we talk to DW correspondent Amien Essif, who is following events in Jerusalem for us.
  13. From Arrow to Iron Dome: The economics of Israel's air defense strategy How much did it actually cost Israel to shoot down Iran’s flood of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and suicide drones? The price of a single Iron Dome interceptor missile is about $50,000, and most of the time, it is directed at an inaccurate, primitive rocket with a relatively small payload. In the case of intercepting a ballistic missile from Iran, the numbers are in completely different spheres. https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/h18og9cl0#:~:text=The price of a single,with a relatively small payload.
  14. Iran attack shows Israeli deterrence policy ‘shattered’, Netanyahu critics say Opposition leader among those accusing PM and his government of severely damaging defence strategy Iran’s weekend attack is a sign that Israel’s key defensive policy of deterrence has been severely damaged by the actions of the Netanyahu government, according to the leader of Israel’s opposition, analysts and former Israeli officials. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/15/iran-attack-shows-israeli-deterrence-policy-shattered-netanyahu-critics
  15. April 13 (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council is set to meet on Sunday after Israel requested the council condemn Iran's attack on Israel and designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization. The meeting will take place at 4 p.m. ET (2000 GMT), according to a schedule released late on Saturday. Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, requested the council hold an emergency meeting in a letter on Saturday to the council's president. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-security-council-aims-meet-sunday-iran-attack-after-israel-request-diplomat-2024-04-14/
  16. Does Israel twist humanitarian law to justify Gaza carnage? UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese explains how Israel justifies its killing and mass destruction in Gaza. To the United Nations official tasked with reporting on Palestinian human rights, international law is clear: Israel should withdraw from the territories it occupied in 1967. Instead, Israel aims for the “impossibility to continue civil life in Gaza,” as UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories Francesca Albanese tells host Steve Clemons. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/the-bottom-line/2024/4/11/does-israel-twist-humanitarian-law-to-justify-gaza-carnage
  17. Your problem is you are a one trick pony, with you it's all OK as long as Israel keeps the upper hand in any of this it's all good, giving any concessions to the Palestinians no matter what the outcome of this conflict, is no good, no matter what the Palestinians say after this is over.
  18. I hope you're right, then there is no excuse for not having a 2 state solution.
  19. Well if things don't change this time I expect many years of the same, eventually one side or the other will have to compromise, hopefully Palestinians have learned a lesson and Israel will have the grace to live alongside there neighbours in peace.
  20. I hope you're right but somehow I doubt it, it has never worked in the past "lawn mowing" season's. The only way it might work is if there is a 2 state solution, and Israel butts out of trying to control Palestine as a state.
  21. I think that ship has sailed, the only thing that the world can hope for is that the 2 numpties both peg out before the election.
  22. Well the last 6 months will have ensured they won't.
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