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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Zionism is the problem, your so called millions of enemies are there because of Israel's failure to comply with UN resolutions.
  2. More Zionist propaganda, if they don't feel safe in Britain the Israeli government are happy to set them up on stolen Palestinian land and support them. Plenty of seats available to fly into Israel, not so many to get out. Data from Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority cited by Hebrew newspaper The Times of Israel shows that nearly half a million Israelis have fled Israel since 7 October. About 470,000 Israelis have left since the beginning of the war, and it is unclear if they will return or not, the report says. The data also indicates a significant decline, around 70 percent, in the number of Jews immigrating to Israel. https://thecradle.co/articles-id/14797#:~:text=Data from Israel's Population and,fled Israel since 7 October.
  3. Call it what you like, can I suggest that if you are a Zionist supporter of Israel you go there and demand that they comply with UN resolutions, if not a bit of bad luck you're having because that's should be the law, end of.
  4. What's funny about being spat at because you are Jewish? Nothing. Israeli police arrest five following uproar over Jews spitting on Christians https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/04/middleeast/jerusalem-christians-spitting-israel-intl/index.html
  5. If being anti -Zionist equates to being anti-Jew, what about the 100's of thousands of Jews who are also against Zionist Israel, does that make them anti-Jews as well?
  6. The following is a list of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. As of 2013, the State of Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Since the UNHRC's creation in 2006, it has resolved almost as many resolutions condemning Israel alone than on issues for the rest of the world combined. The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the UNHRC, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance). From 1967 to 1989, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted 131 Security Council resolutions directly addressing the Arab–Israeli conflict. In early UNSC practice, resolutions did not directly invoke Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. They made an explicit determination of a threat, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, and ordered an action in accordance with Article 39 or 40. UNSC Resolution 54 determined that a threat to peace existed within the meaning of Article 39 of the Charter, reiterated the need for a truce, and ordered a ceasefire pursuant to Article 40 of the Charter. Although the phrase "Acting under Chapter VII" was never mentioned as the basis for the action taken, the chapter's authority was being used. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted a number of resolutions stating that Israel's strategic relationship with the United States, a superpower and permanent member of the Security Council with veto power, encourages the former to pursue aggressive and expansionist policies and practices in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The 9th Emergency Session of the UNGA was convened at the request of the UNSC when the United States blocked all efforts to adopt sanctions against Israel. The United States responded to the frequent criticism from United Nations organs by adopting the Negroponte doctrine of opposing any UNSC resolutions criticizing Israel that did not also denounce Palestinian militant activity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_Nations_resolutions_concerning_Israel
  7. Yes, lets agree Hamas must release the hostages taken on the 7th, as soon as Israel comply with all UN mandates/resolutions.
  8. I meant from the original mandate, we can argue about the history of the Holy Land till the cows come home, no one is gonna win that one.
  9. I've no doubt that there are people that would want that, but then again anything is possible through negotiations between G.B. and Ireland. Personally I cannot see the "Troubles" starting up again to anything like before the Peace Process, money talks.
  10. How much of that land is originally Israel? There is a whole lot of wrongs on both sides and until sensible heads sit down and work out a solution things will carry on as they are now.
  11. As you say, that scenario is never going to happen, but then again why would a Northern Irish UK Citizen want to play their flutes in Cork? As in all things if it were to happen there would be negotiations, and a peaceful outcome acceptable to both sides, hopefully.
  12. In some ways this is very like the Irish problem, took years of terrorism by both sides before there was a solution, eventually they managed to live peacefully together and share the political power. Took over a century to get where they are now, I know, but it does go to show what's possible, and who would have thought nearly 50 years on from the peace process that there is a chance of Irish unification, something good might come out of Brexit.
  13. Hopefully more sensible heads will come out of this on both sides and a 2 state solution is achieved.
  14. To be fair to both sides, Israel has broken UN Resolutions and the Laws of War and Occupation as stated in the Fourth Geneva Convention. https://itisapartheid.org/Documents_pdf_etc/IsraelViolationsInternationalLaw.pdf
  15. The state of Israel has violated many international laws, including United Nations Resolutions and the Laws of War and Occupation as stated in the Fourth Geneva Convention. Below is a summary of some of those violations. Much of the fact sheet was taken from the Israeli Law Resource Center (ILRC). Related articles and laws by the ILRC are linked below. https://itisapartheid.org/Documents_pdf_etc/IsraelViolationsInternationalLaw.pdf
  16. Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem A legal masterpiece from Ralph Wilde on behalf of the Arab League with echoes of Rafaat Alareer
  17. Israel reports to ICJ in The Hague on actions taken to comply with court orders on Gaza Amid South African accusation of genocide, judges instructed Jerusalem last month to specify efforts to protect civilians; details of report not released to public https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-reports-to-icj-on-actions-taken-to-comply-with-court-orders-on-gaza/
  18. Ok, it's The Times of Israel, but an interesting take on things, I thought. ‘Cosmetic’ PA reshuffle seen as bid by Abbas to hold power, avoid demanded reforms Ramallah’s new prime minister is likely to be another loyalist to the PA president, who appears to be trying to preempt US pressure for structural changes to revitalize the body https://www.timesofisrael.com/cosmetic-pa-reshuffle-seen-as-bid-by-abbas-to-hold-power-avoid-demanded-reforms/
  19. Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem Written Statement of the State of Israel https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/186/186-20230724-wri-08-00-en.pdf
  20. Whilst I understand your point of view, I think we can only wait and see how the ICJ rules having taken all the evidence/views of the Nation States who came before the Court.
  21. Trying yet again to have a sensible debate, if you're not interested and only want to push your views fine, I'll just carry on regardless.
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