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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. There would be no need for UNWRA if Israel returned to their correct borders and left the Palestinian/Arabs to return to their own lands.
  2. It's an opinion piece, if you don't want to see alternative opinions, don't post.
  3. Israel is an occupying force, controlling all aspects of Palestinian life in Gaza, Hamas are the duly elected government whose military are currently fighting the Israeli forces, perhaps both sides need to negotiate a peace agreement or this can carry on ad infinitum.
  4. More history from 2011, the only reason Israel wants rid of UNRWA is: Israel just wants UNRWA to go away, hoping that that will undermine the whole claim of Palestinians having a right to return.
  5. Opinion piece, already commented on. Today, around 5.9 million people are eligible for UNRWA’s services, and the agency operates in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. What was supposed to be a temporary humanitarian programme has grown into a massive service provider that would be politically explosive and logistically difficult – if not impossible – to replace. “UNRWA is a temporary organisation which unfortunately has now lasted for 75 years. And these 75 years are nothing else than the expression of the international community's failure to have promoted a fair and lasting political solution [to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict],” Lazzarini told The New Humanitarian. https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/analysis/2024/03/06/gaza-depth-why-israel-wants-end-unrwa-and-what-its-closure-would-mean
  6. Israel just wants UNRWA to go away, hoping that that will undermine the whole claim of Palestinians having a right to return. https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/analysis/2024/03/06/gaza-depth-why-israel-wants-end-unrwa-and-what-its-closure-would-mean
  7. More pro-Israel rubbish, Aviva Klompas is the former director of speechwriting at the Israeli Mission to the United Nations and co-founder of Boundless Israel, a nonprofit organization that partners with community leaders in the U.S. to support Israel education and combat hatred of Jews. The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.
  8. Having watched this, I must say it on first look, it was very fair to both sides.
  9. Your a one-way street, you should represent Israel at the UN with such ludicrous idea's, B.S. to calm the agitated lol. If this isn't sorted out in the not to distant future, this will carry on forever and a day.
  10. Yes, ok explain the rest? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes
  11. No, I speak the truth, you just don't want to accept it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine
  12. You could go back further but I don't see the point, Israel was declared a State on the 14th March 1948, when the Allied powers didn't have the gumption to stop it, hence the ongoing problems since.
  13. And you don't get that all Israeli actions since 1948 and beyond lead up to the latest actions of Hamas in Gaza, which may I add are acts of terrorism, but fully justifiable considering Israel have done similar actions for nearly 80 years in the occupied territories against any opposition.
  14. Been done loads of times but the Israelis ignore UN resolutions.
  15. Lowest form of wit, or in this case, sounds like wit.
  16. Now just for the sake of equality, let's rewrite this from the opposite direction: Israelis are the cause of this war, they declared a Zionist State of Israel on May 14 1948. That is an undeniable fact. I don't blame Palestine for participating in a war started by Israelis. Due to the security threat to Palestine, terrorists need to be removed from Gaza. Israelis need to stop attacking Palestine and it seems that the only way to do this is to remove them from the land. Now the ridiculous thing is the boots on the other foot.
  17. Rubbish, nobody wins this war until both sets of protagonists realise the futility of this conflict, but after nearly a century of battles I'll not get my hopes up.
  18. Absolutely zero to do with this thread, or this conflict, but when you have no answers to criticism, lets deflect away from the subject.
  19. This could run forever, or that's what the lawyers will hope for, deep pockets needed by both sides.
  20. If Israelis want safety, can I suggest they start by complying with UN resolutions and stop trying to dictate their will on an indigenous people who have every right to be where they are.
  21. That's the problem, this didn't start on the 7/10/2023, it started when Israel was born, Palestinian/Arabs of the area won't forget, neither will the Israeli's.
  22. So you really think Hamas will be all killed and wiped out? I think Israel has more than likely created more Hamas fighters/sympathisers by their actions since the 7th. Hopefully the Palestinians will elect a more reasonable government once this episode is over, willing to live side by side with Israel, on a 2 State solution. Never ever has Israel any right to control the borders or infrastructure of a Palestinian Nation State. All Countries in the Region would need to make peace with Israel , normalize diplomatic relations with all the Worlds Countries. That is up to the individual Countries concerned, not up to Israel. I think Israel as a State has a right to exist, but they will have to show the World of public opinion that they are willing to change also, the rabbit is out of the bag, so to speak as far as that goes.
  23. "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of statistics to bolster weak arguments, "one of the best, and best-known" critiques of applied statistics. It is also sometimes colloquially used to doubt statistics used to prove an opponent's point. Wikipedia
  24. Absolutely, and I'm sure they feel exactly the same about the Zionist State of Israel that has done just as bad things to the people of Palestine since its inception. Claims of Israeli sexual assault of Palestinian women are credible, UN panel says https://www.tbsnews.net/hamas-israel-war/claims-israeli-sexual-assault-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says-797618
  25. Did it not say in the post "War crimes by Hamas, more than enough, but nothing compared to Israel since it's inception, mind you Israel had a 40 year head start."
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