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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Anywhere they like, there are plenty of countries around the world who will accept law abiding citizens, of any religion.
  2. Just to keep you happy Wobblybob, you're welcome. Professor Jeffrey Sachs: ‘US is complicit in Israeli genocide’ https://www.nationalreview.com/news/columbia-university-professor-jeffrey-sachs-u-s-is-complicit-in-israeli-genocide-in-gaza/ https://www.news.com.au/world/professor-jeffrey-sachs-us-is-complicit-in-israeli-genocide-the-bottom-line/video/efa03aa7708a749a4ac8db1a5b9a5510
  3. The question that needs answering is what happens after this war ends?
  4. You're sure about that? I am fully aware what this war is about.
  5. And then what? We carry on as before, Israel in charge of all aspects of life in Gaza?
  6. Put both sets of politicians against the nearest wall and shoot the lot, then have new elections on both sides and then start proper negotiations, in the meantime have a UN enforced ceasefire with breeches of any kind, by either side civilian or military being punishable by a death sentence. Hamas to release all hostages, and Israel to release all prisoners not convicted by trial by jury. Problem sorted who's next?
  7. What ceasefire, when it happens it happens, this topic is an open one i.e. https://aseannow.com/topic/1321758-israel-is-at-war-general-discussion-pt3 of you could get with the program and answer the question posed, or at least have the courtesy to reply.
  8. Peeps get asked a serious question and for 5 posts you've only deflected, lol
  9. Parliament calls on Israel to open all crossings to Gaza for humanitarian aid Desperate food insecurity and impending starvation in Gaza MEPs urge Israel to open the Rafah, Kerem Shalom, Karmi and Erez crossings All parties must immediately cease attacks against humanitarian convoys and civilians seeking aid Demand for an independent international investigation into the attacks https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20240313IPR19326/parliament-calls-on-israel-to-open-all-crossings-to-gaza-for-humanitarian-aid
  10. Deflection from the fact that the war started when Israel was created.
  11. Pick a fact, any fact and get some reality: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes
  12. So we keep going at it hammer and tong, the Palestinians keep getting abused by Israel, and occasionally have a go back, no one wins here.
  13. Some ceasefire: It depends on when you start the clock. Gaza was created by Israel in 1948, as a refugee camp to contain Palestinians displaced in the Nakba. Since 2007, Israel has kept Gaza under an illegal military siege, counting calories allowed in and permitting the water in Gaza to become undrinkable, creating a humanitarian crises widely condemned by the international community. In November 2022, the most right-wing government in Israeli history came to power, led by Benjamin Netanyahu and including far-right extremist politicians in its coalition. Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians has always been Israeli policy. Over the past year, under the leadership of the most right-wing government in Israeli history, the Israeli military and settlers have led an escalated campaign of displacement, dispossession, and violent repression against Palestinians across Israel and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2023/11/24/countdown-to-genocide/#:~:text=Over 12%2C000 Palestinians have been,military's genocidal war on Gaza.
  14. You can repeat this mantra till you're both blue in the face, still doesn't wash as far as I'm concerned. There will be wars here till Israel accepts a 2 State solution.
  15. So what, this is a humanitarian crisis brought about by a State that has committed War Crimes since its inception.
  16. The grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas, agreed. This is the list of Israeli War Crimes according to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes
  17. Fact or fiction? No link = Fiction Fact: https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/10/11/gaza-damage-israel-airstrikes-pkg-wedeman-vpx.cnn
  18. You wrote, and I quote: "As UNRWA supports the abolition of Israel" I asked you for proof/link of this statement, which you have not supplied.
  19. That is not what you said in the beginning of this conversation, is it? YOUR words, "As UNRWA supports the abolition of Israel, you can understand Israel wanting UNRWA dissolved and replaced to a more neutral group who support peace, rather than ar"
  20. Read and duly ignored, because that would end the Right of Return: The agency collectively recognises Palestinians who were displaced to Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan as refugees entitled to education, healthcare and other services until they can exercise their right to return to their land as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.
  21. Of course you have links to confirm your allegation that UNWRA supports the abolition of Israel?
  22. There would be no need for UNWRA if Israel returned to their correct borders and left the Palestinian/Arabs to return to their own lands.
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