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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. More waffle from you, do you agree that both Israel hostage families have the same rights as Palestinian families with regard to justice for all arising from this conflict?
  2. Can I suggest you read this: #Explainer: The Israel-Hamas War and the International Criminal Court https://www.jurist.org/features/2024/01/25/explainer-the-israel-hamas-war-and-the-international-criminal-court/
  3. Very good, accuse me of not reading a piece and then try to imply the ICC are visiting Israel in relation to the charges, but Reuters said: The visit will not be investigative, the ICC said, adding that it "represents (an) opportunity to express sympathy for all victims and engage in dialogue."
  4. Nice bit of flannel, as Hamas are not the P.A. I doubt the Court has jurisdiction and how can Israeli citizens complain to the Court when the Country they are from has not ratified the Rome Statute, as stated in the piece. Last paragraph of the Times Piece referenced: The Palestinian Authority accepted the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in 2015, giving the court jurisdiction over Palestinian citizens in Palestinian territories, including Gaza. Israel has not ratified the Rome Statute, which established the ICC, and therefore sees itself as not subject to the court’s jurisdiction.
  5. I haven't counted before the 7/10, but as you brought it up: It was over fifty years ago that Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, part of which it annexed to Jerusalem. To this day, it continues to control these areas and the people living there. For over half a century, Israel has created a reality of dispossession, oppression and human rights abuses in Gaza and the West Bank. https://conquer-and-divide.btselem.org/map-en.html
  6. And the Zionist IDF kill 28,000 Palestinians and counting, and that's only from 7/10, such wonderful people the Israeli's.
  7. Previously posted in this thread, added the link in case you missed it, and it's from March 2023, many more added since I suspect. https://www.btselem.org/administrative_detention/20230604_israel_breaks_20_year_record_holds_1002_palestinians_in_administrative_detention_in_march_2023
  8. Of course you can prove they are Hamas terrorists or just Palestinians waiting to be picked up at random, without any legal rights of reply.
  9. So the IDF have prisoners and Hamas has hostages, got it. I'm sure as soon as Israel ceases bombing ,shelling and sniping in Gaza Hamas might consider releasing their prisoners/hostages.
  10. Administrative detention is the incarceration of people who have not been convicted of – or even charged with – a crime. Israel uses this extreme power continuously and extensively, detaining hundreds of Palestinians on a regular basis. According to figures published by the Israel Prison Service, in March 2023, Israel was holding 1,017 people in administrative detention, all but 15 of them Palestinians. Ten of the detainees are minors between the ages of 16 and 18. This is the highest number of administrative detainees since April 2003, when Israel held 1,140 administrative detainees. Of the 1,017 administrative detainees (as of March 2023), 366 had been incarcerated for less than three months, 550 had been incarcerated for three months to a year, 98 for a period of between one and two years and three had been incarcerated for over two years. https://www.btselem.org/administrative_detention/20230604_israel_breaks_20_year_record_holds_1002_palestinians_in_administrative_detention_in_march_2023
  11. 340 million people in the USA and Biden and Trump is the best you got, outstanding.
  12. Not spinning anything, you asked the question "How many of them were Hamas men?" Truth hurts, 1282 people have died since the Order was published.
  13. Nice deflection away from the point of the original post, which I have included above.
  14. Investigation by Haaretz reveals not only that the Israeli military is covertly running a racist, genocide-promoting social media account, 72 Virgins, but that the military lied when challenged about its involvement. https://archive.ph/DqeYw
  15. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews who do not accept the Zionist State of Israel. Why does the media never talk about them? The State of Israel does not represent world Jewry! https://twitter.com/i/status/1754423001158693078
  16. CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’ https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias
  17. Between 7 October 2023 and 12:00 on 26 January 2024, at least 26,083 Palestinians were killed in Gaza and 64,487 Palestinians were injured, according to the MoH. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-flash-update-103-enhe The health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza said Sunday at least 27,365 people have been killed in the territory during the war between Palestinian militants and Israel. https://www.barrons.com/news/health-ministry-in-hamas-run-gaza-says-war-death-toll-at-27-365-76c9bafd So if my maths are correct a further 1282 people have died since the Order was published.
  18. It wasn't only for your benefit, there are others on here besides you, can I suggest you re-read the order and then tell the group where you think Israel has complied with the order, so far.
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