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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. Really, and when do I have to ask your permission to post whatever I want as long as it is to do with the War in Israel? You go troll away from me, thanking you in advance.
  2. A group of men in Gaza, holding a white flag, told ITV News they wanted to rescue their family members - minutes later one was shot dead as John Irvine reports https://www.itv.com/news/2024-01-23/moment-civilian-brandishing-white-flag-in-gaza-safe-zone-is-shot-dead
  3. Maybe forget about a 2 State solution and opt for a 1 State solution and have joint Israeli and Palestinian schools where both sides are taught together by Israeli/Palestinian teachers working together, I wonder how that would work.
  4. Got to love the BBC The Israeli army says 24 of its soldiers were killed in Gaza on Monday - the deadliest day for its forces since their ground operation began. That includes 21 reservists who died in an explosion likely caused by mines that Israeli forces had placed in two buildings to demolish them, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68065903
  5. The Israeli army says 24 of its soldiers were killed in Gaza on Monday - the deadliest day for its forces since their ground operation began. That includes 21 reservists who died in an explosion likely caused by mines that Israeli forces had placed in two buildings to demolish them, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68065903
  6. https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/mena/hamas-crackdown-on-protests-snuffs-out-a-push-for-change-in-gaza-1.839824 Palestinians are getting brutalised in Gaza and you ignore that and focus of fals accusations made about Israel . Could it be that Hamas are pointing fingers at Israel, just so they can carry on attacking civilians without any criticism ? Not their day is it, beaten up by Hamas and bombed by Israel, poor bastards.
  7. Nobody wins in any war, except the arms manufacturers, your best pals the good ole USA.
  8. Posted in every current thread, as I feel it could be the most important decision made by this court.
  9. Boom Boom: https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-chief-vows-in-depth-probe-of-deadly-blast-caused-by-hamas-operatives-rpg-fire/
  10. Nope, I consider The Times of Israel the same as you think of Al J same same, or just more propaganda
  11. Yay, from the same article: On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal reported that the United States, Egypt and Qatar were pushing Israel and Hamas to accept a comprehensive plan that would end the war, free the hostages, and ultimately lead to full normalization for Israel with its neighbors in return for a path to Palestinian statehood. Netanyahu responded in a video statement, refusing outright to “the end of the war, the exit of our forces from Gaza, releasing all the murderers and rapists of the Nukhba [forces] and leaving Hamas intact.” These, the prime minister said, were the Palestinian terror organization’s demands. However, the next day, the premier was reported to have told relatives of hostages that no Hamas proposal was on the table.
  12. This is Israel's problem they cannot finish Hamas, all they are doing is being the best recruiting sergeant for Hamas by all their indiscriminate killing of civilians, also they are losing the PR war. Biden as the biggest benefactor of Aipac funds ever, knows where his breads buttered, but it is not helping his re-election. Hamas keeps the hostages and Israel keeps up the aggression and the court of public opinion sees Israel for what it is, the aggressors and baby killers. In my opinion Hamas knows they have committed war crimes and has nothing to lose, same applies to the Palestinian people.
  13. I'd love to show you, you only have to look through social media but Forum rules etc etc forbid me from showing it.
  14. Your opinion, not mine, nothing about Hamas winning, more about bringing Israel to the table talking peace instead their normal garbage and more carnage. Like who would trust the Israeli's, duh. Hang on, I'm a keyboard warrior same as you, it comes with more bad publicity for Israel and the US, which is what they are worried about or why would they make the offer?
  15. I'm as much part of this war as you or anybody else is for what it's worth. The war is between Israel and the Palestinians, nobody else, the fact that millions around the world can now watch all of it unfold via the internet is the Israeli problem. less and less people are believing their B/S and it is hurting them and their primary backers the US.
  16. Hamas are guilty of war crimes I don't think anyone is disputing that, what Israel are trying to do is change the sympathy vote, which I believe they have lost due to social media.
  17. I was being polite, as in F/O if you want the hostages back get out of Gaza, Hamas are no doubt thinking if they give up the hostages for some humanitarian relief nothing changes and it will be back to mowing the lawn yet again in a few years time. This is not about Hamas or the hostages, it is about public opinion against Israel and the US.
  18. No, Israel made the offer and Hamas has the hostages, up to Israel, either get out of Gaza or no hostages, simples.
  19. Israel made the offer, Hamas refuses the offer and it will be on her and offer all night
  20. I hope Hamas tells them to go away. The world of public opinion is causing Biden and co bad publicity, social media is causing to much negative effect on this war The ICJ case hasn't even reported yet on the ongoing case, which is another reason for Biden and Co to be worried,(reelection time) The Israeli media control is not keeping the world on their side as in previous conflicts. So to me I hope they demand a total ceasefire, IDF to move back to the Gaza boarder, unlimited access to Humanitarian Aid and the guarantee of negotiations for a Palestinian State solution with Israel for a 2 state solution as per previous UN agreement.
  21. Really, so Gazans left there home just for the fun of it, not because Israel dropped 2,000 pound bombs about willy nilly. The rest of what you wrote I suppose means something in your mind but I don't see any sense in it. As for going back to what, the Israeli's made good on their promise of nothing to go back to and I expect that's because the plans are already being drawn up to recolonise Gaza so that Israel can get all that gas, this is all about money and power to the Zionists, never mind that the oppressed of the last 76 years kicked your collective arse's once on the 7/10.
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