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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. I'm 70, have a full top set and a 90% of bottom set, had them changed every 10 years or so, top set is easy to get used too if they are made and fitted well, bottom set can be a bit iffy if you dont have any teeth left to help locate them. For me it takes about a fortnight to get used to a new set. but I've had them for 50 years.
  2. I'm thinking of opening a brown envelope manufacturing plant, could this be a good investment?
  3. That's what I have used in the past, Granny Smiths, they make a half decent apple sauce tbh but fail on the Apple pie or Crumble front. I have found some Apple sauce from Germany in jars which is ok for pies etc, but can't remember where I got it from, probably Tops or Macro.
  4. Anyone ever seen Bramley cooking apples for sale in Thailand or a decent alternative?
  5. 1 x 490cc Chang can and a spliff, all good here
  6. Was the perpetrator from Kent? There was a man from there who had a cock that was exceedingly bent, to save himself trouble, he'd put it in double, and instead of cumming he went.
  7. Name of the Agency would be helpful so others can avoid, and no-way would I be paying for any maintenance if it is not as per contract. Time to look for somewhere else to live before the next months rent is due, methinks.
  8. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=561558033&tbm=vid&sxsrf=AB5stBgQuocR4oDK1jFw9qJdj57CDFUhsw:1693467271231&q=the+goons+i'm+walking+backwards+for+christmas+lyrics&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRtY-ZsYaBAxXn9DgGHWaNC9QQ8ccDegQIRBAH&biw=1117&bih=528&dpr=1.72#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a70d2e0a,vid:TCy-7VOgBdY
  9. Make. model, year of car would help make a diagnosis, what's the car running like with said engine light on. A lot of these lights are just an indication that a sensor is playing up and a easy fix, unless there is a major problem.
  10. Back in the UK I used to restore old Saab's, most of which were over 20+ years old, still fitted with the original A/C filters mainly because they were a pain to change, even main dealers were known to avoid changing them. Never ever saw one that bad. Definitely had something in there having a party.
  11. Tea and toast with peanut butter, followed by my own made Muesli with milk.
  12. Tea and toast with peanut butter, followed by my own made Muesli with milk.
  13. Yes to the blind massage, found a guy near us in Central area, Phisanalok, but out in sticks, 120 an hour in a/c, always askes how you want it hard or soft, best I've ever had, always feel great after a session. Go twice a week for 2 hours at a time. Mrs loves it too.
  14. Just read through this topic, made me smile, best place for steak for me is Macro but it is a bit hit or miss for fresh meat, not a fan of frozen steak.
  15. This is all a front, no way did he come back without this being all signed and sealed, ffs he's travelled all over the place in the last month or so, one night without A/C oh what a shame.
  16. Member of the Human Race, waiting for the rest to catch up.
  17. That may be right, but it will only fly till the next election, when I believe those disaffected by PT's treachery will hopefully join the 14.2 million voters of the MFP party to start a new path for the normal people of Thailand, not the privileged few.
  18. PT and the rest of their group should be put up against the nearest wall, asap, the whole lot are a waste of space. If any of the "Uncles" get back into power it will be a travesty of justice for all the people who voted for change.
  19. I expect the Junta if they get in power through PT's treachery to reinstate the Senators power before the next GE, rinse and repeat.
  20. We can all sit here in our ivory towers and whinge to our hearts content but it is up to the 14.2 million MFP voters to get up off their bottoms or sit on their hands to make a change, the powers that be will carry on regardless otherwise.
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