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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. wrong, did both via EMS in december... but you have to send originals ask the agent that does MFA, to send it to your translator via EMS ask the translator to send it EMS to embassy
  2. still it does not work in desert and mostly it works when it is about to rain ahum...
  3. The safe threshold for PM2.5 is 37.5 microgrammes per cubic metre (µg/m³). the rest of the world says half of that is the upper limit, not SAFE thai special
  4. if the food is bad, why don't you cook your own? I do not use expensive private hospitals in thailand... I guess if you move, better to a nice sea side place and not concrete jungle
  5. it happens daily and everywhere... the red light ignoring and passengers crossing... red light, green light...
  6. bill gates GMO mosquitos testing ? the symptoms look a lot like dengue... or is it forbidden chemicals leaking into the lakes and rivers...
  7. can I put your groceries in another plastic bag... what about the short time they did not give them anymore and everybody had to use cloth bags ? I see a big waste of drinking bottles... why not sponsor reverse osmosis machines ? 3 bottles a day = 1000 per year, per family
  8. could they not add on chanote : cannot be pawned to loansharks or banks? for family of xyz use only...
  9. damn his secretary did it, not him, off course and where did he/she find the 7 billion to sponsor this ?
  10. why would she need to withdraw so much money ? was she about to play santa claus?
  11. 36%, if it is per year, not too bad... compared to 30% per day... would it be too difficult to create a website where sharks could be reported and investigated, if they have a 'police' record... more like a license to shark...
  12. so how many are still captured and why thais keep on going there if they know the risks and then have to be rescued... nice gesture of the government as our western embassies do nothing more than just delivering a passport or bad news to family back home is anything happens to us here...
  13. but if you open the airco, the flow of bad air will come in and your purifier is pretty useless
  14. grab ? foodpanda? swenssens ice cream cake ?
  15. sharing the cancer with the nation...what about no subsidies for farmers that burn?
  16. one thing that is not possible is T*o*r*r*e*n*t and I for one would be bored to that to be forced to see thai tv crap only
  17. scb and krungsri give like almost nothing for fcd... no difference for resident or non resident... just like I remembered that is why the 5% was appealing as the max interest rate in my home country is 2.8% and not worth sending my Thai money back as I will lose a whole year of interest for the transfer in bad exchange rates and fees...
  18. if I manage, I will update here... planning to go ask in a few days... I know they have only a few branches, so nothing near your typical shopping mall around the corner
  19. yes it is KKP but now I am curious about those 2 posts that got hidden said about the bank can you PM me what it was about as I am about to sign up for this and all comments would be appreciated, but not tolerated in public thanks PS: funny how some people directly say, not possible, while they don't even know the bank...
  20. I saw an ad of a Thai bank and they offer approx. 5% in interest if you hold an FCD account with them for US dollars. I keep on reading doom and gloom that the dollar might be hit as soon as the Brics countries could agree in a currency to buy Oil in their chosen currency and not the USD anymore... USA goes to war to keep their USD dominancy in the world economy, but could it plummet ? Thai banks in general give a pittance and sadly my home country is as bad as Thai banks... Would you trust putting your money, converting baht to USD in a Thai bank to get 5% gross ?
  21. I assume this post is a big joke so TVF is full of rich millionaires with nothing better to do that to be on here ? I envy UK/USA bank deposit interest rates... 5% and more my money is here in thailand, yeah... stupid but I moved it because after 2008, EU banks gave 0.01% interest and in that time, some thai banks gave up to 3% gross I also missed the bitcoin speculation boat... currently in my home country, the max they offer is 2.8% gross, but moving money back home, is at an exchange loss of 1.5-2% of your money, at least... weird santander is the best online bank giving 2.8% in Europe, but 5% in UK guess I need to be registered in UK to be eligible... lol Thai stocks also are not worth the money to invest in... but sending money now for a US broker to play the s&p500 will be taxed 10-15% in USA plus 30-35% when you send over dividends
  22. Hi, are above replies from actual people with children that went true this ? I have... Ok... how old is your child ? important , as she will be seen in a contested divorce by a social worker, if old enough to express her wishes... with whom she wants to live full custody is a joke, lawyers might suggest you try... but it is useless and costly, good for lawyers A thai judge will always aim for shared custody. Full custody is only if you buy your child from your poor ex... Enforcement of whatever can be agreed in family court is not worth the paper is was written/printed/sign on. Important question: when is your next extension due ? My ex left the house a month for marriage extension and made extending impossible, that was part of her plan. I was not 50 yet, and still married, so no options and agents cannot solve this problem, but you say you can go the retirement route, good. Shared custody... you will need your child with you and a place for her to live and make photos of both of you... if you have no chance to see her, then parent of a Thai child is impossible as the child also has to be there at immigration. Switching to retirement visa, but immigration might want your wife to be there, the first time. Maybe you convince her to be there when you go extend, present money or whatever... Or tell her this way, you can sort out your visa yourself and don't have to disturb her precious time anymore. Divorce, cannot give the name as my lawyer did not fight for my rights, more like convince me I had a good deal at the first attempt pre-court... It was expected it would be a long route of many court visits to come to an agreement as we had children and houses. I stupidly agreed a deal, to not go 50/50 on the house on the signed agreement she would but our child as co owner of the house I fully paid, but then never went to land department to transfer and nobody could for her either... Court even coldly told me she did nothing wrong... wth... Land department did not want to execute the family court divorce agreement, as it was stated she had 30 days after the divorce , but then had to file again in court and ex did not leave an address after divorce to be summoned by my lawyer or court.
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