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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. thanks for the replies yes Thai banks are a joke Santander UK, is for UK citizens living in the UK probably same for Australian or Canada banks that give good rates not living there, no resident... Santander in my home country, weird same company, gives 2.25% only but you have to be resident to open an account... again... not the case I really wish I could find a viable option for my few millions of baht to give more than this petty 2% bitkub, lol... workpermit and I red recently they want a utility bill like water or electricity on top now how is the US economy going? all I can read on youtube is with BRICS and wanting to shift the petro industry not to be paid in USD anymore in the future, will that collapse the stock market ? Swab ? 25k minimal and don't you pay 30% tax on gains / dividends and the fluctuating USD/THB exchange ? Any good financial advise that is not a scam ? lol
  2. hi anyone has a kasikorn bank fixed deposit rates 1 year / 2 year term and know when exactly do they pay the rent ? each month ? 6 ? yearly ? ask the bank yes, but I am asking here and I don't speak Thai and most tellers don't speak English thanks
  3. spend all, great idea... specially when nobody knows when they will die, well except in a suicide case... leave your kids nothing ?
  4. I have zero assets left in my home country and I get zero services like child allowance, because my kids live here in Th, I missed out on about 96.000 euros over 20 years for 2 kids (400 euros per month for 2 kids x 240 months) so are you saying that whatever I have in Thailand, will be taxed by my government that delivers ZERO benefits to myself and my kids, but still will take 30-50% of whatever I managed to save, upon my death in Thailand?
  5. my embassy gives nothing except a new passport every few years... healthcare? they don't provide s...
  6. I recently found out, at my death, there will apparently be an autopsy and result send to my embassy. In my home country, the government is trying to get 30-55% of whatever I have upon my death. Thailand, inheritance tax, thai people pay nothing up to 50 million baht ? If I die, with death certificate send to my greedy embassy, will they try to make my dual Thai / European children, pay my home country % of inheritance tax or, as I am not living in my home country for a decade, registered here and assets here, taxable at thai rate, aka nothing ?
  7. the only reason would be, having thai children and here the government does not steal up to 55% if you have a few million baht???
  8. weird as it is only for UK residents, nothing for other countries in Europe... my money is trapped here because I did not know FET was needed 10+ years ago... my stupid banks decline for me to buy stock or even a saving account bulllll
  9. so my money, the part I did not need for daily life, has been earning a little interest but useless to buy a condo now, unless I transfer it first back to my home country and again... paying for bad exchange rate twice because land department otherwise think I am doing what? money laundering of my own money sitting in the bank for a decade... well best is always to ask them, but the average teller does not speak Angrit, so it will be a call to their translator, which has a very strong accent that I hardly can understand... thanks for the input/info guess renting is king...
  10. I off course checked the sell rate... calculate yourself... it is like they rate the euro 2-3 baht less, same as scammer money exchanger at the airport... scammers in the way they are allowed to use different rates, for the same company/bank... for me that is scamming...
  11. let's go together explore PH... I'm in...
  12. A few years after I moved here, I sold my house in the old country. I did send that money in a K bank euro account. That gave 0% interest and at a point, I converted it to Thai Baht. I knew nothing about FET papers and how important it was for the future to return this to my home country. I did not need the money, and moved between banks that gave 'the most'... Golden times when I got 3.5% or some weird step up over several months. I am thinking now, of either sending back to my home country before I move back, or to buy a condo here... Will the land department make a problem with a FET that was never to buy a condo, just proceeds from the sale of my house over a decade ago ? I apparently converted money twice but I only have one FET. To your knowledge or experience, could I ask the bank to make me a new FET for the conversion that I lost the paper or for the total amount of all the euros I converted ? I did close that K Bank euro account after conversion to Baht as I had no use of it and threw the books away. But my money is now all back at Kbank as strangely they are the only bank offering 2% right now.
  13. first off, did Central group now own Western Union Thailand? Second, someone said, oh might be cheap to send money... First had to guess the limit as there was no indication how much was the limit only said... too mutt... they at 115 baht fee to the total and I was quoted 6247 euros When I go check the buy rate at K Bank for euros, even the most expensive I only got 238.xxx baht converted... On top in small lettres, claiming banks might charge on top of this... wow 11.000-12.000 baht cost to send 250k baht
  14. you might be surprised that they would ask your son to be there when you change the visa... the IO tried to deny mine because of that... that SP immigration has always been a bunch of asswipes since my divorce
  15. as always, some have found a solution in alternative methods, while acid reflux is food rotting or fermenting, because of lack of ACID to open the lower valve... and Md's are happy to prescribe pills against the acid, which cures the pain but not the root cause... the total opposite in many cases... lack of stomach acid... h. pylori... creates it's own ammonia, which is high in ph about 10... you need 1,2 or 3 of acidity to digest your foods... or it can give problems lower like SIBO or IBD or IBS... but most people everywhere are not ready to go read for themselves... and blindly follow any MD advice... each to their own
  16. what immigration office please ? my personal hell is SAMUT PRAKARN
  17. you live here long enough to know police are not interested in doing the job... I went to a police station to notify my ex stole hundred of thousands of baht... well we were still married at the time of theft, tried to get my money back, never did, divorce happened... and apparently, spouses can steal whatever, during marriage, ... never prosecuted for it anyway, even there is a law against... the only thing they could say was, instead of writing a report, was, you have to go to another police station 30km away, even the police station is a few km where I live... you got your visa, great... you do not have to show his birth certificate, id card and tabien baan ? if he would change his official address and tabien baan, will you be able to still apply for the parent of thai visa extension ? I was in the situation for many year, parent of thai visa, but not on retirement... if the child ghost you while it is time next year to go to immigration... did you not have to provide photos of him and you outside and inside your place to live, proof you paid school, etc... ???
  18. you must be a cold sociopath if you can just pretend your child never existed and leave not to be found, but hey, the forum is full of it....
  19. just my 2 satang years ago, I suddenly did not digest food anymore... something I ate during the day, I woke up with full stomach, not digested acid reflux at night so visit to the hospital got antacids .. several brands... proton pump inhibitors gastroscopy after 2nd visit a month later, as nothing was better thought my stomach was paralyzed... Gastroparesis is where food passes through the stomach slower than it should. It's a long-term condition that can be managed with diet changes, medicines and other treatments. sucky life if you get up middle of the night vomiting acid... with no medical solution as md said it was idiopathic, meaning, they are idiots and did not know, lol I researched natural ways... and instead of killing my stomach acid, to digest FOOD, I actually found a solution, that was 100% the opposite of Md's expensive useless advice... I did not have ENOUGH stomach acid... so I started to read and learn how to activate the stomach again... Those prilosec or other medications were never intended to be used more than a few weeks and I read some or on those for YEARS when you get of those, you get a rebound effect and your stomach starts to make massive amounts of stomach acid and most people go back on the medication which solves NOTHING... drinking baking soda before sleeping, I also tried that, but it makes your stomach more alkaline, not what you want, it relieves for a few hours... I also learned that if you are over 40, you do not need 3 meals and snacks... skip breakfast to start... I could not in the beginning as I got severe headaches when I did not eat my trash traditional breakfast... apple cider vinegar, 30 min, in a glas of water, before meals... did the trick after several weeks, also a bit of fasting, no snacking ... giving the stomach and intestines to digest the food instead of fermenting in the stomach, due to lack of acidity... but off course, you can go check at the hospital if it is not gallstones or worse... md's and hospitals are there to make money and see you back every few weeks, not to cure you... believe what you want...
  20. 50/50 split in my case that would be half of my life savings and 0 percent of the 2 houses I paid/was paying far split... right... you have till the court jester brings you the papers that the other party want to divorce you, to make it magically and legally disappear...
  21. for whatever reason, mods deleted my reply from yesterday or something went wrong while posting... western european country not here to give you all the private details , that should be good enough
  22. I read your story and sympathize with you as usual, most posters here are full of sxxx I understand the sxxx situation as I was in the same as you maybe worse, who knows... my ex left a month before my visa extension did not want to communicate if she / her lawyer started divorce procedure my dumb ass lawyer thought he would start divorce, went to court and found out ex started procedure... so that trip costed me 35.000 baht for nothing, out of stupidity of my lawyer not asking 2 papers, one to start divorce and one as defendant and I had 3 trips included to court... my ex left with no address, my visa ran out... samut prakarn did not want to convert my extension as I was officially still married ex planned this, so she thought I would leave, to not be on overstay, blabla I was not about to leave my child behind with this psycho, well, in fact she counted that our half time maid would take care of an 13 year old as ex wanted freedom and moved to unknown location... I thought in that time and applied for Elite as I was not near 50... then I saw so many stipulations in the elite, that even you paid, for whatever reason, for example bankrupts after divorce, losing the house for example and still have to pay for mortgage, would be a reason to cancel your paid elite... why pay 500k - 1 million for something that is supposed to cost 1900 B crazy 3rd world banana republic where you have no rights to stay with your kids after divorce... full custody is as good as impossible if you don't BUY your kids from your ex.. most judges will go for shared custody... so I red... I thought of full custody as my ex was nowhere interested or to be found in the child, but did not want to give up parental rights... nor did she want to help with my visa extension for taking care of the child, even this was agreed in COURT... no penalties for the thai party not respecting the agreement, and lawyers are happy to rip you a new one for writing a WRIT that cost 100k, asking court to force the unwilling party... crazy... so, I understand your situation more than most here posting bull without reading the original post... about custody and your visa... I got roasted by the IO why this time, my child was not here and I was asking for a retirement visa for the first time. Out of the blue that evil witch stated: I believe your child does not live with you, so no visa extension for you... while I was there for a retirement visa, with my 800k bank letter, passbook, court agreement to live in the house till child turns 20... Your child has to be there when you extend... if it is the time to go for the extension, better the child is with you and in your care... better not inform the child about this stipulation as it might report to the mom and make sure he does not show up...
  23. at work, so she says mine pretend to work late or late office meetings... you probably cannot leave TH anyway with your kid, as airport immigration will ask a letter from amphur signed by the mother and her telephone number... time to get real... if you cannot afford a 2nd condo, you also don't have a million for elite so, realistically... time to say goodbye to the kid...
  24. when I went to my w-europe embassy they were clear, if I managed to get my child out of TH and back to home country, I would stand trial in home country for... abduction of my child... so better inform you well menopause or just another psycho that played the long game divorce at amphur gives you ZERO rights, except FORCED to leave the country within 7 days after you informed immigration as always the comments are full of keyboard warriors... oh you should never have...blabla, very useful information, NOOOT
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