you cannot just stop cold turkey, or you might ending up killing yourself
these medication are worse than insomnia, well, I could death as worse anyway...
learn to DEAL with your problems instead of numbing your brain
some did the math and deporting a million illegals would cost many billions of dollar
just stop giving illegals any rights, shelter, money, food... and enforce the border
still farang cannot own 1 rai to build his home, by fear of increasing prices... loooooooooooool
moo baan house rent prices went up 50% in a few years and still climbing, mostly by greedy agents
maybe this is the new plan... let the chinese buy and pay for it, for a few years
then the government comes in and force them to sell at a loss
a bit like the long con game thai women do with farangs paying for everything, till divorce comes and lose everything, in most cases...
some youtube channel I follow, showed now (trump = hitler, blablabla) and during covid (brought to you by....) how MSM was all repeating WORD BY WORD the exact brain dead message from their deep state masters
you have to be dumb, deaf and blind to believe the MSM
old people need more protein, not less... but the stomach gets less acidic to digest it, so HCL is your friend, not the opposite, h2 pump inhibitors or gaviscum, when you want a fireman to come in your mouth, advertisement