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Everything posted by bignok

  1. You were a rich kid.
  2. Too busy winning in life.
  3. Why so?
  4. No, people who criticise the beliefs of others are negative. I don't see Michael Jordan doing it.
  5. There's a book on Luck I wish to read. Basically people who believe they are lucky are more lucky.
  6. I'm pretty sure no negative people are rich.
  7. Which means he is rich too. You started a topic about weird guys in pubs the other day which you called losers. Maybe you should copy this guy instead of hanging out in pubs. If you are in pubs hanging out with "losers" while this guy has a hot wife, money etc you should listen to him more and quit the pubs.
  8. The guys seems to be doing very well.
  9. https://www.elitedaily.com/money/reasons-superstitious-people-successful/696146
  10. Looks creepy.
  11. The guy is smashing it. Copy what he does.
  12. Ironic that people that aren't rich question the supersititions of people with more money.
  13. I doubt that. Look at your photo.
  14. Lots of highly successful sportsman and women are superstitous. They do things to create belief they will win.
  15. Sounds like his beliefs are working well. Positive thoughts and karma. The OP has negative thoughts and he wonders why it doesn't bring happiness.
  16. Are you rich?
  17. In the USA he could have been shot.
  18. Just calories. I hate that powdered milk. Have to drink coffee with real milk.
  19. The farang is primitive. Steals, lies, abuses people, gets drunk and harrasses women. Yet you defend him.
  20. He got kicked a few times. Hardly near death. He is a thief, a drunk and a moron. Got what he had coming.
  21. Lucky his ribs werent kicked in too. Looks like they only kicked him a couple of times.
  22. He started it. Stole whisky from a shop (under paying is theft), abused multiple people including women. You defend this scumbag? Unbelievable.
  23. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/sep/22/research-suggests-a-diet-rich-in-dairy-fat-may-lower-the-risk-of-heart-disease
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