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Everything posted by bignok

  1. Departue tax. Bump it up by 200 baht, nobody will notice. Dont even announce it. Just tell the airlines. Put visa exemption back to 45 days full time. More tourists more revenue. How hard can it be to have sensible policies?
  2. They dumped 45 ve. Should have kept it.
  3. 1 money 2 image 3 did i mention money?
  4. The last 7 years is not cherry picking. That's the most recent period! Cherry picking is talking about 1979.
  5. Not sad at all. Just facts. Last 2 years not that hot.
  6. My health is good. No idea where I will live in 2 years. I have 3 months of plans.
  7. Ok fair enough. Hard to plan 30 or 40 years ahead though. I plan 3 months ahead.
  8. Look at 2021 and 2022. Both cooler than 2020 and 2016. So the previous warming trend has stopped or at least slowed. Of course the doomsday people will spin it worse and start from 2010 instead to show a strong trend.
  9. Lobster and oysters then death? It's all just stuff. Happiness comes from detachment and lack of cravings.
  10. Western world lots of road rage, unhappy people. Cost of living plus covid I think.
  11. Finish line is death. Goals do not stop death.
  12. Been 20 years of warnings. Only a slight increase really. I have no doubt mankind adds to it but grossly exaggerated for money and politics. 2022 was only the 6th warmest year so really a rather sluggish or flat move on temps recently. If you had new highs each year sure it's "bad" but it's not. https://www.noaa.gov/news/2022-was-worlds-6th-warmest-year-on-record#:~:text=Below are highlights from NOAA's 2022 annual global climate report%3A&text=Earth's average land and ocean,in the 1880-2022 record. So no "runaway" panic stations warming.
  13. Millions of farangs in Thailand. One guy gets beat up = all Thais are bad. In depth thinking.
  14. What about the nights?
  15. How hard is it to pour a drink?
  16. Nobody has ever tried to punch me.
  17. So he got beat up for nothing by a shopkeeper? Is this your theory?
  18. How many read the link? Says he only wanted to pay 60 baht not 70 baht for beer then abused the woman. So he saved 10 baht and got bashed up. He must be stupid and desperate to act like this.
  19. Scamming naive people. Lots of similar scams where you "win" something.
  20. He got beat up trying to save 10 baht.
  21. With so many lovely ladies to talk to why talk to old guys that look the same as you?
  22. Not in Chiang Mai. Bangkok has terrible traffic so cheap prices not realistic. Cheap fixed price only works in light traffic.
  23. Pretty naive to think they sell phones for 68 baht.
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