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Everything posted by bignok

  1. Stick is keto
  2. Keto only restaurants? No. Just order bbq meat plus egg no rice. Simple.
  3. Buy bbq pork, chicken liver and quail eggs from the market. Put together you have a dish.
  4. A whole fish is a big meal for 1.
  5. Any street cart that sells bbq meat or market. Any restaurant that sells seafood.
  6. Only low carb veges are keto
  7. Bbq fish Bbq chicken Bbq pork Bacon Eggs Quail eggs Chicken liver Bugs Prawns Oysters Steak
  8. Visited the south. Strange place. Much prefer anywhere north of Phuket. Phattalung people were mostly friendly but what a strange town.
  9. Murder isn't freedom. These people aren't held in jails. They walk around eating halal food. They build mosques. If a separate country was formed it would be a small dud country. The attackers are mentally ill.
  10. For adventure. Regular people rarely go anywhere.
  11. How much is it to run?
  12. Those graphs show cooler in the last 6 years.
  13. Learn to read the data then. The headline is pure spin. If 2020 is only top 3 ie not hotter than 2016 then it hasn't warmed. These spin doctors survive on grants. They can't tell the truth ie it cooled a bit.
  14. Topic is about Thai temperatures. The world temps are given as one average too.
  15. https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/temperature Most recent data from Thailand. Also cooled lately.
  16. Old graph mostly from last century. Since 2016 the graph shows cooling.
  17. No current warming. Cooling since 2016 https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-says-2022-fifth-warmest-year-on-record-warming-trend-continues No warming since 2015.
  18. People have talked about this for 40 years. China is about money. They use force as a decoy.
  19. What is nonsense? People who picked fights in the 1970s in the west got hit. Fights outside bars were common. No security cameras and people were more "lets sort out this goose" type
  20. All old news. Heard it 1000 times.
  21. I used to wear certain coloured shirts if gambling. If a shirt was lucky Id keep wearing it. Worked more option than not. Just a mental attitude.
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