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Everything posted by bignok

  1. People on the internet are not cops or judges. Neither are you I would guess. Just passing time.
  2. Visa exempt for 10 years if you don't get eaten by sharks.
  3. Best advice and to the point.
  4. I'm 10/10 and eat curries. Space travel would have nice views but otherwise painful with toilets, food etc. I don't think Star Trek is accurate.
  5. I looked at a visa agent website. Says they help with bank accounts. So agents do this. Let you know next month or so.
  6. Maybe the election will help or hinder.
  7. The condo story is what they tell the bank. Doesnt have to be reality. You tell the bank you will do business with them in future.
  8. Phone them. Find a smaller firm perhaps.
  9. I asked a bank re joint ac with gf. They said you have to be married. I think an agent is the best option. So if you don't trust your gf if you have one find an agent. They can tell the bank you want to buy a condo etc and set up an account.
  10. I might try and let you know. Cheers.
  11. Most Thais don't read emails. Need to talk in person.
  12. The rich are crazy plus bored. No other planets are viable. Space travel hasnt gone far in 50 years.
  13. https://www.worlddata.info/asia/thailand/climate.php 44 years and almost no warming in Thailand. The smoke season is far bigger issue. High AQIs.
  14. Proof it with links and figures. Otherwise you are trolling.
  15. The big picture is money. Most people knew that a long time ago.
  16. No scientist would say that if credible. I don't know why he made that comment.
  17. I posted the facts and figures with links. Your post contains no figures or links which means you a trolling. Given you didn't know the UK warmed in 1730 and that Thailand has hardly warmed in 44 years I can only conclude you haven't researched the numbers. The world has also cooled since 2016.
  18. Maybe actually read the science. https://www.worlddata.info/asia/thailand/climate.php Thailand has warmed 0.1c degrees in 44 years.
  19. "The average annual temperature was about 27.6 °C in the years after 1979 and about 27.7 °C in the last years before 2022. So it has hardly changed at all in the past 44 years" https://www.worlddata.info/asia/thailand/climate.php From world data.
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