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Everything posted by Menken

  1. I see it as cynical as it is a money spinner. Buy a bunch of really crap scooters for 10,000 and barely maintain them. Rent them out for stupid amounts of money and hope that the tourists will crack up on the thing. Charge him $30,000 plus the rental fees. Winning!
  2. Yes, sorrry, whatever.. I don't think it does - it can simply expire. Why not? It's dead. Dead is dead. In fact, I've read many threads where unhappy teachers needing to leave the country have simply jumped on the plane and kill their visa. They then again return to Thailand and are able to take jobs. I will admit that I don't know the precise outcome of these situations. There might be immigration questions as to why the visa extension wasn't canceled but in the end s/he left legally and the visa extension has expired UbonJoe will know definitively And by the way when you do cancel the visa extension you need to leave within 24 hours.
  3. I would rate is as quite safe. Far safer than US,UK, EU cities. Having said that I prefer to live as close to the MRT BTS as possible. Both my wife and myself are thoroughly capable of walking a kilometer to and from but I worry about her because sometimes she's off work quite late when production runs long.
  4. Leave the country by plane the day before your visa expires and return. Your visa will expire on the same day as your contract so obtaining a letter of release should not be required. On another note just because your employer wants you somewhere doesn't mean you can or should or need to show up on the day. You are not required to do any work obviously until you have a signed contract. So, while I think it's entirely within the realm of expectations to ask you to start planning weeks before school starts you need a contract, work permit. This will be at least your second teaching waiver. You should be fine. If you have taught at other schools then you very well might need to be very concerned with the waiver I wouldn't trust the school to cancel your work permit. It's not as though they won't do it I'm sure they will it's when they will do it. This could very well conflict with your new employers plans. It's very possible this is a shonky school and they're just trying to Coral all day teachers prior to the school year because it's so dodgy that they really don't know who will be present until everyone is assembled. Not uncommon in schools with bad management and environment.
  5. *Some*, imagine at least a few uni contract girls. It's as much about the vibe and experience. I'd not been in Nana for a decade but did a walkthrough. All I saw were a few cadgy ladyboys and loads of mediocre women on phones completely disinterested in directing me inside to a bottle of 160-180b beer. Nana has jump the shark long, long ago. Bacara aside the same story is true on cowboy. I remember once being in a go-go bar I won't name which and thinking between the oldies, fatties and mutts that my wife at that time about 44 years old look better than 85 to 90% of the working women in the club. I've been married/ together 15 years. I think I've bfd a date about half dozen times in my life and 50% of that just so my regulars and myself could go day drinking on the beach. I don't like the area and the Nana BTS walk of shame would really bug me. It just screams I am a (sex) tourist, first time in Thailand, first year Thailand... at the very least. There are some old condos with reasonable prices close to the BTS which is certainly tempting if one is working. Omni has to be the View Talay of BKK ???? Soi 4 ok for a crawl but living there eeesh.. the street itself even smells foul and that's just not simply the gas coming up out of the sewers. Finally, one thing that would really bug the hell out of me is walking past the same shops and street vendors and forever being bugged to buy something or to take a massage. Despite living there for years you're just some falang face
  6. Not so sure there. I can't locate the Bangkok Post article but foreign funds were substantial. Most Thais broke, indebted. It's not so much the lump sum but the liquidity and fractional reserve practices (lending). My guess is the money plenty important and if some event triggered a truly massive exodus there would be serious problems especially given the state of economy and no signs of any plan or clue to sort out intrinsic and institutional problems
  7. With the loss of those watering holes goes all the tarts. The internet has changed the p4p scene forever. Vast majority of bar GIRLS are over 40 which as a one-off not necessarily a problem but a gaggle probably not a good draw. Cowboy suffers this as well.
  8. Highland Cafe (Pohan Yotin), Arijuana (Lat Phrao) Never tried either. I think the weed is fine even good in both but the typical ridiculous pricing applies 550 to 7-800
  9. Produce an image: Thai floating market circa 1930. Wide angle, busy with people and boats, bustling with activity. High definition, 4K, photo realistic, sepia, wide angle
  10. Well, doubt any of you have a budding career in Prompt Engineering but hey... have fun. My new career https://learnprompting.org/
  11. Refurb is *new*. They are sold with full warranties. I wouldn't buy anything on lazada. I wouldn't buy a phone on Shoppee. What's wrong with hustling down to your local it mall and picking up a phone for a few thousand baht brand new? Low end TCL or something. Even if your phone is under warranty is past 7 to 30 days whatever the manufacturer specifies it goes to the shop you just do not get a new phone. Imagine that's doubly true if it's refurbed. I would never buy anything but spanking brand new electronics as you have absolutely no idea what they've been through prior
  12. The tax structure in the United States and Thailand hugely and unfairly reward those at the very top. Here in Thailand I just read the other day that they were once again mucking about with land tax breaks. Wealthy Thai Chinese families have for generations sat on land paying a little or no tax. It's positively criminal It gives me pause to think where my wife would be without me trying to squirrel away assets for her. It's not as though she doesn't try to save and in fact is saving between 25 and 50% of her paycheck every month. This is still nowhere close to being enough. I'm sure she will share whatever I can leave her with her brother and sister. There's no getting around that. They will have nothing. Tax overhaul Corruption Wage hikes Wages cannot be lifted because it's the key to it's tourism and exports. Ties are already paid fairly well considering their low productivity. If they bump wages just because this will crash the economy
  13. The currency is not widely traded and very vulnerable to manipulation. What's insane is when the likes of Bank of Japan try to intercede in the market. That's just throwing billions down a rat hole.
  14. You asked the question incorrectly and therefore did not get the result that you wanted. Having said that it is very possible that you would ask a direct question as you can see in the image and find chat AI equally evasive. That is when you then employ tricks like *Liz Cheney's father* To open ai's credit it probably determine that the way that you ask the question was political and therefore responded accordingly = woke, memory hole, outright purposeful and deliberate untruths Nevertheless, the correct result is stated by openai LLM below.
  15. The manner and verbiage is critical in building prompts. There are also a number of tricks to get the LLM to be more precise.
  16. Giant propaganda? You mean like legacy media? The Information Industrial Complex linked directly to governments. Musk has been driving this issue doggedly lately and good on him
  17. I've had many similar experiences including mini lectures. I won't state them because they'll just get taken down and I'll be admonished for putting up this information despite the exact opposite being true
  18. Many public schools use agencies and therefore will have private insurance. Historically, many publics often drag their feet. Waiting for the teacher to sort taxid, opening bank account, probation period, register SSO... I personally completed a full year at a fairly well-known public school and never received proper insurance. I suspect this is fairly routine and don't believe much if anything would ever come of not having registered a foreign teacher first year. Foreigners in my opinion are probably better off with most private insurance carriers rather than the SSO. If you are a long haul expat and the SSO is better as you can keep it on your retirement and you won't get cancelled. *Just opinion
  19. Just get on the plane and go. Don't cross overland. No one will make a fuss they'll let you go. In my opinion it will be a long forgotten matter when you return many years from now to teach again
  20. To the OP worrying about Christians. I've been here 30 years and other than the anti (child) prostitution spy networks and fake NGOs set up in Cambodia what is your issue with Christians here in East Asia? Thirty years and I have no problem, especially in Thailand. I believe the world is at the peak of excess. We are now peak everything. People are taking stock of themselves and others, the pendulum will swing back People seeking guidance and solace in religion is not new. As long as people are not proselytizing why don't you take you own advice and back off. All religion is weird. It all requires huge acts of faith. You may not have it nor I but I've no problem in not only allowing but encouraging people to practice their faith. Often times I have seen people be repulsed by Christians praying for them or even buddhists. I am very happy to take anyone's prayers. If someone will actually pray for me whether I believe that will do a damn bit of good I think that person is a genuinely decent person. How you might think otherwise is beyond me
  21. What's hilarious and it truly is that all this hubbabalu, hand wringing and gnashing of teeth. Oh the humanity!!!! In US as well as dozens of other countries with functional Immigration services. There is no interest in checking hotels, length of stay, tickets out. It's absolute stupidity if nothing else this could all be managed through technology. This is the 21st century last time I checked. In my opinion they just need to let everybody in and then figure out how they're going to manage overstayers. In Indonesia overstay about us 50 a day. Set up a detention center. So weak, immigration. Barely a few M and can't manage, send reinforcements. Still can't manage.
  22. Whatever, about a dozen unsolved murders. I did state murderer. Very possible it's a few people. I would suggest inner circles I would also suggest that they probably know one another party to the mayhem Obviously by your posts you have an interest in the island. Bias
  23. Most use G Maps. Whenever directing anyone anywhere in the weeds - use an approximate landmark and then walk or guide the driver via your mapping app
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