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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. A man paying for sex, short time or long time is the very definition of sad. Why? Because he pays money to women for sex. That is indeed a problem, for men. It enables the female for money economy, the sadest and from the men's perspective, worst economy there is. It spills over into paying serial daters on websites for the mere privilege of attention, dating etc. The ideal state would be if men never paid a woman for sex. They would then give up lying to men, engaging in serial dating and basically fleecing men for money. However, too many men are desperate and willing to pay for sex, they ruin it for all men. It's sad. For men.
  2. A video of a beheaded Ukrainian soldier being displayed on a spike appears to show that Russian soldiers will show no mercy to Ukrainians on Russian territory. "The appalling footage has been reported as a war crime to the United Nations by the Kyiv authorities, and was seemingly made at a Russian border point in the Belgorod region. Ukrainian troops made a failed bid to break through the Kolotilovka checkpoint into Russia this week in an apparent effort to expand their invasion" Putin's forces have been claiming the successful defence of Kolotilovka against Ukrainian marines as a victory and have attempted to use it as a warning as they continue to try to repel Ukrainian troops. In a chilling video of the aftermath of the battle earlier this week, a Russian soldier brags on camera about their supposed triumph. The soldier - thought to be from the 155th Brigade of the Pacific Fleet - says the 'dead men' of his unit 'salute you, Khokhols' - a derogatory word used by Russians for Ukrainians. "'You have made an unforgivable mistake, stepping with your filthy pig hooves on our holy land,' he threatened. 'Today some of you have had your heads blown off by our pressure.' He went on with his sinister threat: 'It will be the same every time we meet. The dead have no pity. The dead men know no fear. The dead are coming for you, Khokhol.' Dmytro Lubinets, Ukraine's human rights commissioner, said he had contacted the UN and the Red Cross over the abominable footage filmed at the Kolotilovka checkpoint." Zelensky has personally responded to the video. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13752617/Russian-fighter-severed-head-Ukrainian-soldier-Zelensky-forces-blast-bridge-missiles-Putin.html
  3. That's a fair point gecko, I had not considered that. I stand corrected.
  4. I bought 5 domestic airline ticketsfor Thai ladies in the past, all with card. There was never an issue.
  5. Really, it's hard to believe you're a keen reader of stories, transam. That's very impressive, i never had you down for that.
  6. I have also noticed that women often run small businesses, and keep it all together with their hard work.
  7. As Britmantoo has correctly said, there are far more stupid and far more intelligent men, the extremes are more pronounced in men. As is willpower, a vital component to achievement. It is true that women are more cunning than men , quite often. I always laugh when I see young guys taking their Filipinas or Thai girls to expensive resorts. They think they're the first to show them that good life, whereas she has generally had 5 or so guys take her to even nicer resorts, he just doesn't know about it. In relationships men are considerably less cunning, less smart, for the simple reason that for women it is much easier to have a relationship. Every half way attractive woman is a Mick Jagger with no need of releasing records. It is also true there are lazy women and some stupid ones. As a rule a woman will make a big fuss when she does some work, but women are harder working because they crave social approval, men not so much. Or in Bob's case not at all. A few men are way smarter than the smartest women, and they have greater will power, but as a rule there is most likely relatively little difference in intelligence beween men and women. Even if we have the larger brains.
  8. It's a curious mix, the selfishness is on full display if you drive a car on the road, but in normal daily intercourse Thais are friendly and polite over and above the norm, much like Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. Vietnamese are totally different and known for being rude. But overall I would say Thais are way more helpful and friendly and polite than the average European and that is one of the many delights of living in Thailand. Having said that, in Europe too people would have helped a passed out woman. And yes, I too have been cheated in Thailand once, but that was an exception, certainnly most Thais are not cheats.
  9. No, Defense One, whom George Barros works for is an American news outlet for US military personnel. It's based in Washington. https://www.defenseone.com/about/?oref=d1-nav
  10. Military analyst George Barros: “To pull off this operation, they had to take some of their most experienced forces from the line in the Donbas, where the Russians already had an upper-hand, something that increases the likelihood of a more territorial gain by Russia there. There are also real questions about their ability to hold captured Kursk territory over the long term as leverage in future negotiations with Russia, given the lack of fortifications and trenches there.” The offensive could also provide an unexpected boost to Putin by giving him a new justification to increase the size of his forces, Alperovich said." https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2024/08/russia-pulling-some-troops-out-ukraine-fight-ukranians-russia/398884/?oref=d1-featured-river-top
  11. That's a fair point, it could have been a political play set in motion by the US. After all they gifted Tukey F16s just to buy their vote for the move.
  12. I wish I had known how much better Thailand is than any other country in the world, in the areas that count, 20 years ago, so I could have moved here then. The 20 years outside Thailand were good, but I feel in Thailand they would have been better.
  13. They do have to pay their own medical expenses, no insurance would cover this.
  14. Agreed, very interesting. Who would have thought that in Russia Putin can't launch nukes alone but has to get 2 people to agree, where as Biden could do it alone. “Russia has a robust nuclear capacity. They refurbish their warheads often,” says Amy Woolf, a US specialist in nuclear weapons policy. Schneider, too, is confident that Russia’s nukes are serviceable."
  15. Errrr, no, I was thinking through one of the possible outcomes that could take place.
  16. I would, except international relaions are not decided by popularity contests.
  17. I did not say that at all. I was merely expressing the view that should Russia drop a nuclear device on Ukraine, then the US would not risk retaliating and thereby become involved in a nuclear war with Russia.
  18. Which once again illustrates how useless treaties are between countries. Of course Russia did not know at that time that Ukraine would become a member of NATO. It would be a bit odd for Russia to adhere to a security guarantee for Ukraine, whilst Ukraine is becoming a member of NATO and putting Russia's security at risk, don't you think?
  19. But it doesn't have to be if Russia nukes Ukraine since Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Sorry to diappoint you.
  20. Vance is a far better orator than Harris though. She's not been blessed with a dulcet voice.
  21. The nuclear arsenals of both US and Russia have the ability to survive a wide range of counterforce attacks and carry out a second strike in response. Russia has too many missiles and submarines, the US could never destroy them in one strike. It's impossible.
  22. MAD is between USA and Russia. Not Ukraine and Russia. I think you're getting confused.
  23. I missed that, thanks for getting me up to speed. That's hilarious.
  24. Surely this is a case by case situation? I can believe Thai women are more liberal with Farang men, does that make them more intelligent? Probably not. The women are harder working though, like everywhere, not just Thailand.
  25. Russia is a minor economic power, true, however, it is still a major military power, Russia has the most confirmed nuclear weapons of any country, not to mention new fancy bombs. Already in the 1990s you read about this "end of history" stuff from Fukuyama, even then it seemed like a crock of xxxx to me. Yes, Russia has a smallish economy now and it could not invade Europe or occupy any counry long term. However, clearly people still fear Russia's military. Sadly not enoughto take into account Russia's core security interests. So Russia has to sacrifice its men and resources again to do so. I noticed that as well, it's understandable given the bipolar world we used to have. Due to sheer geographic size it is hard for Russians to compare their country to us mere Europeans I suspect.
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