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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Yes she did. Just read the article properly. She left her child at home and went to a bar where she proceeded to get drunk. She left a 1 year old toddler at home, to go a to a bar to get drunk. After leaving her husband and then having sex with his brother. I mean, words fail one.
  2. What I don't understand is how any man can support this raving feminist Kamala Harris. What, are you excited by "“reproductive justice”? You do understand who stands behind this Democrat puppet, Planned Parenthood abortion extremists and gun censorship whackos who have trouble understanding it's the human not the gun that kills? How can any man support this Kamala Harris, who stands for women, not men? There is only one candidate who stands for men in this election and that is Donald J. Trump.
  3. We watched to laugh at them. The whole event was cringe. From the obese Pink trotting out her years old terrible songs to Oprah screaming "Kamalllaaaa Harriis", Biden fumbling his words and finally Harris herself offering nothing but clichees and no substance. Not to mention the giant diaphragm dispensing abortion pills, all in very poor taste, just like Walz trying to milk his supposed football coach credentials. Transparent and amateurish. The Republican convention was a lot slicker.
  4. Sorry, that's a fantasy conclusion. It does not reflect the facts. The actions of the brother were not divorced from what the woman did. Her leaving her husband, getting drunk in the bar leaving her toddler, then having sex with the brother and living with both, all these acts were causative steps which led to this tragedy. The final act did not happen in a vaccuum. You can package it up this way so you can blame the brother only, but that's a fiction. In reality, the woman's acts had a causative character. Like I said, the brother too is to blame, but his actions did not happen out of the blue, there were causations, and the woman precipitated this tragedy with her prior actions.
  5. The woman precipitated this course of events. She left her husband. Then spent her night getting drunk in a bar, leaving her toddler without her mother. She then proceeded to have sex with the brother and shacked up with both. This was never going to end well. Because of a mother that was unfaithful, a cheater, and a drunk. Of course the brother is to blame too, but it was this woman who ruined these men's lives, and this child's life.
  6. Embarrassing performance, embarrassing society that let's her capitalise on being a buffoon. Another reason to never go to Australia.
  7. That woman left her husband, then left her child alone at home to get drunk in a bar and decided to have sex with the brother. This woman caused all the problems. The men's lives were ruined by her. As the child's life will be ruined by her. What a thoroughly horrible person she is.
  8. So she left her husband then left her child alone at home and got drunk in a bar. When the brother of the husband found her she then had sex with the brother and all three lived together. The mind boggles how such women can ruin men's lives.
  9. Oh I see. Poor Walz, he has to contend with that on top of listening to Kamala's voice every day. I really feel for him. Poor guy.
  10. He's married to Cheryl Hines, wow. She's great in Curb. Maybe Trump can get Larry David on board now?
  11. Me too. Walz's kid look weird though?
  12. On what basis are the Thais requiring this? Will this apply if you fly out to KL? You'd have to stay 2 nights?
  13. Harris is much worse. She's incompetent. Dishonest. A terrible leader. Four policemen can deceive her, how much easier will it be for diplomats, politicians or secret service people? The woman is gullible. She supports Gaza but is afraid to say so. She milks abortion for her own personal gain. She has no children, no family of her own, she does not understand the normal American family. On economics her understanding is zero. One of the worst candidates America has ever thrown at voters.
  14. What first steps? Harris hasn't done anything apart from empty waffle. How do you think students at Berkely who risked their own careers and freedom to protest at their university for the right thing, the ending of American support for Israel, will feel about Harris' pointless waffle on Palestine? Same old, just like Biden this new Brat will just support Israel. Harris is not a real choice. All she cares about is her own career. As her letting all her prosecutors fall on the stake so she can save her own skin after the Trulove debacle shows,
  15. Words are cheap. Palestinians don't need words. The students know this. So Palestinians get a few words, but not the right to speak at the DNC like the Israelis did? Looks like Harris' words have no meaning. Her speech made clear she will be no different from Biden and will support Israel at all costs. She is not "balanced" at all. She's another Israel supporter, like Biden and Trump. Well, not like Trump, because he genuinely believes Israel has to be supported, Harris thinks she needs to support Israel to get elected. Again, phony.
  16. I don't think she handled the Palestine problem "brilliantly" at the DNC. It was poor form to let Israelis speak on the platform but not to allow a single student or Palestinian to even speak for one minute. She could have insisted a Palestinian American speak at the DNC, but of course we know why she did not. Like Biden, and Trump she will support Israel at all costs. Like Fidel Castro said, you get two candidates but one choice. Students not inclined to vote for Biden, will have no reason to vote for Harris, if they feel strongly on this issue.
  17. I wouldn't go that far. Hilary was the devil. Harris is just very bad.
  18. I also saw some black voters who did not like Kamala Harris in an interview. Of course Harris' record as a prosecutor, when she put innocent black men behind bars, should deter a fair number of black voters.
  19. I already answered this earl, I am not happy with the Republican support of the murder of 15000 children. But then, it's not as if Harris provides a choice on this, she is adopting the same policy as Trump, support Israel at all costs.
  20. Well, of course, but it just further boosts Kamala's phony aura, and she already appears massivly insincere every time she opens her mouth. The fact is students were hoping she would stand for Gaza, based on her previous actions. But she chose not to. Instead she adopts the same policy as Trump, support Israel at all cost. All the students who turned away from Biden due to this issue, have no reason to vote for Harris either.
  21. Harris is well known for her support for Gaza before she became a candidate. She is hiding this now, because she knows it would hurt her chances to become president. I saw interviews with US students who were not happy with the lack of empathy shown for the Palesstinian cause at the DNC. And they will get nothing from Harris, because she knows she cannot give it if she wants to win. So these students may well not vote for Harris. They may not vote for either. To me Trump's stand on Israel is his biggest mistake, but then no candidate is perfect in this race and he is by far a better option than Harris, even with this error.
  22. Well, it's a shame Michelle Obama did not feel enough of a Democrat allegiance to save this race for them, she was by far the best speaker at the DNC. She actually made Walz and Harris look bad. Biden didn't need her for that of course, electric....eh..electoral...lol But yes, circumstances forced the Democrats to pick Harris, you're right. It is indeed a surprise how well the Democrat media machine has built Harris up. But then they made sure to keep Harris away from the press and she made sure to read the lines given to her. Maybe her listening to her handlers better is the Democrat's best chance, as Trump can be his own worst enemy. But as candidates go Harris is a pretty terrible option. But yes, a close election and either can win. I really do feel Harris' numbers will come down closer to November, though. And even now in the swing states Trump and Harris are tied.
  23. And also the Democrat media bigging up Harris and the "brat" nonsense will all become tiresome, much like Pink's performance at the DNC, which was quite embarassing.
  24. Trump is a rabid Israel supporter and married his daughter into that mess, as we know. But you forget one thing, young students at Yale or Colombia who feel passionately about America supporting the killing of 15000 children turned away from Biden, and they will turn away from Kamala if she does not openly stand by her pro Gaza sentiments, which she is now hiding for her own personal gain in order to become president. It's pretty despicable. At least Trump honestly believes he should support Israel. However, Kamala Harris' heart belongs to Gaza but she is hypocritcally pretending she supports Israel just to get elected. Phony to the core. And the students can see through this, and may just decide not to vote for Harris because she's as bad for Gaza as Biden was.
  25. I actually agree, had they chosen Michelle Obama or one of the real Democrat stars Trump would have had it much harder. In time, closer to the election, when Harris finally has to face the media and open her phony mouth, when her abysmal prosecutorial record comes under proper scrutiny and the new candidate bonus wears off, Harris' numbers will fall from the current highs. It's still a close election, but Trump can win it against Harris.
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